Brown Cafe Cruise!!!


Well-Known Member
I do like cruisecritic. There is a lot of info on there.

I always participate in the Roll Call. Sometimes there is just a meet and greet on the first day of the cruise and maybe one mid-week. Other times we have also shared shore excursions to get a better rate (like cave tubing in Belize), T-shirts for the roll call group, met for cocktails if someone has a particularily large balcony. A lot of people come in the day before the cruise and we meet for dinner or breakfast before the cruise.

Steve - t-shirts are a great idea. We can pay you for them on the cruise.

Dilli - adjoining balconies in also a great idea. In between a balcony and a suite is Cat. 9A. They are aft cabins with wrap around balconies. The cabins are in the very back on the upper decks.

Pkgdriver - you're coming along I hope.

Scratch was talking about bringing alcohol on board and I've seen some group cruises get champagne in every room.


respect my authority
I do like cruise critic. There is a lot of info on there.

I always participate in the Roll Call. Sometimes there is just a meet and greet on the first day of the cruise and maybe one mid-week. Other times we have also shared shore excursions to get a better rate (like cave tubing in Belize), T-shirts for the roll call group, met for cocktails if someone has a particularly large balcony. A lot of people come in the day before the cruise and we meet for dinner or breakfast before the cruise.

Steve - t-shirts are a great idea. We can pay you for them on the cruise.

Dilli - adjoining balconies in also a great idea. In between a balcony and a suite is Cat. 9A. They are aft cabins with wrap around balconies. The cabins are in the very back on the upper decks.

Pkgdriver - you're coming along I hope.

Scratch was talking about bringing alcohol on board and I've seen some group cruises get champagne in every room.

If we drink enough we can keep anonymity

no carrying blue dots on a stick to cover our faces for we will have blurred vision


golden ticket member
If you drink enough, you won't notice whether you have a balcony or not.

When it comes to rooms (cabins) go the don't spend any time there anyway except for sleep & shower and save your money for excursions and mementos.

Don't schedule yourselves into exhaustion.......remember to relax !!


MsPac, We are really interested in the cave tubing but one of our friends is extremely claustrophobic (hence the cabin w/ balcony). How big are the caves? How many? etc?


Well-Known Member
MsPac, We are really interested in the cave tubing but one of our friends is extremely claustrophobic (hence the cabin w/ balcony). How big are the caves? How many? etc?

The caves are huge but the claustrophobia would really depend on the water level. The higher the water the smaller it would feel. I think there are 11 caves total but you only go thru 4-7 depending on the time. We went when the water was low and were scraping butt and walking quite a bit so we only went thru four. In April the water may be high?

There are beautiful beaches in Belize also. Here is the link to the on cruisecritic.
I just spent an hour and 1/2 surfing the cruise into some videos posted by a guy named Eric. Very well shot & edited vids.

My wife is really wanting a balcony room, but I'm trying to talk her down one step. LOL...that'll leave more $$ for other the casinoooooo.

I paid for my second cruise from time spent in the casino.


We always keep a change jar, I never use change for anything. It always goes in the jar. You'd be surprised how quickly change accumulates. We also just started a cash can. Any extra cash goes in it for the cruise.

When we went to Mi 2 yrs ago I changed in $1100.00. It paid for all the gas and motel rooms (2 nights). We had been saving the change for about 3 yrs. Now we will have saved for about 2 yrs for the cruise and will probably have an extra $700/800.


Well-Known Member
We always keep a change jar, I never use change for anything. It always goes in the jar. You'd be surprised how quickly change accumulates. We also just started a cash can. Any extra cash goes in it for the cruise.

When we went to Mi 2 yrs ago I changed in $1100.00. It paid for all the gas and motel rooms (2 nights). We had been saving the change for about 3 yrs. Now we will have saved for about 2 yrs for the cruise and will probably have an extra $700/800.

I do that as well. I usually cash in every 6 months. Get about $200.
I've done the change jar thing for years, I call it my charity jar. Every few months I get it converted to foldin' money and find someone that a hundred or so will make a difference in their current situation. When I can I remain anonymous, I don't want anyone beholden to me in anyway nor do I want any accolades.


Re: Brown Café Cruise!!!

I've done the change jar thing for years, I call it my charity jar. Every few months I get it converted to foldin' money and find someone that a hundred or so will make a difference in their current situation. When I can I remain anonymous, I don't want anyone beholden to me in anyway nor do I want any accolades.

