Facial hair


Hot girl summer
Staffing in my building is done in the morning before anyone even shows up and is finished by at least 8am.

They handle all your issues during the day with drivers. Face it big guy, your job is not that difficult.
Because every single center in the world operates the same. You're so bright.


Active Member
The shaving thing goes like this. When someone upstairs wants to come down and make a stink about facial hair, the supes go through the list of drivers with notes and if you're not on the list they tell you to shave.

If no one is making a stink about shaving, then the supes don't give a :censored2:. Here's the thing, now that there are drivers who don't have to shave because of Dr notes, they really need to just update the 100 year old rule. Because the customers don't know who has a Dr note and who doesn't. People see drivers with beards now and more than likely no one even noticed because no one gives a :censored2:.

The rule is outdated and stupid. UPS worries so much about :censored2: rules about shaving, but could care less that Orion is a :censored2:ing joke and we have late air every day now because preload can't wrap up before start time. Do we have enough drivers to shuttle misloads and LIBs? Nope, but you had better shave those sideburns!