Build That Wall!!


Just a turd
No, they were antagonizing 16-year-old kids hoping to get a reaction. Personally, I thought the kids showed a lot of restraint. The media reported these kids as racists when they were the ones being called out. Maybe I missed the video where they acted out. The video I posted is the one I watched.

They are high school kids. When I was in high school I was an idiot, I probably still am.
Glad to see you admit it


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
The funny thing is, a few religious nutcases yelled at them, and somehow you think that makes it ok for them to mock a native American....

It's a pretty bizarre situation altogether, I'll give you that. Maybe they're just all frustrated they're in DC with nothing to do because Diaper Donnie shut down all the museums.

I Failed the Covington Catholic Test

Next time there’s a viral story, I’ll wait for more facts to emerge. The Atlantic

Like many people who spend too much time on Twitter, I watched with indignation Saturday morning as stories began appearing about a confrontation near the Lincoln Memorial between students from Covington Catholic High School and American Indians from the Indigenous Peoples March. The story felt personal to me; I live a few miles from the high school, and my son attends a nearby all-boys Catholic high school. I texted him right away, ready with a lesson on what the students had done wrong.

“They were menacing a man much older than them,” I told him, “and chanting ‘Build the wall!’ And this smirking kid blocked his path and wouldn’t let him leave.” The short video, the subject of at least two-thirds of my Twitter feed on Saturday, made me cringe, and the smirking kid, in particular, got to me: His smugness, radiating from under that red MAGA hat, was everything I wanted my teenagers not to be.


Inordinately Right
I Failed the Covington Catholic Test

Next time there’s a viral story, I’ll wait for more facts to emerge. The Atlantic

Like many people who spend too much time on Twitter, I watched with indignation Saturday morning as stories began appearing about a confrontation near the Lincoln Memorial between students from Covington Catholic High School and American Indians from the Indigenous Peoples March. The story felt personal to me; I live a few miles from the high school, and my son attends a nearby all-boys Catholic high school. I texted him right away, ready with a lesson on what the students had done wrong.

“They were menacing a man much older than them,” I told him, “and chanting ‘Build the wall!’ And this smirking kid blocked his path and wouldn’t let him leave.” The short video, the subject of at least two-thirds of my Twitter feed on Saturday, made me cringe, and the smirking kid, in particular, got to me: His smugness, radiating from under that red MAGA hat, was everything I wanted my teenagers not to be.

They were mocking a native American, it's right there in the video. Not sure why people feel the need to make excuses for them, but carry on.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
I Failed the Covington Catholic Test

Next time there’s a viral story, I’ll wait for more facts to emerge. The Atlantic

Like many people who spend too much time on Twitter, I watched with indignation Saturday morning as stories began appearing about a confrontation near the Lincoln Memorial between students from Covington Catholic High School and American Indians from the Indigenous Peoples March. The story felt personal to me; I live a few miles from the high school, and my son attends a nearby all-boys Catholic high school. I texted him right away, ready with a lesson on what the students had done wrong.

“They were menacing a man much older than them,” I told him, “and chanting ‘Build the wall!’ And this smirking kid blocked his path and wouldn’t let him leave.” The short video, the subject of at least two-thirds of my Twitter feed on Saturday, made me cringe, and the smirking kid, in particular, got to me: His smugness, radiating from under that red MAGA hat, was everything I wanted my teenagers not to be.

But they were wearing MAGA hats ... obviously racists!


Staff member
are you referring to the black Israelite group chanting go back to Europe to the white catholic kids?

an extension of your point on racism is why do people who claim to be sensitive to racism ignore racist actions by their own group.
Was Nat Turner a racist? Fredrick Douglas?


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
They were mocking a native American, it's right there in the video. Not sure why people feel the need to make excuses for them, but carry on.

From the article:

As I watched the longer videos, I began to see the smirking kid in a different light. It seemed to me that a wave of emotions rolled over his face as Phillips approached him: confusion, fear, resolve. He finally, I thought, settled on an expression designed to mimic respect while signaling to his friends that he had this under control. Observing it, I wondered what different reaction I could have reasonably hoped a high-school junior to have in such an unfamiliar and bewildering situation. I came up empty.


Inordinately Right
From the article:

As I watched the longer videos, I began to see the smirking kid in a different light. It seemed to me that a wave of emotions rolled over his face as Phillips approached him: confusion, fear, resolve. He finally, I thought, settled on an expression designed to mimic respect while signaling to his friends that he had this under control. Observing it, I wondered what different reaction I could have reasonably hoped a high-school junior to have in such an unfamiliar and bewildering situation. I came up empty.
So you think it's ok that a bunch of kids mocked a native American. Okay, carry on.


Well-Known Member
From the article:

As I watched the longer videos, I began to see the smirking kid in a different light. It seemed to me that a wave of emotions rolled over his face as Phillips approached him: confusion, fear, resolve. He finally, I thought, settled on an expression designed to mimic respect while signaling to his friends that he had this under control. Observing it, I wondered what different reaction I could have reasonably hoped a high-school junior to have in such an unfamiliar and bewildering situation. I came up empty.
I know seeing an old frail man singing and beating a drum instills fear in me. :rofl:


Bad Moon Risen'
thought so . you're so emotional with jealousy .

That's fake news.

Real life.


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
A new video shows a different side of the encounter between a Native American elder and teens in MAGA hats

(CNN) A video that shows white high school students in Make America Great Again hats and shirts mocking a Native American elder shocked the country, leading to widespread denunciations of the teens' behavior.

It was a moment in a bigger story that is still unfolding.
A new video that surfaced Sunday shows what happened before and after the encounter Friday in front of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington.



Well-Known Member
A new video shows a different side of the encounter between a Native American elder and teens in MAGA hats

(CNN) A video that shows white high school students in Make America Great Again hats and shirts mocking a Native American elder shocked the country, leading to widespread denunciations of the teens' behavior.

It was a moment in a bigger story that is still unfolding.
A new video that surfaced Sunday shows what happened before and after the encounter Friday in front of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington.

All that shows is they were afraid of the big black Hebrew Israelites and instead of confronting them they decided to intimidate Mr. Phillips.


Well-Known Member
Was Nat Turner a racist? Fredrick Douglas?
Those black isralites who harrassed those high school kids are.

That NA who created a confrontation with high school kids and then tried to claim he was harrassed by them is. He didn't confront the blacks there he went for the white guys.