
The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Army Veteran....

Graduate of West Point....

Masters Degree from Duke University....

Licensed from the State of Nevada, to carry concealed firearms....

Slaying of Army veteran shocks friends - News -

Who is really the "Nut"............

Again, another Oorah story... but, his military experience had nothing to do with his actions that day. HIS overzealous attempts at making a point of concealing a weapon inside private property did.

Nobody is disputing his military service, and that isnt an excuse to be a pyscho with 2 guns inside a business nor does it allow the person to destroy merchandise in a fit of rage.

What is in question is his actions on THAT DAY, not while in Iraq, not while in Afghanistan, not while in college.. blah blah blah... He went from a respected person to a NUT with a gun causing an entire store to be EVACUATED.

And for what? A piece of paper that said he could carry a weapon?

Thats the mentality of a person who should NEVER be allowed to carry a weapon.



Wiggle Wagon

Active Member
This isnt a case about verifying a persons right to have a permit to carry a freakin firearm.

This is a case of A CLASS "A" KOOK with TWO (2) GUNS on his person, and his destruction of store merchandise when confronted in the store. ERIK SCOTT was NO SAINT, he was a violent NUT carrying two semi automatic handguns while SHOPPING!

Your story as told by some wierdo with a typewriter exaggerates so badly, I thought I was going to puke.

All accounts show ERIK SCOTT B R A N D I S H I N G his weapon to police and they LAID HIM OUT. Thats called PROTOCOL.

At that point, whether or not he had a permit is no longer an issue. This maroon was DUMB enough to take 2 guns into a store and then verbally assault employees, then destroy merchandise, then when confronted by police, brandish a weapon and end up on the ground with 7 bullets in him.

THATS what he gets. I dont feel sorry for him. He put himself in that position, he placed customers in harms way, he placed his girlfriend in harms way and he PAID THE PRICE FOR IT.

To concern yourself with a piece of paper that says that :censored2:bag could carry a weapon is secondary to his actions. NOBODY goes shopping armed with TWO (2) handguns, unless your in south central Los Angeles.

Armed Man Shot and Killed at Summerlin Costco � CBS Las Vegas

Its funny how this version of the story differs from the "HEROIC" story you posted full of "atta boys" and "honorable service"....

Just another case of a NUT with a GUN.(s)



Simply carrying 2 firearms on you is not immoral or even all that uncommon in the gun community. I carry a .40 on my hip and a .38 in my jacket sometimes.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Simply carrying 2 firearms on you is not immoral or even all that uncommon in the gun community. I carry a .40 on my hip and a .38 in my jacket sometimes.

What would be your reasoning for this? What kind of community do you live in that you feel so threatened that you believe you have to arm yourself with two weapons just to go outside?

Isnt it really more of a braggadocious mindset for your having the weapons in the first place? I mean, something in the gun community that is common... "i have two glocks", other guy "well, I have three barettas", first guy "well I have 4 shotguns", other guy " well i have 5 semi automatic rifles"....first guy " well i have 6 machine guns"....

Isnt that the real reason you carry weapons on your person?

Somehow it makes you feel BRAVE , when in actually, there is nothing brave about it. Nobody said anything about it being immoral, just silly.

If you dont live in a dangerous community, and you are carrying weapons, then you are a part of the problem and not a part of the solution.



Wiggle Wagon

Active Member
Actually I do live in a dangerous area but that is beside the point . I carry everywhere I go . It has nothing to do with bragging . You may view it as bragging because of your ignorance of guns .


Staff member
Actually I do live in a dangerous area but that is beside the point . I carry everywhere I go . It has nothing to do with bragging . You may view it as bragging because of your ignorance of guns .

Not only ignorance, but a vile hatred of gun owners along the likes of Pelosi and Feinstein.
Isnt it really more of a braggadocious mindset for your having the weapons in the first place? I mean, something in the gun community that is common... "i have two glocks", other guy "well, I have three barettas", first guy "well I have 4 shotguns", other guy " well i have 5 semi automatic rifles"....first guy " well i have 6 machine guns"....

