Earnings Jan 2025


Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!
Is this fact ?

Nope, Fake news. They had an earnings call yesterday and they listed who was on the call. She was there as CEO.



Well-Known Member
Nope, Fake news. They had an earnings call yesterday and they listed who was on the call. She was there as CEO.

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Thanks ! I think she would just walk away before she lets them fire her . Kind of like a buddy of mine that when from on-car sup to "we are going to let you resign but if you don't we are going to fire you". I told him to think twice about putting that tie on . I told him it's much safer on that truck ! I proved myself right . I once told him you guys in management need a union more than we do. It was an Lol moment for the both of us .


Amazon will never handle all their own volume, they don't leave their local building here till after 11:00 am we all know how well that goes. They'll come back begging for help to keep up with their one and two day delivery guarantee then see how much UPS charges them.
They also don’t want the runners out in bum :censored2: nobody making money on those


Couple guys I worked with in feeder just retired, one guy just hit 38 years the other 30. Yet there is still one guy who is probably 70+ years old and over 45 years of service.........Why? I just don't get it.
A harem of ex wives all wanting a piece of that sweet pension