Well-Known Member
You're right now that I think about it.
I would have respected Ted Kaczynski and Bill Meyers more if they had eaten the people they blew up.![]()
So you have much more respect for Jeffrey dahmer then.
You're right now that I think about it.
I would have respected Ted Kaczynski and Bill Meyers more if they had eaten the people they blew up.![]()
Let me get this straight. Obama’s health care plan will be written by a committee whose Chairman says he doesn’t understand it, passed by a Congress which hasn’t read it, signed by a President who smokes, funded by a Treasury Chief who did not pay his taxes, overseen by a Surgeon General who is obese, and financed by .a country that is nearly broke. Democrats in action. I’m impressed." wow
Ah, the wailing and gnashing of "conservatives" goes on. (sigh) Just for future sake, if Conservatives ever do regain power and act like real conservatives like William friend. Buckley and not like that smirking little a-hole William Kristol, I'd be more than happy to consider changing my party affiilation. Remember neo-cons, Richard Nixon tried to get health-care done. My how the Repubicans have devolved.
I think Nixon was a foriegn policy genius but hardly a conservative.
I take it you have read the bill and feel confident in supporting it?
Could you explain it to us. I for instance am curious as to how they will spend a trillion dollars over the next 10 years and somehow reduce the deficit.
Then explain this cycle to me:
companies who do not provide their employees health insurance will pay a 750 dollar fine per employee. the cost of the insurance is approximately 12000 a year. Common sense would tell you it would be cheaper to pay the fine.
Now that your employer provided insurance has been cancelled you are obligated to go out and pay for insurance or you will end up paying fines to the government.
Meanwhile it appears the current versions of this bill are missing the cost controls and the public option thus insurance companies can charge you what they want for your mandated insurance.
Could you tell me if this is part of Richard Nixons vision?
Tie, I agree with you, this is a totally screwed up plan. Wasn't Obama's Plan either !
But, they mixed and mangeld, and got crap !
And it should be scrapped.
All I see in it , is mandatory insurance !
With no cost savings at all (no middle man scrapped, and pharma still protected, and Doctors charging whatever they want).
It's not even worth passing it.
Actually, would make things worse.
I would be against it myself.
But, to get back to an earlier posting of yours :
Yes, you do have spas.... just not for the regular sick people that need them.
I took a "duck tour" in Ft Lauderdale...on the Intercoast...
Seen the huge mansion of the CEO of Metlife there !
With a almost billion dollar yacht !
The lady guide pointed that out, because she is sick of the insurance companies earning those huge bonuses, and ofcourse, because of the on going healthcare debate there.
Honestly I believe that is what they really want. Obama and the dems want things to get worse, because they believe if it gets bad enough the people will be begging to get universal government healthcare, which is honestly their end game. This whole push for healthcare was going to take one of two roads in Obama's mind. The first and obvious toughest road would have been a bill that enacted straight universal healthcare, but that just was not possible in today's political environment. So they chose plan B, which was to make things even worse for the people through bad legislation heralded as the solution. When the healthcare situation becomes even worse they will push for a public option, or even a single payer healthcare system if they think they can get away with it.
What really gets my goat about this is the fact that this entire debacle has nothing to do with helping the people get a more free and or fair healthcare environment. Its about getting those in Washington more power, because the democrats know that if they can just get their hands into our healthcare, they can maintain power for decades. Every election cycle it will be the democrats pointing to their opposition and saying "if you vote them in, you will lose your healthcare!". Lets not also forget healthcare is the backdoor into just about every aspect of our lives that they feel they need to regulate. Everything including your choice of food, firearms you own to even the type of outdoor activities you can enjoy will be convoluted into some kind of health issue, and if the government has their hands in your healthcare they have a vested interest in making sure you don't do the activities they deem unhealthy.
The 2010 midterm elections are probably the most important election cycle in a long time. If the dems can maintain control of both houses this is going to get real ugly, real fast by the time the 2012 elections roll around.
To a large degree I agree with Brett. It is about power to a large degree. What in Washington isn't. And screw the Republicans for never having the foresight and the political will to do anything about it. Except prescription drug benefit. But that was about power from a certain part of the electorate anyway.
Tie, I agree with you, this is a totally screwed up plan. Wasn't Obama's Plan either !
But, they mixed and mangeld, and got crap !
And it should be scrapped.
All I see in it , is mandatory insurance !
With no cost savings at all (no middle man scrapped, and pharma still protected, and Doctors charging whatever they want).
It's not even worth passing it.
Actually, would make things worse.
I would be against it myself.
But, to get back to an earlier posting of yours :
Yes, you do have spas.... just not for the regular sick people that need them.
I took a "duck tour" in Ft Lauderdale...on the Intercoast...
Seen the huge mansion of the CEO of Metlife there !
With a almost billion dollar yacht !
The lady guide pointed that out, because she is sick of the insurance companies earning those huge bonuses, and ofcourse, because of the on going healthcare debate there.
SHERMAN FREDERICK: Hey Harry: Where is Nevada's gift?
To a large degree I agree with Brett. It is about power to a large degree. What in Washington isn't. And screw the Republicans for never having the foresight and the political will to do anything about it. Except prescription drug benefit. But that was about power from a certain part of the electorate anyway.
Now here is a great health care debate!
YouTube- Daily Show Jon Stewart Destroys Bill Kristol on Health Care - The Ultimate Smackdown!
Thats a joke. Military healthcare is not anything to brag about. If americans recieved the same healthcare that the military recieves they would be very unhappy.
i as a medic worked in emergency rooms. In that role I sewed peoples wounds, ran IV's etc. In the civilan world you would have to at least be a trained and certified nurse to do the same.
Thats a joke. Military healthcare is not anything to brag about. If americans recieved the same healthcare that the military recieves they would be very unhappy.
i as a medic worked in emergency rooms. In that role I sewed peoples wounds, ran IV's etc. In the civilan world you would have to at least be a trained and certified nurse to do the same.
I remember getting all 4 of my wisdom teeth pulled back in 1988 while in the USAF. It took one doctor and 3 nurses to hold me down because all they used was a local...i was awake the whole time. It was a work/training in progress for them. UGH!!!