

golden ticket member
Well, last week Chicago was at 487 murders this year sofar.
My city has 27.
Toronto, even larger than Chicago is in the 20-30 range, too.

I guess Canadians are brought up differently and have respect for human life, so are the Europeans, too.

Yeah, but as in other posts you don't hesitate to kill those babies!! Or just let themdie when their parents want to take the home.......that's not valuing human life!!


Klein there are far more "good people" in the states than Canada.
They have us by volume.It's just too easy for a criminal to get a gun there.


golden ticket member
That may very well be true fox,but countries that exercise gun control,have far less gun related deaths
than the USA. C'mon 9000 people? What is this Nicaragua?
Over time,they could try to reduce the amount of guns in the USA.
400,000,000 guns is overkill.I'm not saying it will be easy,maybe amnesty for owners,
and severe penaltys for carrying without a permit.People with guns could keep them by
registering them,but all new applicants would be scrutinized carefully.
America needs to lose the cowboy mentality.
The city of Wash. D.C. has some of the strictest gun laws and tons of murders!! It doesn't help!


Für Meno :)
Klein there are far more "good people" in the states than Canada.
They have us by volume.It's just too easy for a criminal to get a gun there.

Then compare the US with the entire EU !
The EU has more population , yet 10 times less murders.


golden ticket member


Least Best Moderator
Staff member
There is an old saying that goes something like "When you outlaw guns, then only the outlaws will have them". A gun is an inanimate object, they don't just go off by themselves and shoot people. If you pass a total gun ban, you would have to be a complete idiot to think that it would make any difference at all. Most weapons in this country are probably not registered. My father bought three of mine over 40 years ago, and my brother gave me an AR-15 a few months ago. So none of these are legally registered in my name, and they don't have to be. I used the ones my father gave me to hunt deer and target shoot with. I also kept the revolver next to my bed in case somebody broke into my house at night.

The AR-15 is a nice weapon, its light weight and is accurate at long range. I ordered two lower receivers a couple of weeks ago when I saw a great sale and I am going to pick them up in the morning. The one I have now is a carbine with the carrying handle on it. I want to custom build a flat top 24" to target shoot with. The second one I bought as an investment in case there is another ban on them. In the over 40 years that I have owned a gun, not once have I thought that I was mad enough at somebody to shoot them.


Scratch,I know you have several unregistered guns,as do millions of Americans.
I would like to see this change.
They could build 3 space shuttles out of the surplus.


Least Best Moderator
Staff member
I don't plan on committing crimes with mine, so why should they be registered? Are the criminals going to register theirs? The parts that I will buy tomorrow will be registered, because I bought them from an out of state company. They had to be shipped to a local sporting goods store that has a Federal Firearms License that will run a background check on me before I can get them.


Well-Known Member
Maybe we should ban divorce or better yet, ban child birth because children can be dangerous in the hands of adults!

Half say we should ban guns and the other half say we should arm to the teeth. What if both sides are wrong?

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
If they are off the streets, then they aren't getting the guns. We just turn them loose here and ignore the school age ones.

Not on the main news, but in China yesterday, 22 students were stabbed.....not with a gun!! If you are determind to do bad, you are going to do it with a knife, a rock, etc.

This is exactly the problem. THE UNDERSTANDING. This has NOTHING to do with mental compentence as HIS MOTHER legally bought ALL THE GUNS that he had during the shooting.

Those same guns cost her, her own life. Just like I always say, guns end up being used on family first, then the public.

This is a tragedy, but the larger tragedy is the direction of this country and guns. Each mass shooting is getting larger and larger number of casualties are occuring. How can ANY of you deny this?

The ammo is getting more powerful, the guns carrying more ammo than ever, the "Stopping" power as Sober would call it is greater as bullets are going through people and into other people.

And yet, somehow , arming teachers is going to solve this problem? What are you going to give the teacher? A DAO12 with a drum mag for the greatest hit potential? This surely has the largest "spray" and would gaurantee a hit...

Its this kind of talk that is simply RIDICULOUS.

A teacher would have NO CHANCE against the semi auto pistols this man was carrying. To even suggest this is the greater problem in america.

Today, this country is an embarrassment to the world for our freedoms. To the world, the only thing we are free to do is kill each other for no reason.



The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Wheredid I say any students were killed ? I only said stabbed. You are adding that!!
I was showing that sick people are going to do sick things and use any weapon (even cars) to do their maniacal games....better that x-box for them!! It's the real thing.

