Gov healthcare


Okay, now I see my other point and why I made that comment in conjunction with your. , you linked up to articles that mention the unconstitutionality of this measure. I liked those arguments. I also think it might be unconstitutional when the measure goes against the religious rights of some people, namely christian scientists.

Here is my edit: I realized if I thought of this, the christian scientists thought of it too and they went in a different direction than I thought, check out this link about how christian scientists want the cost of their treatments to be included under this plan:,0,2239900.story

Did it go through? I don't know. Like the senators who voted yes for this thing, I haven't read it either.

You've lost me. I thought your raising the christian scientist was a rebuttal in favor of forced health insurance.


Strength through joy

Sad Day for America. I hope we can vote these 60 rotten scoundrels out of office and replace then with 60 rotten scoundrels from the other side who hopefully will turn this back.

Good going Obama, you are going to replace Jimmy Carter as the worst one term president.

The problem is that certain language was included in this bill to prevent a future congress from killing this.
And giving what has happened to date, I think bho has some nasty future plans that none of us are going to like.


The problem is that certain language was included in this bill to prevent a future congress from killing this.
And giving what has happened to date, I think bho has some nasty future plans that none of us are going to like.

Thats the problem once the beaurocracy is created its almost impossible to undo it.

So now we have a patchwork quilt Health care plan that will be further watered down as congress seeks to put something together that can be ratified.

Why is Obama in such a rush to get this passed? Might be due to public approval that is waning as time passes by.

And we have a few cracks in the coalition. No need for me to badmouth Obama when I can get a good democrat to do it for me:

"From Tom Brown:

Remember, during the presidential campaign, how we all kept going on and on about how smart Barack Obama is? Remember?
I will say flat out that Obama’s approach to dealing with bankers and the banking industry has been brainless. It is shocking to see what the guy appears to not know."


In fact with the stupidity that Obama has displayed to date it may be time to wonder if an Ivy league education is really all that?


Well-Known Member
In fact with the stupidity that Obama has displayed to date it may be time to wonder if an Ivy league education is really all that?

As one big happy family of the UPS Brotherhood, with the power of Google, aren't we all self righteous armchair quarterbacks of "Brown University", an "Ivy League" school as well....:student: ... Just food for thought.


As one big happy family of the UPS Brotherhood, with the power of Google, aren't we all self righteous armchair quarterbacks of "Brown University", an "Ivy League" school as well....:student: ... Just food for thought.

I didnt realize that Obama was exempt from my self rightous indignation.


Staff member
Holy crap! I thought I was kidding about Ted. Appears republicans are willing to do almost anything to reinvent themselves. I would like to see the Obama/Nugent debate. LOL


You've lost me. I thought your raising the christian scientist was a rebuttal in favor of forced health insurance.

I can't even follow that above sentence.:knockedout: My raising of this issue was to highlight that members of a recognized religion would be forced to pay for something that their beliefs would never allow them to utilize. I think there has to be some inherent constitutional issues in that.

After realizing that if I thought about it, that certainly christian scientists thought about it. I googled the "health insurance bill and christian scientists" and found that the christian scientists were trying to get the costs of their prayer treatments included in the bill . If that is allowed ( I don't know if that made it into the final approved measures) then that definitely opens many constitutional issues as well as presenting the conundrum of where do you draw the line and which religion's curative methods don't get covered.

