
The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Some people are worried about their 2nd amendments rights.
These same people are worried about their 401k's disappearing and any monies in stocks disappearing or greatly diminishing.
I can't think of any other president in my life time (61 years) that has caused such fear among the populace.

Some people are so GD dumb that they are lulled into a sense of peace by his deameanor.
He has be likened to a socialist, marxist and a totalitarian communist.
Sound like fun to you?

The only people who are worried about "their" gun rights, are the ones who are falling for a marketing ploy by the gun makers and the NRA to sell more guns. We call them "suckers", but you call them patriots.

The marketing strategy is simple, place gun owners in fear, tell them guns are going to be taken away so you better jump on the bandwagon early and buy your guns before the law changes.

Its working like a charm, even though there is NO THREAT of such a gun battle.

False marketing works, and in this case, its leading to bigger gun sales. The gun makers and the NRA is getting richer and richer and you all are wasting your time ,effort, energy and money on guns that will stay collecting dust in your closets.

Millions of dollars is being generated for both the NRA and GUN makers in this scam.

But if your dumb enough to fall for it, then youre dumb enough to part with your money.




Least Best Moderator
Staff member
Obama has stated many times that he wants to ban certain weapons, and Clinton did sign a ten year ban in 1994. Some of you commenting on this thread are completely clueless about this topic and many others, thats why I seldom read anything that you post.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Obama has stated many times that he wants to ban certain weapons, and Clinton did sign a ten year ban in 1994. Some of you commenting on this thread are completely clueless about this topic and many others, thats why I seldom read anything that you post.

When you talk about "clueless", ya better hope you arent on the top of the list first. What President Obama has said, is that there should be a ban on ASSAULT RIFLES that can carry excessive rounds of ammo and then upgraded to FULLY AUTO weapons that can shoot HIGH POWERED AMMO.

These weapons were classified as COP KILLERS during the Clinton administration and when they were banned, peoples lives were saved. Once the BAN was allowed to expire by GW BUSH, mass shootings went on the rise.

Since, we have had the largest MASS SHOOTINGS in our country's history.

U want to call other people "CLUELESS"? Well, I got news for you... What is truly CLUELESS is not knowing that the handgun that was purchased LEGALLY by the shooter of GABBY GIFFORDS was on the Clinton Assault Weapons Ban list, but after BUSH allowed it to expire, that maroon was able to legally purchase one over the counter and end up shooting the congresswoman and her staff members killing a few of them.

What is CLUELESS is not knowing that the guy who shot up the colorado movie theatre purchased all his guns LEGALLY and most of those guns were also on the weapons ban list along with the magazines he used in the assault.

Our president isnt talking about taking all the guns away from the people, that is nothing more than an exaggeration by people who have the most to lose. The gun makers dont care who gets killed with their weapons, they never have and never will. Its like any other business, its about profit, and how better to increase profits than to scare the public into thinking the goverment is coming for their guns?

I have two gun shops on my route, and these jackholes modify guns all the time, creating fully automatic machines guns out of AR15's and such. They sell DRUM MAGS to any maroon who wants one.

They could care less how those weapons are used or who they are used on.

So I ask you, who is really clueless?

We have too many weapons available for public that can do massive damage to the public. Just today in Oregon, a mass shooting in a shopping mall, but where was SOBER with his trusty "friend" when the public needed him?

Gun owners will never admit that "GUNS" are the problem and will instead insist that its some Mental Issue that is giving guns a bad rap.

To that extend, I will agree, people who live in fear everyday to the point where they feel the need to arm themselves to the teeth, have a mental problem.




Staff member
Obama has stated many times that he wants to ban certain weapons, and Clinton did sign a ten year ban in 1994. Some of you commenting on this thread are completely clueless about this topic and many others, thats why I seldom read anything that you post.
Remaining in the echo chamber of your own rock solid beliefs. That sounds alot like a certain presidential candidate who lost a little over a month ago.


golden ticket member

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
In that Oregon mall, the public was very lucky in that the ASSAULT weapon that the WHITE SHOOTER had, "STOVEPIPED" a round and he couldnt clear it, and then he decided to take his own life.

Just another "WHITE" armed man causing another mass shooting that could have been extremely worse had the gun actually performed. He was firing so rapidly that he caused his own "jam".

