BLM means WHAT ????


Inordinately Right
Left wing rioters literally murdered a protester in Portland. Still some leftists refuse to condemn rioting and pretend it doesn't put real protesters at risk.



Inordinately Right
Kamala Harris urging people to pay the bail for violent rioters arrested for breaking the law....

This is the neomarxist Democrat party....



Well-Known Member
There are more good cops. Bad cops put good cops at risk.
Rioters do not put protesters at risk and yet we see how bad cops treat both.
Simple enough for you?

Although we all know that there are some bad cops, we all know that there are some bad people in every race. Holding generalizations accountable isnt only impractical, its is the outright rejection of a law based society. My mother was robbed at gun point by a young black male. He stuck a gun in her face and robbed the store she was working at for $35. The store ended up closing down because it was doing so poorly anyways (small bus. owner trying to get it off the ground, never happened). Do I hold all black ppl accountable for that? No. The store owner that hired my mother, was a black man working another job full time to try and pay for his business to get running. But at the same time, am I (or is anyone really) shocked that it was a young black male? I seriously doubt it. When she first told me, my reaction was to get the fellas together and go commit some felonies upon his family members. Then I realized that, by simply letting the cards play out as they are, he will end up in prison anyways and I will be free. And what do you know, he's sitting in prison still, and Im free.

These are the kinds of decisions every person has to make. Being an irrational reactionary only ends in people being stripped of their rights. Its difficult especially when its a loved one. But these ppl rioting dont even know the ppl they are rioting for. They are merely narcissists looking to exploit any reason they can to extract wealth. No different than their narcissist slave masters in the democrapic party.


Well-Known Member
You don't play that game with me. I know the answer, that's precisely why I asked the question. You thought you were cute with your response, answer the question.
How would a bad cop put a good cop at risk?
Why don't you just respond to the answer any reasonable person would give. Wait I'll just give a response to that hypothetical back and forth.



Well-Known Member
Why don't you just respond to the answer any reasonable person would give. Wait I'll just give a response to that hypothetical back and forth.

You're mixed up, I asked the question, no answer was given for me to respond to. I said I had the answer, I still do.

I'm waiting for the response you offered above. Don't give me a link, impress me with your own brilliance, in your own words.

I don't think you're up to the task and the answer is quite simple.


Well-Known Member
You're mixed up, I asked the question, no answer was given for me to respond to. I said I had the answer, I still do.

I'm waiting for the response you offered above. Don't give me a link, impress me with your own brilliance, in your own words.

I don't think you're up to the task and the answer is quite simple.
Okay, you win. I give up.