So here is an update yesterday the same supervisor comes up to the trailer that I am loading and starts throwing packages in. There are already 3 of us in a trailer stacking and loading. I jump out of the trailer to let him know that isn't his job. He positions his face really close to mine, and yells "GET BACK INTO THE TRAILER", he then jerks foward sticking his chest out and yells "I'M INTRUCTING YOU TO GET BACK INTO THE TRAILER" and then again he jerks forward and sticks his chesst out and yells,""
YOU! GET BACK INTO THE FU*KING THE TRAILER! FU*KING S*IT..". I had to move back each time to aviod contact, he was trying to bump chests with me. I got back into the trailer and the other 2 in the trailer said they saw everything. I really felt like he wanted to hit or fight me. I tell the full time sup with a witness that I what has happened. Today I am called into the office for a meeting with the manager and they say they are going to retrain him and that he invaded my space, then they add that they have been noticing me loading slower lately and let me know that they are going to terminate me if they see me purposely slowing down the sort. (Retaliation crap)
What the the hell???? I have not been loading/sorting slower. If I had wouldn't they have written me up by now.
I went to the union they have filed a grievance including the "
" comment and now this invasion of space/threat incident under article 37. The union said that they don't recommend that I call the 1-800 number coz the company is judge and jury. But I now have heard from a pt sup that he has actually yelled at another pt sup in the same way coz he didn't get the employees he wanted when radioed for help. Should I call the 1-800?
I do not feel safe around this guy, the union said not to get a restraing order coz I will be the one locked out of work. I feel like I am just waiting to get hit by this guy.
I've already been moved closer to this guy when I complained about the the
comment, now I feel like they going to have me carrying his clipboard or some crap if I tell them in the greiv meeting that I want to be seperated.
I want this crap to end now! I'm 55 years old, I'm to old for this immature crap. I'm in NY, I hope they send his ass back to NJ.
My BA said that even though I have a clean record, they are going to try to turn this whole incident onto me.
I have a meeting soon for the grievance ,any advice when I am up there with the labor manager?