Covid Vaccinations


Well-Known Member
Instead of 3000 per day dying, we now have 1500 a day dying, and about 50% of the population is fully vaccinated. You are saying that is just a coincidence.
Not saying that at all. That's the rate per million cases of people who actually have the virus.


Well-Known Member
I am one of those not afraid of the vaccine and thinks that the antivaxxers are idiots who like tin-foil on their heads. I think people who face higher risk by choice SHOULD pay higher insurance rates, just like in car insurance.
Then go after smokers. After people who eat fast food and carry an extra 50 lbs. Pot smokers. Pretty much anyone who indulges in risky behavior. Which is most people.


Well-Known Member
That's far're making a lot of sh** up as you go just to justify your :censored2:ed up point of view.

You don't need a driver's license...just ask all the off the street people FedEx busses in to the Memphis hub from Jackson, MS every night if they have a FedEx pays for your CDL, uniforms, PPE, etc.

And yes, if, and that's a big if, FedEx mandates vaccines or weekly tests, they'll be required to pay for them.
That is news- no driver's license now needed to drive for fedex.
New flash for you. The vast majority of people who catch Covid do not go to the hospital. Are you one of those liberals that believe that if you have the Fauchi Ouchie that you are going to live and that if you don't you are going to end up on a vent and/or die? I bet you will be surprised when you find out the truth.
The vast majority of children never died from measles, but now vaccines are mandated.


Well-Known Member
Then go after smokers. After people who eat fast food and carry an extra 50 lbs. Pot smokers. Pretty much anyone who indulges in risky behavior. Which is most people.
I agree. Go after smokers- make them pay higher rates. Stop them from smoking where the smoke affects others. I haven't seen evidence that pot smokers cost more in health care, but if so, make them pay. And make the unvaccinated pay.


Your Hero
It seems to be democrats who authored and passed the ACA and who is trying to get everyone vaccinated. But if people refuse to do something simple and end up costing all taxpayers more when hospitalized by their choice, they should pay, just like smokers should pay more for life insurance, and people who continually drive over the speed limits should pay more for autoinsurance.
There's a little known statute in the Obama Care Law you fascists rammed through that's going to throw a monkey wrench in these so-called mandates you claim are going to be implemented...something about it's now against the law to discriminate against people with a pre-existing medical conditions. That would include the unvaccinated.

You fascists keep shooting yourselves in the foot...


Polishing toilet bowls since 1966.
It seems to be democrats who authored and passed the ACA and who is trying to get everyone vaccinated. But if people refuse to do something simple and end up costing all taxpayers more when hospitalized by their choice, they should pay, just like smokers should pay more for life insurance, and people who continually drive over the speed limits should pay more for autoinsurance.
Completely agree. So when we find out that the shot is causing people life, or short term problems and causing more people into the hospital. Then we should triple charge them and stop seeing them because of their poor decisions?


Well-Known Member
Not saying that at all. That's the rate per million cases of people who actually have the virus.
For the first few couple months, treatment the virus was less effective as they learned what worked. After that, the death rate lowered and and the current number of deaths seems to indicate that the vaccine works pretty well. The TOTAL number of deaths per week IS about 1/2 what it was, with 1/2 the population vaccinated. That seems to indicate similar death rates, or pretty close from either variant. With not every case reported, comparing overall death rate is really better than just deaths among the infected. With test much more available now, and even mandated, you can't compare those nimbers that you cite with any clue about how many of the infected are counted. In a large population, overall death rate is a great indicator of how deadly something is.And among the unvaccinated, it appears that covid is just as deadly now.
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Well-Known Member
There's a little known statute in the Obama Care Law you fascists rammed through that's going to throw a monkey wrench in these so-called mandates you claim are going to be implemented...something about it's now against the law to discriminate against people with a pre-existing medical conditions. That would include the unvaccinated.

You fascists keep shooting yourselves in the foot...
Being unvaccinated is not considered a medical condition. Any more than wearing a hat is a medical condition.And yes- the ACA may prevent you from any surcharge IF you are covered by an exchange plan, but if you are covered by an employer plan, the insurer can increase your premium up to a total of 9% of your income, and if the employer is paying part of the premium, they may need to pay more if they have a lot of unvaccinated employees. There is every incentive for employers to mandate employees get vaccinated, including customer confidence that the customer can use the business with much lower risk of catching a potentially deadly disease.


