troll denial ?
you must have lived through a different berlin wall then what I did. from wiki-leaks:
Between 1945 and 1988, around 4 million East Germans migrated to the West. 3.454 million of them left between 1945 and the construction of the
Berlin Wall in 1961. The great majority simply walked across the border or, after 1952, exited through West Berlin.
After the border was fortified and the Berlin Wall was constructed, the number of illegal border crossings fell drastically. The numbers fell further as the border defenses were improved over the subsequent decades. In 1961, 8,507 people fled across the border, most of them through West Berlin. The construction of the Berlin Wall that year reduced the number of escapees by 75% to around 2,300 per annum for the rest of the decade. The Wall changed Berlin from being one of the easiest places to cross the border, from the East, to being one of the most difficult.
[1] The number of escapees fell further to 868 per annum during the 1970s and to only 334 per annum between 1980 and 1988