Für Meno :)
I actually had the time to watch the vid, too.
Penecillin was invented in Canada. So, he didn't start out well.
Co-ops, well, they would bring premiums down, but thats about it.
Maybe, a small chance of healthcare costs, too, if they have enough money to build thier own clinics and hospitals, and can get Doctors and Nurses to work for less.
Medical Equiptment, such as an MRI, however are very expensive.
Most of your clinics that have them, have them only on lease (adds to the total medical costs ofcourse).
Kinda like if you had to rent a car to go work every day, you'ld make less disposable income too .
Therefor, I can't see medical costs going down much. Either will drugs or perscription drugs.
Besides, co-ops would be local, I assume.
If one of those local places, hade an epedemic, or disaster. They could go belly up overnight, (unless ofcourse the government bails them out).
CNN Money pointed out again, yesterday. That insured americans don't need to shop around for medical treatment, but how much money is being thrown away by having that attitude.
As an example on CNN Money yesterday:
A routine checkup, (with blood, diabetes check, blood pressure, heartbeat, etc) costed at Walmart just over $100.
Walkin-Clinic was around $200.
Family Doc: $275.00 - $325.00
Emergency: $575.00
As long as Doctors can charge what they want, with high overhead costs. I can't see sky rocketing heathcare cost, not comming to an end.
Penecillin was invented in Canada. So, he didn't start out well.
Co-ops, well, they would bring premiums down, but thats about it.
Maybe, a small chance of healthcare costs, too, if they have enough money to build thier own clinics and hospitals, and can get Doctors and Nurses to work for less.
Medical Equiptment, such as an MRI, however are very expensive.
Most of your clinics that have them, have them only on lease (adds to the total medical costs ofcourse).
Kinda like if you had to rent a car to go work every day, you'ld make less disposable income too .
Therefor, I can't see medical costs going down much. Either will drugs or perscription drugs.
Besides, co-ops would be local, I assume.
If one of those local places, hade an epedemic, or disaster. They could go belly up overnight, (unless ofcourse the government bails them out).
CNN Money pointed out again, yesterday. That insured americans don't need to shop around for medical treatment, but how much money is being thrown away by having that attitude.
As an example on CNN Money yesterday:
A routine checkup, (with blood, diabetes check, blood pressure, heartbeat, etc) costed at Walmart just over $100.
Walkin-Clinic was around $200.
Family Doc: $275.00 - $325.00
Emergency: $575.00
As long as Doctors can charge what they want, with high overhead costs. I can't see sky rocketing heathcare cost, not comming to an end.