Earnings Jan 2025


Pineapple King
We got two guys retiring this year. That'll help out small center
Couple guys I worked with in feeder just retired, one guy just hit 38 years the other 30. Yet there is still one guy who is probably 70+ years old and over 45 years of service.........Why? I just don't get it.


Baseball, dart board
Damn, that sad. Going to sit his butt in the seat of that truck until he dies.
Probably a really vicious cycle. Worked longer to save up and buy that cottage on the lake, she gets sick he continues to work for insurance, she passed and he continues to work because he's got nothing else. And just thinks about that :censored2: all day while running doubles. Brutal


Pineapple King


Well-Known Member
With the new contract and getting rid of 22.4s "a red circle number" doesn't exist anymore. During the last contract they had to replace drivers. Now they dont. We have lost close to 8 drivers in my center. They aren't replacing anyone.
Same here. Lost about five last year. we are set to lose about six more people this year and no talk of replacing.


Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!
When I bought UPS stock over the years my goal was to never sell them but to hold on to them for the dividends when I retired. As I was buying them it was really in my best interest that the price stay low because I could buy more each quarter. Now that I’m retired the reason I don’t like to see the price go down is because it always concerns me the company is doing bad and they will have to lower the dividend payout. I’m sure most of you understand the dividends but incase someone doesn’t this is the reason dividends are nice when you’re in retirement. I have a bit over 2000 shares. The dividends pay $1.63 a share. So 2000 x $1.63= $3260 every three months or $13,040 a year. That’s extra income that I do not have to sell anything to get. I can take it as cash or reinvest to buy more stock which then gets me more dividends.

👇🏼 So the following article below was good news for me this morning.

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