Covid Vaccinations


Well-Known Member
Are you saying there is not natural immunity that your body creates. And yeah I be willing to take the chances of death at. 001%. Compared to the shot that is running at a. 5% chance of death. Smh.
No one told you not to take your chances including the prospect of permanent lung damage and paralysis . Take a closer look the long term and permanent health effects .

I received both doses of the Pfizer vaccine. If I'm called in for a booster I'll be there promptly and here's why....
if I am among the very small number of "break through" cases I will seek care BUT I will do so knowing that I tried to do something on my own. Something in behalf of my own well being which is well in keeping with what is expected of a consenting adult with the maturity of an adult. Once there I will be at peace with the outcome.

I will not be among the countless thousands who as consenting adults chose to ignore sincere warnings based on corroborated medical science and did not get vaccinated who after getting infected go to the hospital . They won't be crying out to Jesus to come save them. Oh no, they'll be crying out to some mere mortal expecting him to perform miracles.


Well-Known Member
The left wing nut jobs on here will only say it fake news
At least people were smart enough not to support Huckabee's presidential candidacy . When talking about a certain poll that he claims was conducted by CNN. he said "if they reported it". If CNN didn't release the findings of this poll then how could he have known what it's findings were? Christopher Rufo tweets regarding the racial policies of American Express while admitting that he's nothing more than a cardholder but said nothing regarding whether or not he cancelled his card over the policies of American Express.

When Christopher Rufo earns a seat on the board of American Express what he has to say might matter but until then he's just one among millions of American Express cardholders.


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