

Pees in the brown Koolaid
I am just trying to understand what The Other Side is attempting to grasp at with his whites and gun violence rhetoric.

On another note, it can be extremely difficult if not impossible to obtain a CCP in major cities, even as a military vet. The "gun-free zone" is not the worst argument one can make. For instance, the aurora shooter went to a theater that was a gun-free zone, while avoiding closer theaters that were not. Schools are a gun free zone, therefore are an easy target if someone is putting thought into their attack.

Other points I see people trying to make include high mag capacity and the "rapid fire" of a "semi-automatic" (huh?). Yet what is conveniently ignored would be the VT massacre which had a higher body count, while the shooter was using handguns. Let a shooter run wild in an area where sheepdogs are banned and the madman can rack up the kill count with a lever action or six shooter if desired. Let's repeat this, violence is in our hearts as a species, gun violence is just one manifestation amongst thousands.

For you to tell me I don't have a right to self defense against evil that will exist until breakthroughs in mental heath engineering emerge, thousands of years down the line, will result in me laughing hysterically in your face. For when dangerous, perverted humans open fire on innocents I will be the one engaging to save you, my family and myself and if it results in me being killed in the process, I chose to go down fighting and not cowering. If the anti-gun crowd cannot understand the warrior spirit, chances are nothing will change their line of thinking.

Until evil men are eradicated, I choose to be armed. Luckily our founding fathers observed this and thought it to be a pretty important issue. That and the whole tyrannical government argument. What foresight and honesty our founders had. Where have the great men gone?


As far as the difficulty in getting carry permit, the solution to that is to move to a "shall-issue" state like Oregon, where a permit shall be issued to those who pass the background check and training class. Its no different from getting a driver license. You cant arbitrarily be denied a permit just because the local police or politicians happen to be anti-gun. I actually hold two permits, one for Oregon and also a nonresident Utah permit which allows me to carry in the 35 states that have reciprocity with Utah.


Staff member
Baba gounj, are you a CCP holder? Massachusetts is a twisted state when it comes to gun law. Seems to be pick and choose on the part of police chiefs when it comes to obtaining a class a unrestricted.
It certainly is a twisted state. I've had a high capacity LTC since I was 21. It is sadly arbitrary how police chiefs are the ones who decide if residents of their town can carry. Luckily (for me), I've lived in towns where there has been no problem. The biggest impediment now is COST. One hundred dollars every four years. That's $100 for me, $100 for wifey.
ALSO, there are many lawsuits ongoing because it is taking so long to get a LTC or a renewal. You would think for $100, they could do it in a timely manner.


Well-Known Member
Yes, 6 months renewal for a 12 month license. Basically, the game being played is since we can't outright ban it today, let's use every loophole and tactic we can to circumvent people holding a license, buying ammo and so fourth. Keep in mind this a constitutional amendment given to us as a free people of the country by our founders. It IS criminal; it really does not take prophetic wisdom to see what is happening.

I see people arguing things like "well-regulated militia" and the wordplay involved. These people have not read the totality of work the men of that time compiled. It is very clear what they thought were essentials to keeping liberty intact. Times have changed but the fundamentals remain true and that's the point.

Not related to guns in general, but in researching mass murders I was surprised to find that some of the deadliest have been through the method of arson. This was something that I had forgotten.
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The Other Side

Well-Known Troll

Think what you want --I know this is a sensitive area for you --but believe me I have no problem looking in the mirror everyday and I do not fear the day God will judge me.

With any problem --you break it down and then solve. If we are looking at 50% of the problem --this is definitely a place to start with our comprehensive plan.

The amazing part about this the BLACK communities would be much safer and better off. You still see things through the prism of racism. Sad.

Do us all a favor, and demonstrate to us the number of BLACK shooters involved in MASS SHOOTINGS at schools, churches, malls and the like vs WHITE MEN.

You want to focus on numbers, a simple numbers game intended to distract the conversation away from WHITE MEN and assault weapons.

There ISNT one of you concerned about chicago or any other minority area where they are killing each other, that was the intention for selling them the weapons in the first place, and the main reason nothing is done about it by the WHITE leadership of those cities.

As long as they kill "themselves" you dont give a rats ash about it. The talk today is them becoming "marauders" after the great american apocalypse and them coming for your food and water.

