

Well-Known Member
Oh wait, whats a free country ?
Only those that allow guns ?

Oh those that allow freedom of choice, such as prostitution, abortion, much lower drinking age than 21, more freedom of the press, nude river beaching , etc?

If you go by "Freedom" because of guns only, than Afganistan is a much freerer country than that of the US.

“The totalitarian states can do great things, but there is one thing they cannot do: they cannot give the factory-worker a rifle and tell him to take it home and keep it in his bedroom. That rifle, hanging on the wall of the working-class flat or laborer’s cottage, is the symbol of democracy. It is our job to see that it stays there."-George Orwell


golden ticket member


Strength through joy
Should Congress pass a gun magazine restriction act .
Would that ban include all the security forces that protect them ?
It would only be FAIR to equal the playing field .

Also how can a country that claims that they are unable to deport 12M illegals be able to collect 260M known weapons held by 52M of its citizens .


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
“The totalitarian states can do great things, but there is one thing they cannot do: they cannot give the factory-worker a rifle and tell him to take it home and keep it in his bedroom. That rifle, hanging on the wall of the working-class flat or laborer’s cottage, is the symbol of democracy. It is our job to see that it stays there."-George Orwell

You forgot the first sentence of the quote: "Even as it stands the Home Guard could only exist in a country where men feel themselves free."

Context matters. He was speaking about the Home Guard in Britain on the eve of WWII, when an invasion was thought to be imminent. Interesting sidenote, the NRA collected and sent rifles to the Home Guard. These weapons were collected and destroyed after the war, because they were no longer needed.

Orwell was not talking about arming citizens in peace time. Nice try, though.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Another crazed WHITE man sets up an ambush and kills 2 firefighters and injures others.

4 firefighters shot, 2 killed at Webster, N.Y., fire

One of the reasons the "founders" set up parameters for the age of persons who could own a firearm (18 to 45) was to prevent OLD MEN from committing serious gun offenses.

Too bad , this was removed.

What a christmas the gun crowd has presented in 2012. Thanks.




Well-Known Member
You are correct in that context does matter. It should be noted that Orwell, real name Eric Blair, was a member of Home Guard and he also shared the views of Tom Wingtringham who helped form Home Guard and saw it as a type of people's revolutionary militia. Wingtringham, himself a marxist, wrote the book, "New Ways of War" and in 1930' helped found the communist newspaper, The Daily Worker.

Prior to Home Guard, Wingtringham fought on the side of the communist in the Spanish Civil War and some credit him with the concept of International Brigades. After returning from Spain he took a job as journalist with the Picture Post and the Daily Mirror where he advanced his ideas in respect to Home Guard and to quote his writings in the Post and Mirror, "a people's war for a people's peace." Wingtringham also instructed in street fighting and guerilla warfare.

Orwell was of the Fabian Socialist tradition and was more a gradualist than a revolutionary and I have no doubt he would not blanket support the American tradition of guns but at the same time I'm not convinced he'd oppose guns in the hands of certain people either.

You are absolutely correct, context is everything!
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golden ticket member
"What a christmas the gun crowd has presented in 2012. Thanks." (TOS)

What if it happened around St Patrick's Day???

That is the most ridiculous statement ever !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"What a christmas the gun crowd has presented in 2012. Thanks." (TOS)

What if it happened around St Patrick's Day???

That is the most ridiculous statement ever !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Then they would be drunks with guns.

TOS is right. Another mentally disturbed, ex-felon, illegally acquired weapons and broke established gun control laws! Maybe tougher gun control laws would have scared this person from committing this crime.


Well-Known Member
You are correct in that context does matter. It should be noted that Orwell, real name Eric Blair, was a member of Home Guard and he also shared the views of Tom Wingtringham who helped form Home Guard and saw it as a type of people's revolutionary militia. Wingtringham, himself a marxist, wrote the book, "New Ways of War" and in 1930' helped found the communist newspaper, The Daily Worker.

Prior to Home Guard, Wingtringham fought on the side of the communist in the Spanish Civil War and some credit him with the concept of International Brigades. After returning from Spain he took a job as journalist with the Picture Post and the Daily Mirror where he advanced his ideas in respect to Home Guard and to quote his writings in the Post and Mirror, "a people's war for a people's peace." Wingtringham also instructed in street fighting and guerilla warfare.

Orwell was of the Fabian Socialist tradition and was more a gradualist than a revolutionary and I have no doubt he would blanket support the American tradition of guns but at the same time I'm not convinced he'd oppose guns in the hands of certain people either.

You are absolutely correct, context is everything!

should read "would not blanket......."


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Another crazed WHITE man sets up an ambush and kills 2 firefighters and injures others.

4 firefighters shot, 2 killed at Webster, N.Y., fire

One of the reasons the "founders" set up parameters for the age of persons who could own a firearm (18 to 45) was to prevent OLD MEN from committing serious gun offenses.

Too bad , this was removed.

What a christmas the gun crowd has presented in 2012. Thanks.



The relevant factor in this tragedy is not the race of the perpetrator, nor is it his age.

The relevant the scumbag somehow got paroled from prison after being convicted of beating his 92 yr old grandmother to death!

This has nothing to do with gun laws either. As a convicted felon, he was already prohibited from buying or posessing a gun. A man with the premeditated intent to commit murder is not going to concern himself with whether or not he violates any gun laws while committing that murder.

