Covid Vaccinations


Well-Known Member
Actually I believe you may not be a math major as you are incorrectly using the decimal system. .35 in Decimal correlates to 35%. The figure of.003 is 1/3 of a percent. When you have 21,600,000 people that Florida has, then the 58,000 deaths is actually less then .00269 of our population. As I am writing this, it has been reported that Florida now has lowest amount of covid cases in the country . I guess we can have our freedom and stay healthy at the same time
It's low now but one of the highest during the summer surge.


Well-Known Member
No you cuckservatives are cherry picking. Overall Florida is one of the worst in terms of total cases, case and death rates. Ttku.....
Keep in mind also that Florida is the third largest state in population and gets the 2nd most tourists so there are people coming into the state all the time.


Well-Known Member
You mean conservatives! How dare y’all let them people make their own choices! The government knows what’s best for you! Trust in the government. Ron desantis 2024


Well-Known Member
You mean conservatives! How dare y’all let them people make their own choices! The government knows what’s best for you! Trust in the government. Ron desantis 2024


Inordinately Right
Third largest state in population. Guess who had higher? California and Texas, #1 and #2 in population. This isn't rocket science. But Florida is one of the lowest now. Can California claim that?
Not to mention covid mostly only kills the elderly, and California has one of the youngest populations and Florida has one of the oldest.

All of California's fascist draconian lockdowns and mandates, and their numbers are still comparable to a free state with a much older population. Pathetic.