Build That Wall!!


Well-Known Member
just in case you're overloading on all that masculinity @Turdferguson



Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
I watched it too. Five dudes who are obvious nuts jobs, exercising their free speech rights, and they are supposed to be intimidating the 100 or so guys waiting on a bus?
Maybe the problem is that mob mentality sets in with a bunch of privileged kids who who are too immature.
But make sure you make excuses for their boorish behavior .

No, they were antagonizing 16-year-old kids hoping to get a reaction. Personally, I thought the kids showed a lot of restraint. The media reported these kids as racists when they were the ones being called out. Maybe I missed the video where they acted out. The video I posted is the one I watched.

They are high school kids. When I was in high school I was an idiot, I probably still am.


Inordinately Right
No, they were antagonizing 16-year-old kids hoping to get a reaction. Personally, I thought the kids showed a lot of restraint. The media reported these kids as racists when they were the ones being called out. Maybe I missed the video where they acted out. The video I posted is the one I watched.

They are high school kids. When I was in high school I was an idiot, I probably still am.
The funny thing is, a few religious nutcases yelled at them, and somehow you think that makes it ok for them to mock a native American....

It's a pretty bizarre situation altogether, I'll give you that. Maybe they're just all frustrated they're in DC with nothing to do because Diaper Donnie shut down all the museums.


Well-Known Member
When are racist remarks ok?

are you referring to the black Israelite group chanting go back to Europe to the white catholic kids?

an extension of your point on racism is why do people who claim to be sensitive to racism ignore racist actions by their own group.


Man of Great Wisdom
The funny thing is, a few religious nutcases yelled at them, and somehow you think that makes it ok for them to mock a native American....

It's a pretty bizarre situation altogether, I'll give you that. Maybe they're just all frustrated they're in DC with nothing to do because Diaper Donnie shut down all the museums.
Looked to me like several groups of people that need to go find something productive to do.