Covid Vaccinations


Well-Known Member
bacha29 -

What you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I've ever read. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in the forum is now dumber for having read it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.
Unlike you, I was never taught the fear of Jesus. Then again holy rollers are some of the most fearful people going. . So what would you have an infidel like me do?.... Repent? Should like let Jesus into my heart? Without vaccinations chances are there wouldn't be much room for him in my cardio vascular system if it was all full of COVD spores and mucus .


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
Unlike you, I was never taught the fear of Jesus. Then again holy rollers are some of the most fearful people going. . So what would you have an infidel like me do?.... Repent? Should like let Jesus into my heart? Without vaccinations chances are there wouldn't be much room for him in my cardio vascular system if it was all full of COVD spores and mucus .


Inordinately Right
No the goal post are where they've always been Not my fault you can't reach the goal line.
You said you didn't give the virus to anyone. You have no idea if that's true.

When I called you out you moved the goalposts to you are 'less likely' to have spread the virus.

You seem to struggle following a simple conversation.


Well-Known Member
You said you didn't give the virus to anyone. You have no idea if that's true.

When I called you out you moved the goalposts to you are 'less likely' to have spread the virus.

You seem to struggle following a simple conversation.
When did I say it was 100% effective? But right now it's all we've got. Now tell me what do you have to offer that has proven itself to be more effective? To this point you've offered nothing Now if you were to do nothing and you contracted it with severe symptoms just what are you going to do to find relief? Run off to the hospital? Expect them to save your life? This ain't moving the goal posts pal. These are legitimate questions you have always sidestepped and or deflected or changed the subject entirely.

Now you guys are always accusing China of being responsible for the COVID backed with nothing but more conspiracy theories.

At the same time however you're completely ignoring a fever that did originate in China..... China Swine Fever.


Well-Known Member
Wow are you seriously still denying that China is responsible for this? How can you possibly be so uninformed?
Show me the corroborated evidence ? Yes, the evidence to this point seems to indicate that it did originate in China and jumped from animal to human But unless there is corroborated proof back with physical evidence that it originated in a Chinese lab that particular conspiracy theory will remain just that.... a conspiracy theory and nothing more.


Inordinately Right
Show me the corroborated evidence ? Yes, the evidence to this point seems to indicate that it did originate in China and jumped from animal to human But unless there is corroborated proof back with physical evidence that it originated in a Chinese lab that particular conspiracy theory will remain just that.... a conspiracy theory and nothing more.
I never said anything about the fact they were studying coronaviruses at the Wuhan Institute of Virology that is located in the city where the outbreak began.

Why do you insist on deflecting and moving the goalposts?

There is no conspiracy. China is absolutely responsible for this pandemic. They censored and disappeared doctors and citizen whistleblowers while allowing the virus to spread worldwide.

Why do you defend a brutal authoritarian communist dictatorship?


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
I never said anything about the fact they were studying coronaviruses at the Wuhan Institute of Virology that is located in the city where the outbreak began.

Why do you insist on deflecting and moving the goalposts?

There is no conspiracy. China is absolutely responsible for this pandemic. They censored and disappeared doctors and citizen whistleblowers while allowing the virus to spread worldwide.

Why do you defend a brutal authoritarian communist dictatorship?