Covid Vaccinations


Well-Known Member
Yepp the shot looks safe. More info you probably won't be able to take in as good info..
Except you are not showing the whole article. here is the final paragraph


This instance highlights an extremely rare vaccine consequence. But the benefits greatly outweigh the risks in the present circumstances, therefore there should be no hesitation among the community to seek vaccination. Therefore, as we report this case, we emphasize the rarity of the occurrence of this side effect, and given the circumstances, this should not influence the decision of taking the vaccine, nor add to the misconceptions out there. In our case, we explained the pathophysiology behind the development of toxic epidermal necrolysis secondary to vaccination and we highlighted the successfulness of eternacept as a safe and fast treatment of this condition."

Source: Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis Post COVID-19 Vaccination - First Reported Case


Extra Large Package
You should try injecting yourself with bleach as a preventative measure.
You will never get COVID if you do that.

I would suggest you drink bleach as a prophylactic. Try the lemon scented one as it will go down smoother. Or make a bleach and tonic. A shot of lemon Clorox with some gin. Chase it down with some arsenic while you're at it.


Well-Known Member
Except you are not showing the whole article. here is the final paragraph


This instance highlights an extremely rare vaccine consequence. But the benefits greatly outweigh the risks in the present circumstances, therefore there should be no hesitation among the community to seek vaccination. Therefore, as we report this case, we emphasize the rarity of the occurrence of this side effect, and given the circumstances, this should not influence the decision of taking the vaccine, nor add to the misconceptions out there. In our case, we explained the pathophysiology behind the development of toxic epidermal necrolysis secondary to vaccination and we highlighted the successfulness of eternacept as a safe and fast treatment of this condition."

Source: Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis Post COVID-19 Vaccination - First Reported Case
They don’t care. The shot is dangerous. Covid isn’t. The right wing media said so, and that’s all there is to it. Now they’ll get on social media and quote George Orwell and call other people sheep.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Oh well I’m sure there’s a 99.987% chance of this not happening or whatever made up stat you guys trot out.
According to the post it says this reaction occurs in .4 out of a million shots. So it’s got a 0.0000001% chance of happening, and they have an effective treatment. It’s a scary picture to make people bad at math afraid.


Well-Known Member
I am acquainted with all sorts of professionals, a lot associated with coaching some rec sport stuff when kids were younger and our kids attending a large private school. We have a friend we have known for 20 years as our kids started school together and we run in some of the same social circles. She is a pediatrician and he is a highly, highly intelligent research scientist. Anyway, she got the jab pretty soon after it became available. She has not been pushing the vaccine on teens, as far as I know and didn't with our 16yo daughter for her checkup. But, she just developed Covid over the weekend.

Another pretty smart friend who is a surgeon asked her if she felt stupid for getting the jab. He said he did. They were sold a bill of goods believing that all of these people would not push something like this and risk the reputation of healthcare. She is seriously considering doing the antibody treatment because she's 3-4 days into symptoms but her symptoms are mild for now, like many and she's worried it will progress quickly.

This has sparked conversation with a lot of doc acquaintances about how the "vaccine" is only "protecting" against a symptom of the virus, and not the virus. It recognizes the spike protein only, not the virus itself and she is worried that she has had a viral load of a regular infected person because that is what happens. This is why healthcare workers are becoming disgruntled because the "misinformation" is coming from NIH, CDC, Admins, etc

She is making sure that the monoclonal antibody treatment she gets is from natural antibodies and not a vaccinated because the vaccinated antibodies DO NOT protect against the virus, just the spike protein symptom of the viral infection. She feels lied to and worries about possibly exposing patients who can not be vaccinated or whatever because they are younger than 12. Luckily, she doesn't work on Fridays and this developed over the weekend
95 % of those that die are unvaccinated….you ramble on and on.


Well-Known Member
Got mine far from the worst thing I’ve been injected with. Anthrax was a painful one arms a little sore but nothing compared to others I was forced to get to go overseas. Also on mask my kids didn’t get sick a single time last school year wearing mask this year a week in both are already sick. I don’t think they are nearly 100% effective but they do help. That said I don’t wear a mask.
Have a coworker die…trust me mask use will go up. Or sent home


Well-Known Member
According to the post it says this reaction occurs in .4 out of a million shots. So it’s got a 0.0000001% chance of happening, and they have an effective treatment. It’s a scary picture to make people bad at math afraid.
Right. A virus that has 2% of killing you is fake and nothing to fear, but a vaccine that adversely affects one out several million people is the mark of the beast and must be avoided at all costs.


Inordinately Right
Right. A virus that has 2% of killing you is fake and nothing to fear, but a vaccine that adversely affects one out several million people is the mark of the beast and must be avoided at all costs.
The Chinese Virus has virtually zero chance of killing me. I'm sorry you're struggling with that undeniable statistical fact.


Your Hero
Right. A virus that has 2% of killing you is fake and nothing to fear, but a vaccine that adversely affects one out several million people is the mark of the beast and must be avoided at all costs.
If you are so fearful of this virus, why don't you just stay in your parents basement wearing a Tyvek suit and an SCBA. I'm sure Working4the1 and bacha29 would join you.

95 % of those that die are unvaccinated….you ramble on and on.
...and 100% of those 95% unvaccinated had some sort of underlying condition. You didn't mention that.


Well-Known Member
If you are so fearful of this virus, why don't you just stay in your parents basement wearing a Tyvek suit and an SCBA. I'm sure Working4the1 and bacha29 would join you.

...and 100% of those 95% unvaccinated had some sort of underlying condition. You didn't mention that.
A Underlying condition that they lived with fine…until covid