If this wasnt true, there would be no DOOMSDAY PREPPER SHOW.




golden ticket member
"There ISNT one of you concerned about chicago or any other minority area where they are killing each other,..."(TOS)

We just assume that those stiff gun regulations would take care of those things......gun regulatios that you favor and think they work!!

Chicago & DC is the proof that they don't !!

want to retire

Do us all a favor, and demonstrate to us the number of BLACK shooters involved in MASS SHOOTINGS at schools, churches, malls and the like vs WHITE MEN.

You want to focus on numbers, a simple numbers game intended to distract the conversation away from WHITE MEN and assault weapons.

There ISNT one of you concerned about chicago or any other minority area where they are killing each other, that was the intention for selling them the weapons in the first place, and the main reason nothing is done about it by the WHITE leadership of those cities.

As long as they kill "themselves" you dont give a rats ash about it. The talk today is them becoming "marauders" after the great american apocalypse and them coming for your food and water.

If this wasnt true, there would be no DOOMSDAY PREPPER SHOW.



Comrade TOS,

The "White Liberal Democrat Leadership". A very important distinction. Something conveniently not mentioned(ever) by liberals. Black or white. Chicago and Il. are run by We(I,me) have nothing to do with it. I do care. However, for example: every kid(black or white ) with their pants down around their ankles at WORK! is reported. Let's (we/us/you) clean it up. Any gang graffiti I see around my neighborhood or city get's reported. My United Way donation is pledged to the local library(I am the no.1 contributor in my building) to help fight ignorance. Want black folks to stop killing each other? Is it my fault? See above. Consider: the drop out rate for highschool kids in these areas, unwed pregancy, multiple unwed pregancy's, welfare dependency, general social degredation, destruction of the nuclear family. Taking away my rights will not help one iota, the inner city problems you describe. As you preach the Commie/Socialist/Liberal Democrat agenda/philosophy and as your anger/hate simmers......try reflecting on how that's working out for you. Taking my rights, guns, money and giving it someone else(at the point of a gun)(what liberals do) will not help/change your inner-city problems. It is a choice to steal from each other. It is a choice to murder for tennis shoes or wearing a red shirt. Choices/freedom....the very essence of America. So, when that hate/racism boils up.....take a long, hard look in the mirror.......are you REALLY doing anything about it? How about the folks YOU elect to assure it continues.........? Yep, I'm white, work hard, pay my taxes, volunteer, give to those in need......without regard to race or anything else........You?


The Nim
I've got one question for everyone.

Say over a 2 week span in the same large city, there's 25 murders committed by around 15-20 individuals. During the same 2 week span there's only one incident of murder, but it happens to be 10 people in the same incident.

What is more likely to be reported?

Oh, I know the answer to this, and I also know why, but I'm fishing for ignorant answers.

Really the answer is very simple. ​
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Well-Known Member
I believe its time we let our lawmakers prove to us they want to enforce the gun laws already on the books.

Here is David Gregory waving a 30 round AR15 magazine on Meet the Press.


Here is the Washington D.C. rules for those magazines.

"DC High Capacity Ammunition Magazines - D.C. Official Code 7-2506.01

(b) No person in the District shall possess, sell, or transfer any large capacity ammunition feeding device regardless of whether the device is attached to a firearm. For the purposes of this subsection, the term �large capacity ammunition feeding device� means a magazine, belt, drum, feed strip, or similar device that has a capacity of, or that can be readily restored or converted to accept, more than 10 rounds of ammunition. The term �large capacity ammunition feeding device� shall not include an attached tubular device designed to accept, and capable of operating only with, .22 caliber rimfire ammunition.�."

It appears David Gregory has broken the law and if our lawmakers are truly interested in prosecuting people for gun crimes it seems to be this would be a good start because its clear David Gregory is now a criminal.

want to retire

Ft. Hood was workplace violence?????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Well yeah.......and muslim American terrorist......but no matter. His reference is to all the guns there.....I guess.


Well-Known Member
Do us all a favor, and demonstrate to us the number of BLACK shooters involved in MASS SHOOTINGS at schools, churches, malls and the like vs WHITE MEN.

You want to focus on numbers, a simple numbers game intended to distract the conversation away from WHITE MEN and assault weapons.

