Some may have learned that you can catch covid more than once when they previously believed that if you had covid once you were immune from any future instance for life. Sometimes, finding out what misinformation people base their ideas on can allow them to change if they aren't just willfully ignorant when they learn the facts. Most on here though have so much misinformation that they believe without checking that admitting one fact is wrong would make them mentally unstable if they admitted being wrong about even one thing..
Did you ever notice how the nonvaccinated and anti vaxers here on this site not one of them have ever stated just exactly what measures they plan to take if they should contract COVID or Delta and their symptoms are life threatening?
Then again they really don't need to disclose what they'll do. We all know that they'll just go to the hospital and expect that very same medical science they distrust and disdain to save their lives. Well, maybe they can or they'll simply give you shot of Morphine and move onto the next person and see if there's anything they can do for them.
That's the grim reality of COVID and it's variants. The symptoms can become so chronic and so egregious that they become fatal.
Why would those who believe that the current vaccines are ineffective would want to believe that current treatment options for those who are infected would be effective when it comes to saving their lives. If nothing can be done to prevent a person from contracting the infection then why would anyone believe that anything can be done to help a person after they've contracted it?