This man was not a gun owner. He was a convicted murderer who had no right to own a gun and who should have been rotting away in prison for his crime instead of being free to commit another.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
The relevant factor in this tragedy is not the race of the perpetrator, nor is it his age.

The relevant the scumbag somehow got paroled from prison after being convicted of beating his 92 yr old grandmother to death!

This has nothing to do with gun laws either. As a convicted felon, he was already prohibited from buying or posessing a gun. A man with the premeditated intent to commit murder is not going to concern himself with whether or not he violates any gun laws while committing that murder.

This man was not a gun owner. He was a convicted murderer who had no right to own a gun and who should have been rotting away in prison for his crime instead of being free to commit another.

Race has EVERYTHING to do with these kinds of shootings. For a hundred years, blacks, hispanics and asians have had it bad. We have seen what its like to be poor, grow up poor, not able to find jobs, not be allowed in schools and colleges, being separated from WHITE businesses and establishments and such.

We as minorities have seen it all, but what we havent seen, is those minorities going around settling our problems at the end of a gun barrel. Yes, gangs have guns, but they dont shoot up schools, malls , churches and our protectors in ambushes.

Gangs may kill each other for drugs or money, but that is what they were set up to do.

Whites on the other hand, since the civil rights act was passed, have gone on the rampage with the very tools they hold dearly to their hearts.

As Whites find themselves in the same situations as minorities had it for decades, we are seeing that they cant handle being poor, unemployed or cheated on.

Whites are turning to the gun as the ultimate problem solver. Name a problem and whites seem to have the same answer, shoot their way out of it, then kill themselves.

Ill say this again, gun owners are cowards. Look at the mass shootings and examine the facts. Body armor, assault weapons, mulitiple guns, hundreds of rounds, mulitiple clips loaded to the max, camoflauge, boots and extra guns in the car. The similarities are striking in each but one stands out from the rest.

Once they feel cornered, or their "courage" jams and it cannot be fired anymore, then they kill themselves.

The most common theme lately is the suicide that ends the rampage.

Gun nuts dont want to "factor" in the gun into the calculation of a rampage, but it plays the largest part. In this last shooting of innocent UNPAID firemen, the guns factored in greatly as DISTANCE was the advantage this shooter had with his "rifles".

This shooter hated the world for whatever reason, and I dont care why, but someone had access to guns and this shooter got his hands on them. Maybe his family felt the same as the rest of you, and kept them loaded and under a pillow unsecured and he merely retrieved them.

Either way, white men are causing these shooting rampages with more frequency and it needs to be addressed before we become somalia.




Well-Known Member
The Webster, NY, tragedy has dominated our local news for the past week or so. It was reported this morning that they found the body of his sister, whom he did not get along with and who lived on the other side of the house, in the charred rubble of the home. The part that disturbs me the most is the firefighters were volunteers who put their lives on the line every day in the service of strangers. They were simply doing their jobs and had no idea they were walking in to an ambush. I cannot imagine pulling up to the house and preparing to fight the fire only to be shot and killed while doing so. Do we now need to arm our volunteer firefighters?


Nine Lives
Race has EVERYTHING to do with these kinds of shootings. For a hundred years, blacks, hispanics and asians have had it bad. We have seen what its like to be poor, grow up poor, not able to find jobs, not be allowed in schools and colleges, being separated from WHITE businesses and establishments and such.

We as minorities have seen it all, but what we havent seen, is those minorities going around settling our problems at the end of a gun barrel. Yes, gangs have guns, but they dont shoot up schools, malls , churches and our protectors in ambushes.

Gangs may kill each other for drugs or money, but that is what they were set up to do.

Whites on the other hand, since the civil rights act was passed, have gone on the rampage with the very tools they hold dearly to their hearts.

As Whites find themselves in the same situations as minorities had it for decades, we are seeing that they cant handle being poor, unemployed or cheated on.

Whites are turning to the gun as the ultimate problem solver. Name a problem and whites seem to have the same answer, shoot their way out of it, then kill themselves.

Ill say this again, gun owners are cowards. Look at the mass shootings and examine the facts. Body armor, assault weapons, mulitiple guns, hundreds of rounds, mulitiple clips loaded to the max, camoflauge, boots and extra guns in the car. The similarities are striking in each but one stands out from the rest.

Once they feel cornered, or their "courage" jams and it cannot be fired anymore, then they kill themselves.

The most common theme lately is the suicide that ends the rampage.

Gun nuts dont want to "factor" in the gun into the calculation of a rampage, but it plays the largest part. In this last shooting of innocent UNPAID firemen, the guns factored in greatly as DISTANCE was the advantage this shooter had with his "rifles".

This shooter hated the world for whatever reason, and I dont care why, but someone had access to guns and this shooter got his hands on them. Maybe his family felt the same as the rest of you, and kept them loaded and under a pillow unsecured and he merely retrieved them.

Either way, white men are causing these shooting rampages with more frequency and it needs to be addressed before we become somalia.



Now that we have our racist comments for today, we can all go about our day feeling better about ourselves.

My first impulse was to delete your post as it is against the Terms of Service to post racist remarks on Brown Cafe.
And your post would have normally been deleted since it is a post filled with racist remarks.
I decided to leave it on the board as example that can be seen by others
a post others can refer to in the future when you make your all too common claim of racism by others.

If you desire to have your post deleted, you can report it as being in violation of the Terms of Service due to it's blatant racist nature.
You can do so by the solid black triangle at the bottom left of your post.

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