Well-Known Member
Completely agree. So when we find out that the shot is causing people life, or short term problems and causing more people into the hospital. Then we should triple charge them and stop seeing them because of their poor decisions?
Except that only a teeny percent of a teeny percent of a teeny percent have any adverse reaction to the vaccine after billions of doses worldwide. Meanwhile, nearly 700k in the US alone have died from the virus. And I had a short term problem- my shoulder was sore for about 36 hours where I had a needle go through the muscle tissue. Cost to society of my sore shoulder- $0


Polishing toilet bowls since 1966.
You just made a great argument for booster shots. Many vaccines require booster shot. Tetanus is one example that most people may remember getting if you have ever gotten a cut requiring medical attention. First thing you may be asked is when your last tetanus shot was.
You act like you know this shot wasn't any good. And are trying to reason with yourself that it is good. Yet you know it isn't.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
You act like you know this shot wasn't any good. And are trying to reason with yourself that it is good. Yet you know it isn't.
Poll just came out that shows 60% of Americans think mandate for vaccine is not only unconstitutional but a majority say governors should fight it and that it sets a bad precedent. So much for protecting the vaccinated! Stick it Joe!!

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
Thanks Fred for the response.

I wasn't considering those as a part of the pension plan(s). Some if not all of those have the existing qualifier of a minimum of 20 years service.

My point is, (and I have heard it already heard it from uninformed) that pension benefits (obligations) are voided upon termination of employment by firing, simply is not true.
And if you get fired, you void many of your retirement benefits.

Make an informed decision.
NP, I said Retirement Benefits, and you saw Pension Plan.

They’re not always interchangeable. 👍

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
Look for a $200 surcharge on your health insurance if you aren't vaccinated. The unvaccinated are at greater risk of hospitalization and cost a lot more. As the number of unvaccinated gors down, expect the surcharge to go up. There is no reason the vaccinated should be paying for the cost of the vaccinated. Refuse the vaccine if you want, you are free to do so, but be ready to pay the costs. And for those who don't think there are costs to remaining unvaccinated, the surcharges have already startd. And private companies can mandate that unvaccinated workers have to pay for their own testing, at a facility they choose. There is no right of continues employment ANYWHERE there is no union with a bargaining agreement in effect. Private companies can make employess do a jig or sit in a closet for an hour per day if they want.

Private employers can require whatever vaccination they want. And because it is now legal for them to require vaccinations, if you refuse, you are effectively quitting. You will not be eligible for federal UI benefits, even if some states may allow benefits. But then expect the federal government to withdraw any federal unemployment support for states that don't match federal rules.
You gave up on socialism real quick!

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
It seems to be democrats who authored and passed the ACA and who is trying to get everyone vaccinated. But if people refuse to do something simple and end up costing all taxpayers more when hospitalized by their choice, they should pay, just like smokers should pay more for life insurance, and people who continually drive over the speed limits should pay more for autoinsurance.
Are you of the belief/delusion that the United States of America is an autocracy?


Inordinately Right
Look for a $200 surcharge on your health insurance if you aren't vaccinated. The unvaccinated are at greater risk of hospitalization and cost a lot more. As the number of unvaccinated gors down, expect the surcharge to go up. There is no reason the vaccinated should be paying for the cost of the vaccinated. Refuse the vaccine if you want, you are free to do so, but be ready to pay the costs. And for those who don't think there are costs to remaining unvaccinated, the surcharges have already startd. And private companies can mandate that unvaccinated workers have to pay for their own testing, at a facility they choose. There is no right of continues employment ANYWHERE there is no union with a bargaining agreement in effect. Private companies can make employess do a jig or sit in a closet for an hour per day if they want.

Private employers can require whatever vaccination they want. And because it is now legal for them to require vaccinations, if you refuse, you are effectively quitting. You will not be eligible for federal UI benefits, even if some states may allow benefits. But then expect the federal government to withdraw any federal unemployment support for states that don't match federal rules.


Inordinately Right
It seems to be democrats who authored and passed the ACA and who is trying to get everyone vaccinated. But if people refuse to do something simple and end up costing all taxpayers more when hospitalized by their choice, they should pay, just like smokers should pay more for life insurance, and people who continually drive over the speed limits should pay more for autoinsurance.
And fat people should pay more for health issuance?


Polishing toilet bowls since 1966.
For the first few couple months, treatment the virus was less effective as they learned what worked. After that, the death rate lowered and and the current number of deaths seems to indicate that the vaccine works pretty well. The TOTAL number of deaths per week IS about 1/2 what it was, with 1/2 the population vaccinated. That seems to indicate similar death rates, or pretty close from either variant. With not every case reported, comparing overall death rate is really better than just deaths among the infected. With test much more available now, and even mandated, you can't compare those nimbers that you cite with any clue about how many of the infected are counted. In a large population, overall death rate is a great indicator of how deadly something is.And among the unvaccinated, it appears that covid is just as deadly now.
You do understand that viruses only live long by becoming less lethal. Right?