Two people lost their lives, just so this KOOK could go to a gun store and buy an ASSAULT weapon and take it to the mall at christmas and excersise his constitutional rights.

What is the value of those innocent people killed compared to this jackhole being able to buy an assault weapon?

Cmon scratch, tell us how "we" are clueless.




The Nim
In that Oregon mall, the public was very lucky in that the ASSAULT weapon that the WHITE SHOOTER had, "STOVEPIPED" a round and he couldnt clear it, and then he decided to take his own life.

Just another "WHITE" armed man causing another mass shooting that could have been extremely worse had the gun actually performed. He was firing so rapidly that he caused his own "jam".

Two people lost their lives, just so this KOOK could go to a gun store and buy an ASSAULT weapon and take it to the mall at christmas and excersise his constitutional rights.

What is the value of those innocent people killed compared to this jackhole being able to buy an assault weapon?

Cmon scratch, tell us how "we" are clueless.



I've got a question as I've not spent much time following this story. If the gun "stovepiped" and jammed leaving him unable to shoot more people how did he then use the gun to take his own life?

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
I have another question .........Why do you type 'white' in all caps ????

Easy, almost every single MASS shooter in the USA is a WHITE person. See a trend? The caps places the emphasis on the word. With the exception of the DC sniper, who was a serial killer and not a mass shooter, there have been no other races that seem to take Assault weapons into a public place and start shooting.

They always seem to be WHITE guys.

The problem with guns in this country is the trending of "militarizing" of private gun owners with more and more powerful weapons. You can get a good gauge of this by simply watching an episode of "doomsday preppers". Each of these nuts are "strapped" with guns everyday, even though there isnt a threat to them at the time.

They keep getting bigger and bigger guns and are doing military style training in the home. What this does to the brain is amazing.

When it all goes wrong in their lives, all they have left is their guns, and those guns are going to solve all their problems. Just like the shooter in the oregon mall, these cowards attack innocent persons who are defenseless, because thats where they are going to have the biggest carnage.

COWARDS. Something Ive called "big" gun owners many times. The Oregon shooter went to the mall with body armor, a mask and a AR15 with multiple rounds. He was going to be a "BADASS" with his gun. In his mind, he felt confident that his body armor would allow him to have his "dream" shootout with the police. Once the gun jammed and the police were in view, he took the only way out that a COWARD knows, he took his own life.

Once his assault weapon was down, he no longer had that confidence that he had when he walked into that mall.

This is what a COWARD does. Its unfortunate, but the consistent fact is that they are always WHITE guys.



The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Because he's a racist.

Look, anyone can go to the DOJ website and see that most gun killers are BLACK. 56% are BLACK, compared to 41% WHITE.

Ya its the black guys.... does that feed your hate?

We are talking about MASS SHOOTINGS not murders.

Dont confuse the subject with a black man rant. If you want to discuss murders, we can do that, but the topic is MASS SHOOTINGS.

Just like the one TODAY in a CT. SCHOOL. Another "white" shooter goes nuts and kills at least 26.

Why dont either YOU or TRICK defend this mans rights to own a weapon?

27 killed, including 18 children in Conn. elementary school shooting | – Greensboro, High-Point, Winston-Salem News & weather from WGHP Television FOX8

I can only imagine what kind of weapons this man had. The man was in camoflauge and most likely had body armor on. He fired hundreds of rounds and that suggests he had assault weapons.

But just like the other coward, this guy most likely killed himself.

Go ahead, defend the guns.




Well-Known Member
For the love of God. TOS why can't you just for once stop thinking about what an issue of what color has do with anything at this piont in time.... Little kids are dead for GOD Sake and thier parents are waiting to see if they have a small child lost today. We should all be praying to what ever god we pray to watch over those people today. Not sitting here to see who can make the best piont over some meanless issue you can pull out of thin air. It is kind sick to even come here and read some of the vile hate you can spill sometimes. You have to be the most depressing person to even know and thank GOD I don't know you. That is why I have made a good effort to stay away from people like you now in my life, because it is people like you that make me want to take my brain out pressure wash it from all the hate spilling you do. So for the rest of you if you DO PRAY I ASK YOU TO PLEASE TAKE A FEW AND SAY SOMETHING KIND FOR THOSE LITTLE ONES THAT WERE KILLED TODAY.