Amen to that, brother. Here's an idea. How's about we take a collection, here at the café. We could use the change we accumulate in 3 months time and donate it to a charity we all find suitable. I know this will take a poll, but I'm sure we could come up with a list of places that could use our spare cash, and boil it down to one. I think that would be a collective boost for all of us, and the best part is, we can do it anonymously. Just a thought, as I sit here eating breakfast.
Re: Brown Café Cruise!!!

Amen to that, brother. Here's an idea. How's about we take a collection, here at the café. We could use the change we accumulate in 3 months time and donate it to a charity we all find suitable. I know this will take a poll, but I'm sure we could come up with a list of places that could use our spare cash, and boil it down to one. I think that would be a collective boost for all of us, and the best part is, we can do it anonymously. Just a thought, as I sit here eating breakfast.
That's not a bad idea as such, but I would rather do this on my own. It is kind of a personal thing, I was even reluctant to share that info. I like the idea of being able to do something for those that fall through the cracks of the organized charities.

Example: A few years ago I was on a message board that was mainly local to the town I live in. There was a young woman with a couple of kids that her ingrate of a husband just up and left her and the kids with just her part time job to sustain them. She was in trouble. She had good plans for helping herself but it was going to take a few weeks to get it all in line. Another poster on that board knew her IRL, so I contacted him and gave him my jar $ to pass on to her with the stipulation that she was to never know who sent it. She never mentioned the money on the message board but did allude to a blessing to her that helped make a difference till she got things straightened out. This in turn was a blessing to me.


Re: Brown Café Cruise!!!

That's not a bad idea as such, but I would rather do this on my own. It is kind of a personal thing, I was even reluctant to share that info. I like the idea of being able to do something for those that fall through the cracks of the organized charities.

Example: A few years ago I was on a message board that was mainly local to the town I live in. There was a young woman with a couple of kids that her ingrate of a husband just up and left her and the kids with just her part time job to sustain them. She was in trouble. She had good plans for helping herself but it was going to take a few weeks to get it all in line. Another poster on that board knew her IRL, so I contacted him and gave him my jar $ to pass on to her with the stipulation that she was to never know who sent it. She never mentioned the money on the message board but did allude to a blessing to her that helped make a difference till she got things straightened out. This in turn was a blessing to me.
That's pretty cool Trpl. :its_all_good:


I must confess, most of my charity stays at home. I just sent my youngest son a couple hundred. He had his hrs cut back at work. Over the last 2 yrs or so I've given him probably a grand. My oldest son is doing well on his own and my middle son is a no-good lazy ass that expects everything to be handed to him on a silver platter. My hubbys 2 kids are doing well on their own and daddy takes real good care of them as well. (not trying to be facetious). In fact he bought my motorcycle for his son and gave his daughter the same amount of money. She needed it.


Re: Brown Café Cruise!!!

That's not a bad idea as such, but I would rather do this on my own. It is kind of a personal thing, I was even reluctant to share that info. I like the idea of being able to do something for those that fall through the cracks of the organized charities.

Example: A few years ago I was on a message board that was mainly local to the town I live in. There was a young woman with a couple of kids that her ingrate of a husband just up and left her and the kids with just her part time job to sustain them. She was in trouble. She had good plans for helping herself but it was going to take a few weeks to get it all in line. Another poster on that board knew her IRL, so I contacted him and gave him my jar $ to pass on to her with the stipulation that she was to never know who sent it. She never mentioned the money on the message board but did allude to a blessing to her that helped make a difference till she got things straightened out. This in turn was a blessing to me.

That was great, 555! What I was talking about, was aside from what we do around our towns. I'm not wealthy, by any means, but have donated my time for a worthwhile cause. I'm thinking of something more along the lines of paying it forward. Still, this is just a thought, but isn't this a free website. I mean, I don't pay anything to use this website, yet I get so much out of it.

I'd like to do something to show my appreciation. I know Cheryl wouldn't ask for anything, but maybe we could save up some money in our jars, and donate it to a responsible charity, through this website. Again, this is just a thought, as I have just finished my breakfast and prepare to walk out the door to go to physical therapy.


I must confess, most of my charity stays at home. I just sent my youngest son a couple hundred. He had his hrs cut back at work. Over the last 2 yrs or so I've given him probably a grand. My oldest son is doing well on his own and my middle son is a no-good lazy ass that expects everything to be handed to him on a silver platter. My hubbys 2 kids are doing well on their own and daddy takes real good care of them as well. (not trying to be facetious). In fact he bought my motorcycle for his son and gave his daughter the same amount of money. She needed it.

