BLM means WHAT ????

Box Ox

Well-Known Member

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
I cheer on BLM getting a taste of their own medicine.
Glad she was on the receiving end of what she partakes in. I hope all people who support BLM get their shops burned and their families hurt resisting.
At least you’re honest in your support of anarchy and lawlessness. @Box Ox likes to pretend he’s moderate while enjoying the destruction of this woman’s business.

El Correcto

god is dead
At least you’re honest in your support of anarchy and lawlessness. @Box Ox likes to pretend he’s moderate while enjoying the destruction of this woman’s business.
If the commies want to cause anarchy where I live I fully support that. Please come out here to do violence and burn down my home or vandalize my car.
I’ll concave your head with .300 blk from inside the comfort of my home.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
@Box Ox likes to pretend he’s moderate while enjoying the destruction of this woman’s business.

Because you’re not a moderate if you’re not sad that a woman who is a part of an organized business-destroying riot group had her own business destroyed by it.

I just told some true moderates nearby about it and they’re in tears. Guess you’re right.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Because you’re not a moderate if you’re not sad that a woman who is a part of an organized business-destroying riot group had her own business destroyed by it.

I just told some true moderates nearby about it and they’re in tears. Guess you’re right.
Peaceful protests aren’t riots. You want to lump them together because that supports your narrative. You actively push that narrative and take joy in the destruction of a woman’s business. It’s sick.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Peaceful protests aren’t riots. You want to lump them together because that supports your narrative.

I don’t lump rioters and protesters together. You and the media lump them together and pretend most of the rioters don’t exist. And when they do exist they’re just part of some fringe group that has nothing to do with the “peace lovers.” It’s nonsense and you know it.


Well-Known Member
Peaceful protests aren’t riots. You want to lump them together because that supports your narrative. You actively push that narrative and take joy in the destruction of a woman’s business. It’s sick.
For argument sake, I will stipulate the protests are non-violent, at the moment these non-violent protesters supply the vehicle for violent anarchists to embed, why not disband?
Exactly why have further protests when you are fully aware of the final result?

The answer is the "un-violent" protesters are knowing facilitators or useful idiots. No other option, supply it if there is one.


Staff member
I don’t lump rioters and protesters together. You and the media lump them together and pretend most of the rioters don’t exist. And when they do exist they’re just part of some fringe group that has nothing to do with the “peace lovers.” It’s nonsense and you know it.
So which are there more of? Rioters or protesters?