Covid Vaccinations


Well-Known Member
I am a sinner, Jesus Christ came to die on a cross, be buried and rise from the dead for me specifically, and you specifically, and eyeryone else that receives or denies His Grace.

To those that receive His sinless life, death, burial and resurrection it is imputed to them as though it was them, they are placed in Christ, His body.

To those that choose not to receive His finished work, judgment day is the ultimate reckoning and reward.

The other questions you ask are meant to divert attention from Jesus and argue.

I offered a declaratory statement, it will stand alone.

He is magnified.
6 paragraphs of blah blah. Santa. Easter bunny. Jesus.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
You are the one not using your brain. So I would assume you don't have much education...

I have a master’s degree. You seriously just cited the gateway pundit? 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 better throw something from OAN in there too to REALLY school me.
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Well-Known Member
Sort of like Governor DeSantos and his defiant stand against Washington. When a reporter got on his case about the fact that 1 out of every 5 new Delta cases are breaking out in his state DeSantos desperate for an intelligent response (he had none) suddenly changes the subject to securing the Mexican border despite the fact that Florida and Mexico do not share a border.
“What about this, what about that” is the only thing Trump supporters can come up with to defend themselves.


Well-Known Member
I heard that the black community is very anti vaccine, which makes sense given their history, but the media makes it seem like it's just a bunch of hillbillies who go to Trump rallies that are refusing to take it


Well-Known Member
What is he like?
The guy has been here since May 6 of 2021 with 43 posts.
In this short time period and limited posts you are qualified to hit him with a People like you assessment?

I've stepped in piles of View attachment 347438that I have more respect for than People Like You,
Im sorry but I just have to say this. You just gave a wonderful post about the gospel of Jesus Christ and then you post THIS? I am disappointed. There are better ways to disagree.


Well-Known Member
The source is the person who said it.

So, when A reports that B said something, B is the source. A is the reporter.

It goes on A's website. But B is the source.

Welcome to English.