

Got the T-Shirt
Fortunately, for all of us....

Our forefathers were intelligent enough, when constructing the Bill of Rights....

To realize how valuable the 2nd amendment really was.

They certainly envisioned the problem.... with running around....

Trying to stuff hotdogs, down the throats, of our enemies.


Für Meno :)
Another one with mental problems and a gun :

Gunman kills five people and himself in Seattle rampage
SEATTLE (Reuters) - A gunman killed four people at a popular Seattle cafe on Wednesday then fled to a downtown parking lot where he killed a fifth person and stole her car before shooting himself in the head as police closed in, authorities said.


Well-Known Member
So you want to carry that gun in public? Go ahead but it may not be the so-called criminal element who is the most threat to you.

Cops gun down man for legally carrying firearm

But then, this is the actions of our "HEROES" so we must drop on bended knee to worship this blessed event to protect us!

I defend Scott's right to freely carry even without that permission slip from the State but had Scott been just as observant of property rights as he was guns rights, this whole thing may never have happened. When confronted and asked to leave, he should had responded, "I apoligize for violating store policy and will depart from your property immediately" and then complied completely with that leaving the store in due hast.

Just as Scott has no obligation to shop at Costco, the store has every right to dictate terms and conditions as it pertains to those who enter upon it's property. When it comes to private individuals, property rights trump gun rights every time in my book but that doesn't give a state thug just cause to gun him down.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
So you want to carry that gun in public? Go ahead but it may not be the so-called criminal element who is the most threat to you.

Cops gun down man for legally carrying firearm

But then, this is the actions of our "HEROES" so we must drop on bended knee to worship this blessed event to protect us!

I defend Scott's right to freely carry even without that permission slip from the State but had Scott been just as observant of property rights as he was guns rights, this whole thing may never have happened. When confronted and asked to leave, he should had responded, "I apoligize for violating store policy and will depart from your property immediately" and then complied completely with that leaving the store in due hast.

Just as Scott has no obligation to shop at Costco, the store has every right to dictate terms and conditions as it pertains to those who enter upon it's property. When it comes to private individuals, property rights trump gun rights every time in my book but that doesn't give a state thug just cause to gun him down.

Your not serious with that lopsided story full of personal opinions and non objective data are YOU?



The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
So you want to carry that gun in public? Go ahead but it may not be the so-called criminal element who is the most threat to you.

Cops gun down man for legally carrying firearm

But then, this is the actions of our "HEROES" so we must drop on bended knee to worship this blessed event to protect us!

I defend Scott's right to freely carry even without that permission slip from the State but had Scott been just as observant of property rights as he was guns rights, this whole thing may never have happened. When confronted and asked to leave, he should had responded, "I apoligize for violating store policy and will depart from your property immediately" and then complied completely with that leaving the store in due hast.

Just as Scott has no obligation to shop at Costco, the store has every right to dictate terms and conditions as it pertains to those who enter upon it's property. When it comes to private individuals, property rights trump gun rights every time in my book but that doesn't give a state thug just cause to gun him down.

This isnt a case about verifying a persons right to have a permit to carry a freakin firearm.

This is a case of A CLASS "A" KOOK with TWO (2) GUNS on his person, and his destruction of store merchandise when confronted in the store. ERIK SCOTT was NO SAINT, he was a violent NUT carrying two semi automatic handguns while SHOPPING!

Your story as told by some wierdo with a typewriter exaggerates so badly, I thought I was going to puke.

All accounts show ERIK SCOTT B R A N D I S H I N G his weapon to police and they LAID HIM OUT. Thats called PROTOCOL.

At that point, whether or not he had a permit is no longer an issue. This maroon was DUMB enough to take 2 guns into a store and then verbally assault employees, then destroy merchandise, then when confronted by police, brandish a weapon and end up on the ground with 7 bullets in him.

THATS what he gets. I dont feel sorry for him. He put himself in that position, he placed customers in harms way, he placed his girlfriend in harms way and he PAID THE PRICE FOR IT.

To concern yourself with a piece of paper that says that :censored2:bag could carry a weapon is secondary to his actions. NOBODY goes shopping armed with TWO (2) handguns, unless your in south central Los Angeles.

Armed Man Shot and Killed at Summerlin Costco � CBS Las Vegas

Its funny how this version of the story differs from the "HEROIC" story you posted full of "atta boys" and "honorable service"....

Just another case of a NUT with a GUN.(s)



The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
"Laid him out" is protocol when you want it to be and police brutality when it suits you !!