Same here, I'm just talking about that change in the jar. No worries, this was just me thinking out loud.


Same here, I'm just talking about that change in the jar. No worries, this was just me thinking out loud.
I know that silly boy! Actually I was kind of feeling a little embarrassed. We make good money and there are many that don't. Your idea is very good. And since I refuse to give to that corporate thingy :wink2:, then doing something else would work. I like Trpl's idea better though. I think I would rather keep it here in my own area. I try to shop local businesses for the same reason.


Well-Known Member
I used to keep my change in a coffee mug on my kitchen counter but my son would go through and take all of the silver so I now have an empty 5 gallon bottled water jug that I throw my change in and keep in my closet. We have a Coinstar in our local grocery store which is where I go to turn my change in to dollars. The only problem is the 9% surcharge but the local banks won't provide this service anymore and I don't have the time or patience to roll my own change so 9% it is.

Tex has it right--charity is best when it comes from the heart and is not done in exchange for publicity or for any reason other than the pure intent of helping those who may be less fortunate than ourselves. I can recall a debate in an earlier thread regarding the "Leadership Givers" banner that some centers put up to honor those who give $750 or more to the United Way. There was also debate as to whether taking advantage of the tax deductions for charitable donations takes away from the spirit of the gift.

I save my deposit soda/beer bottles and combine those with the ones left in the recycling bin at the condo complex where I live and I will then put these out by the street as we have several regular "bottle boys" that go up and down our street(s) looking for empties.


I know that silly boy! Actually I was kind of feeling a little embarrassed. We make good money and there are many that don't. Your idea is very good. And since I refuse to give to that corporate thingy :wink2:, then doing something else would work. I like Trpl's idea better though. I think I would rather keep it here in my own area. I try to shop local businesses for the same reason.

That's not a bad idea as such, but I would rather do this on my own. It is kind of a personal thing, I was even reluctant to share that info. I like the idea of being able to do something for those that fall through the cracks of the organized charities.

Example: A few years ago I was on a message board that was mainly local to the town I live in. There was a young woman with a couple of kids that her ingrate of a husband just up and left her and the kids with just her part time job to sustain them. She was in trouble. She had good plans for helping herself but it was going to take a few weeks to get it all in line. Another poster on that board knew her IRL, so I contacted him and gave him my jar $ to pass on to her with the stipulation that she was to never know who sent it. She never mentioned the money on the message board but did allude to a blessing to her that helped make a difference till she got things straightened out. This in turn was a blessing to me.

I used to keep my change in a coffee mug on my kitchen counter but my son would go through and take all of the silver so I now have an empty 5 gallon bottled water jug that I throw my change in and keep in my closet. We have a Coinstar in our local grocery store which is where I go to turn my change in to dollars. The only problem is the 9% surcharge but the local banks won't provide this service anymore and I don't have the time or patience to roll my own change so 9% it is.

Tex has it right--charity is best when it comes from the heart and is not done in exchange for publicity or for any reason other than the pure intent of helping those who may be less fortunate than ourselves. I can recall a debate in an earlier thread regarding the "Leadership Givers" banner that some centers put up to honor those who give $750 or more to the United Way. There was also debate as to whether taking advantage of the tax deductions for charitable donations takes away from the spirit of the gift.

I save my deposit soda/beer bottles and combine those with the ones left in the recycling bin at the condo complex where I live and I will then put these out by the street as we have several regular "bottle boys" that go up and down our street(s) looking for empties.

Point Taken!:peaceful:


Retired 23 years
The only problem is the 9% surcharge but the local banks won't provide this service anymore and I don't have the time or patience to roll my own change so 9% it is.

Are you saying your bank won't count your change anymore? Is that a policy for all the banks in your area? It only takes them 10 seconds to dump your container into the change machine so I don't see where the hassle is. :angry: How about joining a Credit Union. They are usually easier to deal with.


respect my authority
Are you saying your bank won't count your change anymore? Is that a policy for all the banks in your area? It only takes them 10 seconds to dump your container into the change machine so I don't see where the hassle is. :angry: How about joining a Credit Union. They are usually easier to deal with.

My local supermarket has a machine dump in change and it counts it for you:greedy: