Fumbling McCain has brain cancer

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Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
How much did that cost his daddy?

I'm gonna go with less than it cost Joe Kennedy to get Jack through Harvard with good grades and keep him out of jail while he was in the Muckers Club.

Just don't get the hate cause the Trumpster is loaded and always has been. Its like the Trumps are the first to use wealth for power and privilege. I could care less.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
"It is a dangerous world out there — it's scary, like Vietnam," he said in a 2004 clip dug up by BuzzFeed News. "It is my personal Vietnam. I feel like a great and very brave soldier."
—Donald Trump, comparing his ability to avoid catching a venereal disease to service in Vietnam.

"I always wanted to get the Purple Heart. This was much easier.”
—Donald Trump on the campaign trail

"He's not a war hero,..he was a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren't captured."
—Donald Trump referring to John McCains 5 years of torture in the Hanoi Hilton

"I created thousands and thousands of jobs, tens of thousands of jobs, built great structures."
—Donald Trump comparing the “sacrifices” he made for our country to the sacrifice made by Captain Humayan Khan, a US Army officer who died in combat in Iraq in 2004.

Donald Trump is not even worthy to clean John McCain’s latrine, much less to act as Commander In Chief of the military in which John McCain served.


Inordinately Right
I'm gonna go with less than it cost Joe Kennedy to get Jack through Harvard with good grades and keep him out of jail while he was in the Muckers Club.

Just don't get the hate cause the Trumpster is loaded and always has been. Its like the Trumps are the first to use wealth for power and privilege. I could care less.
So remind me again why you cuckservatives were obsessed with Obama's school records but don't care about Trump's.....


Well-Known Member
With Obama's birth certificate?
Come to think about it, you remind me of a Birther with all your wacko conspiracies and machinations.

See, the thing about trolling is, you need to have a good argument, in order for the obfuscation to take hold.

Even if your argument is ludicrous, you need to be able to seem legit.

You’re doing it wrong.


Well-Known Member
you can still serve

My Mothers Father got in a bar fight at age 16, Irish, etc.

I guess he beat a guy so bad that when the police took him to the station, they told him he had two choices, jail or the armed forces.

This was Maine, so he joined the Navy, and he didn’t need to lie about his age, because jail/reasons.

On his deathbed, the only thing he confessed to the Priest was that he was on a Navy Destroyer, shelling the Korean coast.

He couldn’t see it, miles off-shore, but he knew he was killing children.

Yah Tie, you can serve, but it’s folly.


Well-Known Member
My Mothers Father got in a bar fight at age 16, Irish, etc.

I guess he beat a guy so bad that when the police took him to the station, they told him he had two choices, jail or the armed forces.

This was Maine, so he joined the Navy, and he didn’t need to lie about his age, because jail/reasons.

On his deathbed, the only thing he confessed to the Priest was that he was on a Navy Destroyer, shelling the Korean coast.

He couldn’t see it, miles off-shore, but he knew he was killing children.

Yah Tie, you can serve, but it’s folly.

I'm trying to understand your point

, everyone that serves kills children?

dont get into barfights?

dont be in a bar when you're only 16

just beat the guy dont try to kill him?

I just know there's a valuable lesson here?


Well-Known Member
I'm trying to understand your point

, everyone that serves kills children?

dont get into barfights?

dont be in a bar when you're only 16

just beat the guy dont try to kill him?

I just know there's a valuable lesson here?

Wow, you’re dense.

You posited that ‘you can still serve’.

I posted that story to illustrate that ‘serving’, alone, devoid of any context, is meaningless.

Anyway, please continue to enjoy your endless time spent on the BC, chasing down everyone who doesn’t agree with you.

You’re a great American.


Well-Known Member
Wow, you’re dense.

You posited that ‘you can still serve’.

I posted that story to illustrate that ‘serving’, alone, devoid of any context, is meaningless.

Anyway, please continue to enjoy your endless time spent on the BC, chasing down everyone who doesn’t agree with you.

You’re a great American.

you're drunk. that was complete nonsense.
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