Isnt that the real reason you carry weapons on your person?



What people with similar interests don't talk about what they have?

I have 12 fishing poles. I own over 400 movies on DVD. I've owned 2 Camaros and 3 Mustangs in my life. I have over 2 dozen autographed baseballs. There are 6 firearms in my house.

You're just looking for another nit to pick.


Staff member
What people with similar interests don't talk about what they have?

I have 12 fishing poles. I own over 400 movies on DVD. I've owned 2 Camaros and 3 Mustangs in my life. I have over 2 dozen autographed baseballs. There are 6 firearms in my house.

You're just looking for another nit to pick.
what is your opinion on the newest generation? Mustang or Camaro?


Well-Known Member
Venezuela bans civilians from private gun ownership

Venezuela has major crime problems — we hear a lot about the systemic violence in Mexico, but by at least
one count, Venezuela’s murder rate is four times higher than that of Mexico’s and the highest in all of
South America. As such, violent crime is one of the most dominant political issues in the socialist nation, and
will factor hugely in their upcoming October elections.

And so, in a typically misguided move to cut down on crime, the government has decided to
ban the commercial sale of firearms and ammunition. How and why making it illegal for
lawful citizens to own firearms is supposed to make anyone feel more “secure,” I’ll never comprehend.

Venezuela bans civilians from private gun ownership Hot Air


Für Meno :)
Don't matter Texan, just add it to the countries you will not visit, like Canada too.
And all the other places you can't carry your weapon, like on cruise ships, airlines, in Hockey or Football stadiums, etc.

It's nice to stay at home and feel safe with your gun on your side ! ;)

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Actually I do live in a dangerous area but that is beside the point . I carry everywhere I go . It has nothing to do with bragging . You may view it as bragging because of your ignorance of guns .

Well, help me understand your point of view then. Since you stated that I am clearly ignorant on guns, why dont you show me your intelligence on guns. Lets examine your decision making process based upon the need to carry 2 guns on your person (at times). Clearly, some thought has to go into making a decision to carry a weapon on your person, and there has to be some level of fear that resides in your subconscious that motivates you to feel as if you need 2 guns just to live your life.

The first thing I would like to know is where did your fear originate? The mere fact that you carry two guns, one in a holster and one hidden in a jacket clearly demonstrates that you fear some kind of violent confrontation where your primary weapon becomes either out of your hand or out of bullets. Now, seeing that the .40 carries 15 rounds, how does the second gun come into play?

IS there some scenario that you have thought out where you need to draw a secondary weapon? Have you practiced this scenario at home, maybe wrestling with a stuffed animal while you try and pull out the second weapon?

Help me out here. You said " I carry everywhere I go"....

What would be the motivation for this? Are there no police or sheriff where you go? Are you in the woods or near a river where Ned Beatty and Jon Voight may be paddling by?

What could possibly scare you enough for you to feel "SAFE" with your guns on your person?

Share with me your thought process. What are you looking to prevent with those guns on your persons. Do you have a dream scenario in mind as you walk around your fellow citizens armed with 2 handguns?

Explain how this isnt about "bragging" or showing off. Just because you have a "right", does that mean you have to excersize it? Free speech is a right, but I dont stand on street corners and spout off just because its my right.

Help me understand how you feel "protected" while you are out in public with your guns on your person and everyone around you is unarmed.

How does this make you feel? Do you feel weak without guns on your person? Does the thought of not being able to carry guns with you "at all times" make you feel insecure?

I would like to know your answers to all these questions.

Then I might be able to understand your logic.




golden ticket member
Don't matter Texan, just add it to the countries you will not visit, like Canada too.
And all the other places you can't carry your weapon, like on cruise ships, airlines, in Hockey or Football stadiums, etc.

It's nice to stay at home and feel safe with your gun on your side ! ;)
Do you get headaches after you post?


