Still less than 1 year, and I'm through the process you said would take YEARSSSSS to happen.. that was the whole start to this whole fascination you have with me... I told you that you have no idea what you're talking about.. and I proved you wrong.. it's OK.. I decline the air driving when asked.. $13 an hour for 3 hours just isn't for me... I'll let the kids that need that money soak those Saturday hours up. I'll wait for a cover offers or ft offer.. again, I'm not here for the money... yet.. anything else you'd like me to prove you wrong with, just let me know.. it's enjoyable with an annoying schmuck like you..

have a good night bud.
Except idiot you didn't prove me wrong, you proved me right. You DIDNT go FT and you aren't TCD qualified at all. You're air driver qualified. You'll have to go to school again for TCD after accepting a TCD bid in the southern. You're not on the qualified TCD list so any days you ride with a sup "helping" don't count.
Basically you went to school to drive Saturday airs and airs during the week.
Oh and be careful "declining " air work all the time. You'll pretty much get DQed or black listed with the on roads for wasting their time.
You REALLY have no clue what you're talking about or how this works but you keep thinking you do.$13/HR is air rate. TCD is 80% of FT top rate and FT starting rate is I believe $18.75.
Congratulations you're a certified AIR driver!!
You're basically at square one again except now you can drive airs you idiot.
Tell us all again how you accepted a FT bid 4 months ago????