Gun control advocates in Ferguson MO


Staff member
Why should he be there, and should he be expected to go around joining every protest? I can't remember him doing that for anyone. Or did you see him at the Bundy ranch?

The NRA has an even more WASPish perception than the national Republican Party. The NRA, unlike the RNC doesn't seem to care.


nowhere special
Doesn't seem to care about what? The NRA is only about guns - safety, education, and rights. Other issues are only peripheral to them.


All Trash No Trailer
Why should he be there, and should he be expected to go around joining every protest? I can't remember him doing that for anyone. Or did you see him at the Bundy ranch?
The Bundy Ranch sure brought out the Tea party and NRA supporters in droves. I am surprised the same people havent gone show support the Black PAnther Huey newton Gun Club as the very thing they have been worried about(police state) for years in now coming true


nowhere special
The Bundy Ranch sure brought out the Tea party and NRA supporters in droves. I am surprised the same people havent gone show support over the very thing they have preached about for years coming true

They have been supporting what they preach. You are just trying to spin it into other issues.


That’s Craptacular
If I could I would. they usually do not,build In the best of neighborhoods.
Agreed....there's a CVS pharmacy just up the street from my was robbed 2 months ago..and the guy shot and killed 4 people on his way was a 17 year old girl who had just graduated high school the week before.
Our security guards are a joke.


Staff member
Nope. They have nothing to do with gun sales other than the rights involved. The only sales would be related to the Civilian Marksmanship Program.

Oh, don't be naive. Every time a "liberal" comes into office the NRA whips up the hysteria machine not because things change dramatically but to drive up sales.


Staff member
Nope. As much as you don't want to admit it they fight for the same rights for all. Usually against liberals who don't want anyone (including minorities) to own guns.

And that's where image comes in. People in minority communities don't believe the NRA is representing their rights and this would be an opportunity to show otherwise.


nowhere special
Oh, don't be naive. Every time a "liberal" comes into office the NRA whips up the hysteria machine not because things change dramatically but to drive up sales.

When has the NRA ever said anyone with a legal right should not be able to own a gun? They are strong on enforcement so felons shouldn't have guns. Nothing to do with gun sales. And you believe the myth that the NRA is a monolithic structure controlled from the top down when it is exactly the opposite with millions of members deciding on their own.


All Trash No Trailer
They have been supporting what they preach. You are just trying to spin it into other issues.
No i'm not.I AM however noticing many concerns the Tea party and NRA fear and rail against ( Big Government,shooting of unarmed citizens,police state et al) are certainly coming true in St Louis,( MUCH more so IMO than in the Cliven Bundy affair)
yet there has been ZERO support coming from either camp for either the citizens of Fergeson or the Black Panther Gun Club in Dallas
If those redneck hicks can wander around with open-carry, I totally support these folks in their decision. Some folks need to understand that the rights they hold so close to heart apply to everybody here in the US, not just white people.


All Trash No Trailer
Oh, don't be naive. Every time a "liberal" comes into office the NRA whips up the hysteria machine not because things change dramatically but to drive up sales.
People here in Georgia STILL think Obama is coming to collect their guns SMH