Well-Known Member
Well, help me understand your point of view then. Since you stated that I am clearly ignorant on guns, why dont you show me your intelligence on guns. Lets examine your decision making process based upon the need to carry 2 guns on your person (at times). Clearly, some thought has to go into making a decision to carry a weapon on your person, and there has to be some level of fear that resides in your subconscious that motivates you to feel as if you need 2 guns just to live your life.

The first thing I would like to know is where did your fear originate? The mere fact that you carry two guns, one in a holster and one hidden in a jacket clearly demonstrates that you fear some kind of violent confrontation where your primary weapon becomes either out of your hand or out of bullets. Now, seeing that the .40 carries 15 rounds, how does the second gun come into play?

IS there some scenario that you have thought out where you need to draw a secondary weapon? Have you practiced this scenario at home, maybe wrestling with a stuffed animal while you try and pull out the second weapon?

Help me out here. You said " I carry everywhere I go"....

What would be the motivation for this? Are there no police or sheriff where you go? Are you in the woods or near a river where Ned Beatty and Jon Voight may be paddling by?

What could possibly scare you enough for you to feel "SAFE" with your guns on your person?

Share with me your thought process. What are you looking to prevent with those guns on your persons. Do you have a dream scenario in mind as you walk around your fellow citizens armed with 2 handguns?

Explain how this isnt about "bragging" or showing off. Just because you have a "right", does that mean you have to excersize it? Free speech is a right, but I dont stand on street corners and spout off just because its my right.

Help me understand how you feel "protected" while you are out in public with your guns on your person and everyone around you is unarmed.

How does this make you feel? Do you feel weak without guns on your person? Does the thought of not being able to carry guns with you "at all times" make you feel insecure?

I would like to know your answers to all these questions.

Then I might be able to understand your logic.



I am also a gun owner. However, I am 43 years old and have yet to come across any scenario in my daily life where I thought "if I only had my gun I could have wasted that

scumbag!". carrying a gun is nothing more than self fear that people put on themselves. makes them wanna be tuff guys. Im a bad a**. ego trips. I enjoy being a gun

owner. I dont have a problem with others owning guns. there is a time and place to have guns. (like a shooting range) let the professionals deal with the bad guys.

like law enforcement. they put in hours of training every year on proper use of deadly force. not just one class then get a ccw permit.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
......I would like to know your answers to all these questions.

Then I might be able to understand your logic.



You are a bigot.

You have already made a decision that anybody who carries a gun is a NUT. You are not willing or capable of having a rational, open minded discussion of the issue. You arent even willing to try to understand his logic. In your mind....all guns are bad, anybody who carries one is a nut, and nobody needs a gun because they can just pack up and go live in a nice safe gated community like you do. End of discussion.


Well-Known Member
You are a bigot.

You have already made a decision that anybody who carries a gun is a NUT. You are not willing or capable of having a rational, open minded discussion of the issue. You arent even willing to try to understand his logic. In your mind....all guns are bad, anybody who carries one is a nut, and nobody needs a gun because they can just pack up and go live in a nice safe gated community like you do. End of discussion.

you sound angry. youre name calling? saying hes not openminded and not willing or capable of having a rational discussion. yet, he asked a bunch of questions

and asked for an answer to help him understand your logic. then you close the conversation with "end of discussion". sounds to me youre the closed minded person here.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
You are a bigot.

You have already made a decision that anybody who carries a gun is a NUT. You are not willing or capable of having a rational, open minded discussion of the issue. You arent even willing to try to understand his logic. In your mind....all guns are bad, anybody who carries one is a nut, and nobody needs a gun because they can just pack up and go live in a nice safe gated community like you do. End of discussion.


this is what a "nut" says. You have articulated some points very well on this thread, so why not jump in the water and answer the questions i posted? Two posters called me ignorant about guns, I asked for an education.

Why not be the first to explain "your" logic ?