What suits me , is the law taking down an obvious gun freak attempting to make a VIOLENT point by trying to force "HIS" right to possess guns on the rest of the world. The police have a job to do, and thats to protect the public.

Erik Scott was a violent person, aggressive, loud, vulgar and physical. These are all the ingredients for a violent confrontation. Like a bad poker player, Erik Scott went "all in" with a bad hand and paid the ultimate price.

Instead of "heeding" the store managers request and walking out of the store and putting is weapon(S) in his vehicle and complying with the stores policies, Erik Scott instead began damaging merchandise, yelling, threatening every store employee involved and insisting that he and his girlfriend were going to finish shopping no matter what "he" was being told.

He took his time and the police had enough time to set a perimeter, establish a command center and ORDER an evacuation of the store.

There is NOTHING brutal about shooting Erik Scott, the police were holding all the aces in that hand.

TO say the POLICE are at fault in this case is just silly. People who try to live their lives insisting on carrying guns and becoming violent with them just because they have them deserve everything that come with it.




Well-Known Member
This isnt a case about verifying a persons right to have a permit to carry a freakin firearm.

This is a case of A CLASS "A" KOOK with TWO (2) GUNS on his person, and his destruction of store merchandise when confronted in the store. ERIK SCOTT was NO SAINT, he was a violent NUT carrying two semi automatic handguns while SHOPPING!

Your story as told by some wierdo with a typewriter exaggerates so badly, I thought I was going to puke.

All accounts show ERIK SCOTT B R A N D I S H I N G his weapon to police and they LAID HIM OUT. Thats called PROTOCOL.

At that point, whether or not he had a permit is no longer an issue. This maroon was DUMB enough to take 2 guns into a store and then verbally assault employees, then destroy merchandise, then when confronted by police, brandish a weapon and end up on the ground with 7 bullets in him.

THATS what he gets. I dont feel sorry for him. He put himself in that position, he placed customers in harms way, he placed his girlfriend in harms way and he PAID THE PRICE FOR IT.

To concern yourself with a piece of paper that says that :censored2:bag could carry a weapon is secondary to his actions. NOBODY goes shopping armed with TWO (2) handguns, unless your in south central Los Angeles.

Armed Man Shot and Killed at Summerlin Costco � CBS Las Vegas

Its funny how this version of the story differs from the "HEROIC" story you posted full of "atta boys" and "honorable service"....

Just another case of a NUT with a GUN.(s)



Of all the people here, you should have never told me that!


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Both Erik Scott and Rodney King were "laid out". One was clearly protocol while the other was clearly police brutality.

What happened to the other 2 occupants of Rodney Kings car?

Like Rodney, they were both young black males. Unlike Rodney, they both laid down on the ground and complied with lawful police orders. You know what happened to them? Nothing. They didnt get beat up or tased or harmed in any way.

The cops that beat Rodney King up were amped out on adrenaline after a prolonged, life threatening high-speed chase. They were dealing with a psychotic criminal who did not obey their lawful orders and who resisted the effects of a Taser and multiple baton blows. Did they go overboard? Yes, but only because Rodney King refused to obey lawful orders that were issued for his own protection as well as that of the police and the general public.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
To concern yourself with a piece of paper that says that :censored2:bag could carry a weapon is secondary to his actions. NOBODY goes shopping armed with TWO (2) handguns, unless your in south central Los Angeles.

Or unless you are me.

Granted, I normally only carry one, but the last time I went to Costco I actually did stick my "car gun" in my back pocket because I had some lumber in the back of my minivan which required the rear door to be ajar. Didnt want to leave an unsecured weapon in an unlocked vehicle, so I took it with me.

The number of guns in this case is not relevant. The only thing that is Erik Scotts behavior when (a) asked by store personell to leave and (b) when confronted by police. I wasnt there and didnt see, so I dont know. Whether he is an innocent victim of overzealous store personell and police, or a gun brandishing psycho will be questions for the jury to decide, based upon which witness statements they find to be more credible.

I do support the private-property rights of a store owner to ask an armed patron to leave, and I do agree that when confronted by armed police one should immediately comply with orders given. The moral of this story for me is to make damn sure my concealed weapon stays concealed when I am shopping at Costco.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Cops have always been the biggest threat to your liberty and safety, not criminals.

Anybody who respects or trusts the police is a fool.

That has never been my experience.

I have always been polite, courteous and respectful to the police in the few dealings that I have had with them, and have been treated the same way in return.