Covid Vaccinations


Well-Known Member
I was born before 1965 and my kids will receive 4-5 times each what my 'greatest generation' parents left me. Your generalizations are proof of your ignorance
It's your grandparents generation most likely that was considered "the greatest generation." Living through the Great Depression, fighting WWII and the Korean War, building a foundation for future generations to prosper.


Well-Known Member
Neither had anything to do with 'boomer' which was the point you entirely gloss over and try to find some other fault. Can't you folow a discussion and make a point relevant to the topic being discussed?

And the gold standard WAS dropped in 1933

Did you read your own link? Said Nixon took the dollar completely off the gold standard in 1971. I wasn't looking to find fault, just informing you. You are a sensitive soul.


Well-Known Member
cant believe there are over 2k posts in this. No one is going to change anything in this S*hole discussion
Some may have learned that you can catch covid more than once when they previously believed that if you had covid once you were immune from any future instance for life. Sometimes, finding out what misinformation people base their ideas on can allow them to change if they aren't just willfully ignorant when they learn the facts. Most on here though have so much misinformation that they believe without checking that admitting one fact is wrong would make them mentally unstable if they admitted being wrong about even one thing..


Well-Known Member
Did you read your own link? Said Nixon took the dollar completely off the gold standard in 1971. I wasn't looking to find fault, just informing you. You are a sensitive soul.
Taking the dollar off gold conversion as the last remnant is different from ending the gold standard. Just admit you were wrong and stop.

And either way you want to believe, it STILL had nothing to do with boomers, no matter how much hate you might have for them. Again, you missed the point. Typical.

Wht are you insisting on deflecting from the point being made???? Do you not like the point that I proved- that boomers had NOTHING to do with the gold standard- so need to change to something that makes you feel more powerful somehow???? Something is clearly wrong with you.


Well-Known Member
Influenza is rarely deadly, and doctors do wear masks when treating people with influenza. And unless symptomatic, influenza is NOT easily transmittable by air. Covid is more transmittable AND more deadly. Only about 35-45k people die from influenza annually, while have had 700k dead from covid in about 18 months. Influenza is not commonly a deadly disease while covid is.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Have heard and read repeatedly get vaccinated and you're protected. Must be a bummer to find out that's not so. The difference between natural immunity and being vaccinated? Natural immunity protects against most elements of a virus. The major vaccines focused on the "spike protein." When the virus ran up against this it mutated to get around it. Thus the Delta variant. Until they come up with a vaccine that gives as much protection as natural immunity you're going to see new variants pop up as the virus mutates. Calling someone stupid because you haven't done the research doesn't make the vaccines any more effective. Good luck!
This is incorrect. The delta variant is not a mutation that gets around the vaccines. If you get the vaccine you are protected from death.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King


Well-Known Member
This is incorrect. The delta variant is not a mutation that gets around the vaccines. If you get the vaccine you are protected from death.
Hate to break it to you but that is exactly what the Delta variant is doing. A fairly hefty percentage of recent cases and deaths were from fully vaccinated people.


Well-Known Member
When the numbers get large enough extremely low probability events happen. That’s like the stupid argument about not wearing seatbelts because in extremely rare events they can cause a fatality.
It's not extremely low probability. The vaccines don't seem to last beyond 6 months and booster shots are on the way.


Well-Known Member
Influenza is rarely deadly, and doctors do wear masks when treating people with influenza. And unless symptomatic, influenza is NOT easily transmittable by air. Covid is more transmittable AND more deadly. Only about 35-45k people die from influenza annually, while have had 700k dead from covid in about 18 months. Influenza is not commonly a deadly disease while covid is.
It not a pissing contest. The flu transmits through the air and tens of thousands die from it most years. You asked, I told. And by the way the flu has been around a lot longer, people take a shot for it, and it kills a lot more kids than covid. Covid will eventually run its course and probably become like flu an annual thing we'll get shots for.


Well-Known Member
Hate to break it to you but that is exactly what the Delta variant is doing. A fairly hefty percentage of recent cases and deaths were from fully vaccinated people.
Wrong. There are more breakthrough cases with Delta but the vast majority of hospitalizations and deaths are unvaccinated people.


Well-Known Member
Two different viruses so that is comparing apples to oranges. Secondly I've never had the measles because I was vaccinated as a child.🙃
I've had the measles and shouldn't get them again. Viruses act in predictable ways unless of course they're bioengineered in a bioweapons lab.


Well-Known Member
Wrong. There are more breakthrough cases with Delta but the vast majority of hospitalizations and deaths are unvaccinated people.
I never said that they're all vaccinated who are dying. But a fairly hefty percentage of both cases and deaths are happening to the vaccinated and that number will go up as the vaccines wear off.