Gun control advocates in Ferguson MO


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
If his hands were above his head, do you think the cop took aim that high, and put numerous shots in that narrow of a target? Police training is center mass, or as close as you can get. I'm fairly positive that he didn't aim high and left just to hit his arm.
Damn beat me to it.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
The store owner who Michael Brown assaulted and robbed would have been legally justified had he shot him in self defense.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
I'm watching CNN and hearing the "outcry" over the "overwhelming police presence" and the complaints about their "military" gear.

What I see people peacefully protesting and being left alone. What I an almost complete lack of looting and violence. What I police armed with batons, shields, gas masks and other non-lethal weaponry standing peacefully in a line and observing the situation. No one is getting shot and no one is getting beat on. One reporter was even whining about the police being armed with "machine guns" when in reality they are carrying bright orange "less-lethal" shotguns loaded with beanbags or stingball rounds instead of live ammo.

It looks like a success to me. The protesters are being allowed to freely protest, The police are doing their job, and the show of force is why there is no looting or robbing taking place.



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Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.


golden ticket member
Everything that’s wrong with the black community in a nutshell.

Via Breitbart:

According to the Washington Post, a looter in Ferguson, Missouri, expressed pride and admiration for looters and said their actions are justified.

I’m proud of us. We deserve this, and this is what’s supposed to happen when there’s injustice in your community,” said DeAndre Smith, whom the Washington Post says was “fresh from looting the QuikTrip.”

One officer told the Post that widespread looting has spawned “looting tourism” wherein thieves as far away as Illinois and Texas are traveling to Ferguson to steal.


Well-Known Member
That's pretty racist to generalize the whole black community from the statement of one person. You also assume that person was black. Another racist comment.


Staff member
According to a preliminary report from a St. Louis Post-Dispatch reporter, police say that more than a dozen witnesses back Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson’s version of the events that led to the fatal shooting of Michael Brown.
Strange that the DC leads with that headline and not the part about the bullet in the arm that may have entered from the back or the kill shot that was moving from the back of the head forward.


Staff member
Everything that’s wrong with the black community in a nutshell.

Via Breitbart:

According to the Washington Post, a looter in Ferguson, Missouri, expressed pride and admiration for looters and said their actions are justified.

I’m proud of us. We deserve this, and this is what’s supposed to happen when there’s injustice in your community,” said DeAndre Smith, whom the Washington Post says was “fresh from looting the QuikTrip.”

One officer told the Post that widespread looting has spawned “looting tourism” wherein thieves as far away as Illinois and Texas are traveling to Ferguson to steal.
Who would you say represents everything that is wrong with the white community? And it is perfectly legitimate to say that there is nothing wrong with the white community if that's what you believe.