I know most gun owners who feel the need to carry a gun everyday, everywhere have themselves convinced that they are taking a "proactive" approach to personal safety, but that is a secondary thought to the primary thought which is FEAR BASED.

In order to protect yourself with a gun, you have to be in FEAR in the first place. I have a couple of gun repair shops on my route, and the typical customer including the owners are cut from the same cloth.

Braggerts whose only intention is compare substitutes for small apendages in order to feel "brave".

Now, for the record (again), I never said all guns were bad. What I have said is that people who own guns should keep them at home, locked up. If you want to target shoot, no problem. If you live on a farm in the middle of the USA and you need a gun for home protection from Bubba and Uncle Dad, ok, I understand. If you want to compete in contests both pistol and rifle, then no problem.

Where i have a problem is with persons who "feel" the need to carry a weapon with them at all times because they are so afraid of society, they need to wrap themselves up with a gun(s) like a child would a security blanket.

There is absolutely NO NEED to carry a weapon with you at ALL TIMES unless you are suffering from some kind of pychological disorder.

We as human beings base all of our decisions on some form of psychological basis, and those who convince themselves that "they" are safer because they have a gun strapped to themselves are really just afraid inside.

What kind of thought process goes through a persons mind when they need to run to the store and pick up a few items, then maybe to the gas station before heading home, but before doing so, they have to load 15 rounds into a semi automatic pistol, and 6 rounds into a .38 and hide it in a jacket??

Who does this? Where are you going to shop and get gas, Beirut?

Is this kind of person that uncomfortable being unarmed that they have to take that kind of firepower on this kind of trip??

What is it about being unarmed that this kind of person cant deal with psychologically?

Tell me SOBER, what is it about your GUN that makes you feel whole?

Dont run away from the conversation like the last guy, step up, convince me with your logic.



The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
you sound angry. youre name calling? saying hes not openminded and not willing or capable of having a rational discussion. yet, he asked a bunch of questions

and asked for an answer to help him understand your logic. then you close the conversation with "end of discussion". sounds to me youre the closed minded person here.


the problem with gun owners who are braggerts, is that they dont want to face the ultimate discovery. What is it? Simple, they are scared.

They come up with every excuse to avoid discussing their fears and instead, name call their way out of discussions. If they had a chance, they'd probably pull a gun to end the conversation.



Pees in the brown Koolaid
you sound angry. youre name calling? saying hes not openminded and not willing or capable of having a rational discussion. yet, he asked a bunch of questions

and asked for an answer to help him understand your logic. then you close the conversation with "end of discussion". sounds to me youre the closed minded person here.

My "end of discussion" comment was intended to paraphrase TOS's bigoted attitude towards all gun owners. In his mind, we are all nuts. He has stated as such on numerous occasions. According to your profile you joined BrownCafe a month or two ago, so you probably are not familiar with the history of this thread and of TOS's complete,absolute and irrational hatred of all guns and all people who own guns.

I would ask that you not take my word for it. Instead....go a few months back in this thread and read for yourself what TOS's beliefs are regarding guns and gun owners. Decide for yourself who it is that really has a closed mind.


golden ticket member should also check out the TOS postings about Ann Romney and how if she was in a wheelchair she wouldn't be a good representation of a first lady!! You need to learn!!

Here's a couple to help you out......

TOS Quotes.....

TOS Posts...........

"If they want Americans to see her as SHE really is, then leave her out there even if it means rolling her around like one of jerrys kids.."

"I have considered all the aspect of MS and its symptoms, but with respect for the first lady of the UNITED STATES, there should never be something that hinders her abilities to represent the USA. When John Kerry was running for the white house, people on this board mocked Teresa Heinz just for the way she spoke. They also mocked her connection to fortunes making that a "bad thing" calling her an elite, but can you get more of an elite than Mitt Romney and Ann Romney??

Ann Romney is not only an Elite, but an unhealthy Elite who, if by circumstance, could very well end up the most unhealthiest first lady in history."

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