Called ":censored:" by supervisor!


New Member
Calling someone a ":censored2:", violates UPS's non-hostile work environment policy. It also falls under Labor Laws, such as harassment. I don't allow anybody to talk to me in any hostile manner, because that's not what I go to work for. I go to work to do my job and get the hell out of there! Don't allow anybody to speak to you like that! It's wrong in more ways than one, and if you allow it, it's just going to get worse and make you very uncomfortable during time there.

I would take all the actions available to you, in order to have this supervisor punished in as many possible ways that are available! DO NOT TOLERATE THIS CRAP!!!


Retired 23 years

do a pee wee herman on him


Well-Known Member
That's one whacked out supervisor it sounds like. As people at my hub would call that "Power control" aka..I'm a supervisor bow down! lol. They all think their god that's for sure. I wouldn't take that personally though. It sure can be frustrating on the other hand. Our supervisors which is now at an unbelievable 40 of them just on preload shift. They get paid to do 'nothing'. Just stand there on the line, and stare at you. It's like damn I know I'm sexy, but just get in line like everyone else. LOL. Sorry got to have some sense of humor especially in this line of work. =P.

Call that 1-800 number!!! =D


Well-Known Member
40 supervisors on the preload? How many employees on that shift? Our preload has 20-25 people with 2 supervisors, one who actually supervises while the other spends the whole shift texting.


Well-Known Member
Let's see...there are approx. 60-62 loaders (yeah just loaders lol) and then roughly 12-15 people in the sort isle, and something like 20-30 people in the unload, where they double up on each trailer. We have 9 load lines of 6-7 people. And then you put in the E-train drivers there's another 5. How many drivers? A lot. I load the 413-414-415-416. But out in the 'orange belt' which is way out in the middle of nowhere that's door numbers 807 up to 815. But you're out in the rain, and cold and not even in the building. which sucks. beyond belief!

But a lot of changes lately, our 'safety guy, after 9 years of service, just gets up and walks out. Our preload manager is one pyscho idiot. But you make the best of it lol. Security well that's another topic and I won't veer off. To be continued.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
No one should call anyone a :censored2: in a work environment. Kinda like a sup called one of my fellow drivers uneducated, and you get paid alot of money for being uneducated. Coming from a guy who gets paid ...what for what he does..................Challenge a guy who has more education than he, but decided to stay a driver. And being a stand up guy he didnt come back with that. I would have. I have more education than most of them. And besides, it just goes to show what an over educated idiot is capable of. Lets promote em, what else can we do with them, they cant drive....................then we will replace them with a pt OMS. .