Car and Bike Talk


Retired 23 years
Indian charges way too much for the name. OK bikes but probably only worth half as much as they want for one.

One of the old classic Indians is a different story.
New motorcycles in general cost way too much and are insanely costly to maintain. I about crapped my pants when I bought my Ultra new and the first time I took it in for its scheduled oil change and the bill was for like 300 bucks.


Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
This is what the ride is all about. Hunting down that elusive, aluminum-encased, caffeinated nectar from the dot you hand picked on a map. Cool humidity rolls through air as you bring the spout to your lips and you take in that aroma of highway vapors and third world-originated brew. When you reach the bottom, your standing break is over. One last swig before the helmet comes back on and you throw a leg over and get back to life in the most open yet seemingly impenetrable sanctuary you can find between two wheels.



Retired 23 years
This is what the ride is all about. Hunting down that elusive, aluminum-encased, caffeinated nectar from the dot you hand picked on a map. Cool humidity rolls through air as you bring the spout to your lips and you take in that aroma of highway vapors and third world-originated brew. When you reach the bottom, your standing break is over. One last swig before the helmet comes back on and you throw a leg over and get back to life in the most open yet seemingly impenetrable sanctuary you can find between two wheels.

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I don't like coffee to begin with but out of a can sounds even worse.


Amatuer Malthusian
I did drink 6 consecutive cups of coffee in Blye, OR once. I was beyond caring at that point because I was suffering hypothermia. It was in the low 40s when we left Alturas in the morning.