Facial hair


Staff member
Maybe BestSup helped write the articles from this:
He wasn't even born..


Well-Known Member
Everyone is free to work elsewhere. FedEx Ground is hiring and you can look scary!
Or I’ll get a waiver and make 100k still. Don’t be mad you’re afraid you’ll get harassed for it, or you just can’t grow one at all. My beard does nothing to the bottom line of UPS. However all the late air I deliver leaving the building at 945 probably does.


Hot girl summer
Just because a truck number that starts with a 6...
Doesn't mean it's a 600 :censored2:

They have been retired for decades.

How many days did you drive after you made your 30?

Answer 0

Yes we have loads of 600's. We even have the early 20s bicycles. Hell, we use the albino mechanic truck for delivering too! We take delivering serious here! !.. And I was told I need to 'lighten up' :ignored:


Well-Known Member
I tell you, there just AREN'T this many men with skin sooooo sensitive that they can't shave. Never even heard of that 25 years ago..
They just don't WANT to shave.

What’s ironic most guys with beards look like ass. Too tired or lazy to groom so it looks like smile*