Look for a $200 surcharge on your health insurance if you aren't vaccinated. The unvaccinated are at greater risk of hospitalization and cost a lot more. As the number of unvaccinated gors down, expect the surcharge to go up. There is no reason the vaccinated should be paying for the cost of the vaccinated. Refuse the vaccine if you want, you are free to do so, but be ready to pay the costs. And for those who don't think there are costs to remaining unvaccinated, the surcharges have already startd. And private companies can mandate that unvaccinated workers have to pay for their own testing, at a facility they choose. There is no right of continues employment ANYWHERE there is no union with a bargaining agreement in effect. Private companies can make employess do a jig or sit in a closet for an hour per day if they want.
Private employers can require whatever vaccination they want. And because it is now legal for them to require vaccinations, if you refuse, you are effectively quitting. You will not be eligible for federal UI benefits, even if some states may allow benefits. But then expect the federal government to withdraw any federal unemployment support for states that don't match federal rules.