Active Member
For everyone that understands where america is headed. This guy will speak to you on every level.
I am a sinner, Jesus Christ came to die on a cross, be buried and rise from the dead for me specifically, and you specifically, and eyeryone else that receives or denies His Grace.Tell me something. What is the basis of your religious ideology? What denomination and specific bible version do you embrace? Then again there's hundreds of different versions each one designed to support a specific point of view and legitimize a specific lifestyle.
An illustration of what @Fred's Myth was trying to relate about his brother and baling wire and duct tape.Hahaha! What does car insurance and Madison Avenue had to do with this?
Very well put.I am a sinner, Jesus Christ came to die on a cross, be buried and rise from the dead for me specifically, and you specifically, and eyeryone else that receives or denies His Grace.
To those that receive His sinless life, death, burial and resurrection it is imputed to them as though it was them, they are placed in Christ, His body.
To those that choose not to receive His finished work, judgment day is the ultimate reckoning and reward.
The other questions you ask are meant to divert attention from Jesus and argue.
I offered a declaratory statement, it will stand alone.
He is magnified.
Unfortunately Covid is not simple but people like you are.This might be super simple, but..... Are vaccines not supposed to make you immune from the disease?
Why did you say covid? I was asking about vaccines? Are you having trouble reading?Unfortunately Covid is not simple but people like you are.
Like I said people like you are simple.Why did you say covid? I was asking about vaccines? Are you having trouble reading?
Like I said people like you are simple.
Vaccines can be prophylactic (to prevent or ameliorate the effects of a future infection by a natural or "wild" pathogen), or THERAPEUTIC (to fight a disease that has already occurred, such as cancer).[2][3][4][5]![]()
Vaccine - Wikipedia
What is he like?Like I said people like you are simple.
Vaccines can be prophylactic (to prevent or ameliorate the effects of a future infection by a natural or "wild" pathogen), or THERAPEUTIC (to fight a disease that has already occurred, such as cancer).[2][3][4][5]![]()
Vaccine - Wikipedia
Unfortunately for you that dog has more integrity than you.What is he like?
The guy has been here since May 6 of 2021 with 43 posts.
In this short time period and limited posts you are qualified to hit him with a People like you assessment?
I've stepped in piles of View attachment 347438that I have more respect for than People Like You,
God is a concept. You need it to live your life. That’s on youScience is mass opinion, Jesus is faith that god allowed his son to die for our sins.
See you think you just take vitamins..but it worsens and worsens. Then you can barely breath. Then you can’t drive.. probably has a car.
Do you ever tire of looking ridiculous?
Human nature. We all have bias. Some way more than others on here.Thank you for your honesty my marxist friend.
News flash. You didn’t get new variant Delta. But who cares u got vitamins. Me young me strong. Buddy played Linebacker at FSU. Hospital for 2 weeks collapsed twice just going to the bathroom. Plasma saved his lifeI've already gotten it. I got 2 weeks of pay and video games to have a 2 day headache and no sniffles. I'd love to get it again.
WHACK WEBSITE ALERT !!!You are the one not using your brain. So I would assume you don't have much education...
Leading Israeli Health Official: Vaccinated Account For 95% of Severe and 85-90% of New Covid Hospitalizations; Vaccine Effectiveness is "Really Fading" (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Julian Conradson
“Trust the science” This week
Problem is the same people who are saying "follow the science" also claim men can get pregnant and that there's thousands of different genders. In other words, they are total lying frauds.
Guess we find out when we both die.That is rich.
As a mere infant, feeding on His mothers breast He could have spoken his creation into oblivion. And started over again.
One of us is mistaken and it isn't me.
Wasting your life in a fantasy world..seems foolishWe will all have to meet our maker in the end sir. Mocking him only will make you the fool.
See I read it as Blah blah blah and blah blahJesus is God cloaked in the skin of a man for the precise reason to legally die in our place to pay for our sins.
God literally took the form of one of His creation (humans) to redeem or buy it back.
If you need to live your life.Correct sir
Google itThis might be super simple, but..... Are vaccines not supposed to make you immune from the disease?