My "schtick" as you call it was an actual story......

Man stabs 22 children at China primary school - The West Australian

To be honest, only TWO suffered actual stab wounds and the rest were only "slashed" at and suffered minor cuts. The story is being exaggerated by right wing outlets.




Strength through joy
If the gov't were to ban & collect all firearms , just what would they do with all of them ?
Oh, I know ship them to Mexico & the Middle East.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
I think the right to bear arms is an archaic premise that needs to be re-thunk.
I know a lot of you own guns in the name of self protection,but I agree with your president.
Something could and should be done to stop the senseless devastation that can happen
when every American,no matter if they are normal or insane,has the God given right to own a gun.
Just think about this for a minuteOver 9,000 Murders by Gun in US; 39 in UK

Over 9,000 Murders by Gun in US; 39 in UK | Informed Comment

I know I'll take some flak for this but America should wake up.

There is NO FLAK for being honest and having a true understanding of the horror that is happening to this country and its people. The gun supporters accept 9000 dead americans as an acceptable "margin". They dont understand how they have "marginalized" human beings.

They next thing is for someone to talk about knife deaths, baseball bat deaths, auto fatalities and such and then say how small the gun deaths are relative to other forms of death, as if it makes it ok.

The founders didnt want people to own guns to kill EACH OTHER. They were for protection against a tyranical goverment or foriegn invasion.

We as a nation, have allowed our citizens to be killed everyday, every week, every month and every year by guns and we look the other way as long as we are not affected.

Today, 20 innocent children died for the rights of gun sellers to make a profit on weapons that are designed to KILL PEOPLE.

Today, 6 school employees died for the rights of gun owners to have high powered assault weapons as toys.

Today, the rest of the country is once again victimized by the gun owners and their vocal supporters and the best that can be offered is an offering of prayer for the dead.

Its a sad day for us all no matter what we believe about guns. We are all victims. Our society is decaying right in front of us and we sit home and want to do nothing about it.

The future will only get worse. If you examine the last three mass shootings, you will see a consistency with the shooters. Body armor, High Powered assault weapons, semi automatic handguns with clips of 25 bullets each and camoflauge clothing. The kills are getting larger, the wounded are getting larger and the bullets are doing their jobs. People are less likely to survive a mass shooting with the kinds of rounds that are being used.

The bar now has been raised for the future of mass shootings. Not only will the next mass shooter wear body armor and have high powered assault weapons, but its only a short time before hand grenades are introduced and IED's.

The next mass shooter will probably "booby trap" himself with explosives and right after killing himself, the police will come to his body and he will explode killing more people.

You may think that sounds "nuts", but look at where we are today in these kinds of killings.

The escalation is coming. As we sit back and do nothing but offer prayers and sad thoughts, the next kook is stocking up on ammo, guns, grenades and body armor.




Strength through joy
The story out of China , which has a rather strict gun control , is not another right wing falsehood.
It shows that the mentally ill will always find some weapon to use if they wish to do harm .


Strength through joy
If say the state of Mass were to arm teachers , they then would be able to be classified into Group 4 .
Group 4 was designed for law enforcement officers. It gives them the right to retire ten years earlier & at a higher pension .

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
The story out of China , which has a rather strict gun control , is not another right wing falsehood.
It shows that the mentally ill will always find some weapon to use if they wish to do harm .

I didnt say the story was false, What I said was that the "SEVERITY" of the stabbings were exaggerated.

Only TWO PEOPLE suffered actual stab wounds that had to be treated at a hospital. THE OTHERS suffered only minors cuts and scrapes but its being reported as 22 students STABBED.

Thats an exaggeration of a ridiculous nature.

There will always be crazy people in the world and the USA isnt immune.




Pees in the brown Koolaid
Well, last week Chicago was at 487 murders this year sofar.
My city has 27.
Toronto, even larger than Chicago is in the 20-30 range, too.

I guess Canadians are brought up differently and have respect for human life, so are the Europeans, too.

Chicago has some of the strictest gun control laws in the United States, including a virtual prohibition on the posession of handguns and no opportunity at all for trained law abiding citizens to obtain concealed carry permits. Yet the murder rate in Chicago is among the highest in the nation...far higher than in states like Arizona or Vermont where it is perfectly legal for law-abiding citizens to carry concealed handguns with no permit at all. Whenever I ask an anti-gun person to explain how this could be possible...I usually get a blank stare and some mumbling before they change the subject.