Covid Vaccinations


Well-Known Member
That is rich.

As a mere infant, feeding on His mothers breast He could have spoken his creation into oblivion. And started over again.

One of us is mistaken and it isn't me.
So you've got a fetish for lactating women. First honest and insightful comment you've made in quite awhile.


Well-Known Member
It's the 21st century and we're not even using Therapeutics.

Every positive test should go home with vitamins and Therapeutics.

Instead, they get told to go home and wait until the problem is too big to solve, then go to the hospital.

It's a joke.
The best therapeutics are the vaccines. Get them before you get infected and you won't have to worry about going to the hospital and ending up in the ICU. Ttku......


Well-Known Member
Spelling corrections are the last refuge of the lost argument.
Trying to speak authoritatively about complex subjects such as medical science and medical ethics without having earned a single college credit in that specific discipline is an argument lost before it even began made even more so by trying to fall back on old religious texts which in turn serves to more greatly discredit them.


Well-Known Member
Shaking in our boots!

My brother is an Aeronautical Engineer who served on the design team for the Bunker Buster used in Desert Storm against Saddam Hussein. And I love my brother, but he can't repair anything until he has engineered a solution. A 15 minute repair takes him days, if not weeks, to blueprint the repair.

Point being, native intelligence can, and does, outdo education quite often. Your requirement of an education as a prerequisite for a valid viewpoint is, well, ignorant.
Got yourself in a bit of a jam. So what do you do? You run and get your big brother to stick up for you. You're a big boy now. You can take care of yourself.


Well-Known Member
The best therapeutics are the vaccines. Get them before you get infected and you won't have to worry about going to the hospital and ending up in the ICU. Ttku......
I don't have to worry about that anyway.

And a therapeutic is valuable even for a vaccinated person. We're simply told that a useful, universal therapeutic doesn't exist. Which is total nonsense.


Well-Known Member
So you've got a fetish for lactating women. First honest and insightful comment you've made in quite awhile.
You focused on the breast, I merely noted a point in time at which her child could have spoken creation out of existence and started over.


Well-Known Member
You focused on the breast, I merely noted a point in time at which her child could have spoken creation out of existence and started over.
Tell me something. What is the basis of your religious ideology? What denomination and specific bible version do you embrace? Then again there's hundreds of different versions each one designed to support a specific point of view and legitimize a specific lifestyle.


Well-Known Member
They do exist. They are the vaccines.
And yet you would still contend that there is no useful therapeutic to give to a vaccinated person.

And that's absurd.

100 years of wonderdrug development, and the medical establishment wants me to believe that nothing helps.

It doesn't even pass the smell test.


Well-Known Member
Also, is that what you told to the first 500k alleged deaths? That we simply don't have any drugs that work?

It's nonsense. Of course something works. And the only problem is that the two best contenders are safe, cheap, and have been used for decades. They are of no risk, and there is no profit in making them. That's the problem.


Inordinately Right
I'm sorry, is this still a thread about disgusting fascist Democrats wanting to force people to take medicines they like?

Really.... These people are evil garbage.


Active Member
Also, is that what you told to the first 500k alleged deaths? That we simply don't have any drugs that work?

It's nonsense. Of course something works. And the only problem is that the two best contenders are safe, cheap, and have been used for decades. They are of no risk, and there is no profit in making them. That's the problem.
Are you saying that money operates business interest?

Thank goodness FedEx understood that with giving their employees the raise they deserved.


Well-Known Member
Are you saying that money operates business interest?

Thank goodness FedEx understood that with giving their employees the raise they deserved.
Liberals used to be so good at understanding corporatism and how the establishment and regulators are bought and sold by the big businesses.

That's what Big Pharma and the CDC/FDA is. And yet liberals forgot how to understand this, only on this issue.

There is no money in a basic, out-of-patent therapeutic that works. In fact, the manufacturers of Ivermectin and HCQ are the ones saying it doesn't work. That's because they dont' want to use the cheap, old drug. They need the money of new business.