Covid Vaccinations


Inordinately Right
You misunderstand. I’m amused by his continuance to use a word he doesn’t understand as an attempt at an insult. It would be like calling Trump supporters communists. It makes zero sense. But it’s a scary word he undoubtedly saw on one of his right wing social media pages, so he’s sticking to it, definitions be damned!
Democrats are fascists.
If you can't see that I suggest you go get an education.


Well-Known Member
They've been desperate all along.

I could tell their desperation was reaching new levels of complete derangement when they started pushing the lie that children are at risk.

When all else fails, push the "but won't someone think of the children!" narrative.

These people are mentally ill.
People that don’t care for children could be considered to be….


Well-Known Member
One example, only one is all I ask.
Make me a liar, rub my face in it.