There ISNT one of you concerned about chicago or any other minority area where they are killing each other, that was the intention for selling them the weapons in the first place, and the main reason nothing is done about it by the WHITE leadership of those cities.

As long as they kill "themselves" you dont give a rats ash about it. The talk today is them becoming "marauders" after the great american apocalypse and them coming for your food and water.

If this wasnt true, there would be no DOOMSDAY PREPPER SHOW.




Racism is always ugly ---just look in your miror.

The roar by the Left is for control on guns and the cry is about all the gun deaths in America.

You do the numbers .

It is and will be very difficult to pinpoint where the next white nut will kill in a mall,school or movie --even in good neighborhoods that you claim are so crime free.

It is very easy to pinpoint the next gun homicide in Detroit, Chicago, Stockton, Memphis, Philly, New Orleans or Baltimore etc,etc.

When a bunch of white people are killed the President,Media and Politicians are all over it. The mass slaughter with both gang member and innocent collateral damage goes on daily in the inner cities. No out cry --no solutions.

I received a "Private Message" recently on BC --basically letting me know --that if it is a "black problem" you may offend a Black person reading it. Is this really what we have come to ????

Make belief the gang violence is Irish or Italian if it puts your hate away. Capone had to be dealt with.

Fact gun violence and deaths is a MAJOR and Significant Problem involving BLACK , Latino and White Skin head gang bangers.

Even bbsam has been disappointing --Comrehesive plan --I am all for it --the insane,criminals , gang members,violent games and movies ==ALL---WHITE --BLACK--BROWN--YELLOW --RED ---PINK ---WHATEVER. Just taking about a few white nuts wearing Hockey masks or green hair will not solve this.

Do not talk about gun violence and relate it the very large numbers of Black and Hispanic gangs because it is RACIST?????
How sick can you get ???

An old but wise saying used at UPS --Do something with the 20% causing 80% of the problems.:sick:

Because I want a full out assault or war on gangs and thugs --no matter what color --I am the Racist.

Seems like I am the only one who cries with the Black Mom as she buries her dead child--not important enough to get the President to make speeches or the politicians to do anything - no flags at half mast here--how is Raum doing in Chicago ??? You call it a simple numbers game ??? I call it REALITY.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
A word about "magazines"

A firearm "magazine" is nothing more than a plastic or metal box with a spring in it that pushes loaded cartridges upward under spring pressure where they are stripped off and into the barrel by the slide of the weapon as it cycles.

During the Assault Weapons "ban" of 1994-2004, manufacturers of conventional semi-automatic firearms simply inserted spacers or plugs into these magazines to prevent more than 10 rounds from fitting inside. The number of rounds that a given magazine will normally accept is a function of the size of the magazine and the size of the particular type of bullet that is held. Since most magazines comprise only 3 seperate parts and can be disassembled for maintainence or cleaning...the reality is that converting a "compliant" mag back into a "high capacity" one is a actually a simple matter of removing the spacer or plug and modifying or replacing the spring. Its not rocket science, people. You can get on YouTube and learn how to do it on a workbench with a pair of pliers.

As I type this, virtually every website that sells firearm accessories and magazines is swamped with orders and "out of stock" on pretty much every kind of high capacity mag. There is a wave of panic buying going on. There are untold millions of these magazines are already in circulation in the United States, with perhaps billions worldwide. The idea that any sort of "ban" on them will prevent criminals from using them is beyond is pathetically stupid.

The Federal "Ban" of 1994-2004 never actually banned the posession of these magazines, only their manufacture or import. if you already had them prior to the ban, you could still keep them or sell them. Even states that did ban posession had "grandfather" clauses allowing those in posession prior to the ban to be kept...but since magazines dont come with serial numbers or dates stamped on them there was no way to know whether or not a mag qualified to be "grandfathered" or not.

I purchased hi-cap mags legally, over the Internet, during the "ban" of 1994-2004. Even in states like California where they were actually banned, you could still legally buy "magazine rebuild kits" or seperate magazine components (spring, follower, magazine body) that allowed you to assemble a high capacity mag that you could "claim" to have posessed prior to the ban...making the law itself unenforceable.

When it comes to laws, the devil is in the details. When it comes to "bans" on "high-capacity magazines"...those details render such laws as nothing more than worthless pieces of "feel-good" legislation that pretend to solve a problem but in reality serve no useful purpose whatsoever.