Gun control advocates in Ferguson MO


Well-Known Member
BREAKING REPORT: Officer Darren Wilson Suffered “Orbital Blowout Fracture to Eye Socket” During Mike Brown Attack

I'm puzzled as to why this took 10 days to come out.

I was waiting to see if something like this would break.

An unnamed source has “unequivocally” knocked down the anonymous report that Officer Darren Wilson suffered broken bones near his eye socket before shooting unarmed teenager Michael Brown.

The deadly shooting in Ferguson, Missouri, provoked international outrage as police in military gear confronted protesters demanding answers from authorities in ongoing – and frequently violent – demonstrations.

Little information about the investigation has been officially released, although at least a dozen sources close to the officer or authorities have refuted witness statements about the incident.

Conservative blogger Jim Hoft – known in some quarters as “the dumbest man on the Internet” – reported Tuesday that the officer suffered an “orbital blowout fracture to the eye socket.”

The blogger, who calls himself “The Gateway Pundit,” based his report on two unnamed sources, including one “within the Prosecuting Attorney’s office and confirmed by the St. Louis County Police.”

continue at:
CNN source ‘unequivocally’ disputes report that Ferguson officer suffered broken bone


nowhere special


Well-Known Member
Nick Gillespie at Reason Magazine on the report of Officer Wilson's broken eye socket.

Among other things, this is a strong reminder to remember that it takes time for the actual truth to out in these sorts of situations. The FoxNews story may be wrong, the CNN account may be contravened, etc.

Which also suggests that it's good news that the grand jury investigating the death of Michael Brown will take its time looking at evidence, possibly taking until October before returning any indictments. Justice delayed is no easy thing to take, but it's also true that Gov. Jay Nixon's calls for a "vigorous prosecution" in the case veer close to mob rule.

entire read at:
Did Ferguson Cop Darren Wilson Suffer Broken Eye Socket in Struggle With Michael Brown? Apparently No.


nowhere special
A broken bone is provable or unprovable in a court of law...... we have a gizmo called X-Rays.

Whether the bone was broken isn't the real issue. Even the CNN report said that Wilson had facial injuries. The only arguments were about the severity. All of the reports confirmed Wilson's statement of Brown assaulting him.


Staff member
Whether the bone was broken isn't the real issue. Even the CNN report said that Wilson had facial injuries. The only arguments were about the severity. All of the reports confirmed Wilson's statement of Brown assaulting him.
...which doesn't carry the death penalty in Missouri or any other state.


Well-Known Member
Just because you choose to ignore your point that I addressed does not mean that I did not address it....

This is where you fabricate something to make your point like last time.

Well, I was giving my opinion on the subject.

I suppose you can call that fabrication, though that term in this case would be used if I had tried to pass fact along where none existed.

If you're saying I 'fabricated' my opinion, I 100% agree with you.


Well-Known Member
There were numerous reports it was broken and only one report that was discredited that it wasn't broken.

I think I'll believe all the reports it said it was broken.
Not one source has provided a medical record or statement from the physician/s.Only a troll would try to present that as evidence. Nice try.


All Trash No Trailer

In England And Wales Went Two Years Without Fatally Shooting Someone


Police officers walk ahead of a march in 2012 in London.


The Economist reported last week, in an article on armed U.S. police, that “last year, in total, British police officers actually fired their weapons three times.” The number three resonated when the private autopsy of Michael Brown, the teenager killed by Ferguson, Missouri, police officer Darren Wilson this month, concluded that Brown was shot at least six times. Many tweets contrasted the numbers, saying Wilson had fired more shots at Brown than British police officers discharged in all of 2013.