

Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
Race has EVERYTHING to do with these kinds of shootings. For a hundred years, blacks, hispanics and asians have had it bad. We have seen what its like to be poor, grow up poor, not able to find jobs, not be allowed in schools and colleges, being separated from WHITE businesses and establishments and such.

We as minorities have seen it all, but what we havent seen, is those minorities going around settling our problems at the end of a gun barrel. Yes, gangs have guns, but they dont shoot up schools, malls , churches and our protectors in ambushes.

Gangs may kill each other for drugs or money, but that is what they were set up to do.

Whites on the other hand, since the civil rights act was passed, have gone on the rampage with the very tools they hold dearly to their hearts.

As Whites find themselves in the same situations as minorities had it for decades, we are seeing that they cant handle being poor, unemployed or cheated on.

Whites are turning to the gun as the ultimate problem solver. Name a problem and whites seem to have the same answer, shoot their way out of it, then kill themselves.

Ill say this again, gun owners are cowards. Look at the mass shootings and examine the facts. Body armor, assault weapons, mulitiple guns, hundreds of rounds, mulitiple clips loaded to the max, camoflauge, boots and extra guns in the car. The similarities are striking in each but one stands out from the rest.

Once they feel cornered, or their "courage" jams and it cannot be fired anymore, then they kill themselves.

The most common theme lately is the suicide that ends the rampage.

Gun nuts dont want to "factor" in the gun into the calculation of a rampage, but it plays the largest part. In this last shooting of innocent UNPAID firemen, the guns factored in greatly as DISTANCE was the advantage this shooter had with his "rifles".

This shooter hated the world for whatever reason, and I dont care why, but someone had access to guns and this shooter got his hands on them. Maybe his family felt the same as the rest of you, and kept them loaded and under a pillow unsecured and he merely retrieved them.

Either way, white men are causing these shooting rampages with more frequency and it needs to be addressed before we become somalia.



This post certainly speaks for itself that is why I didn't delete it, other mods may feel differently.


Well-Known Member
You forgot the first sentence of the quote: "Even as it stands the Home Guard could only exist in a country where men feel themselves free."

Context matters. He was speaking about the Home Guard in Britain on the eve of WWII, when an invasion was thought to be imminent. Interesting sidenote, the NRA collected and sent rifles to the Home Guard. These weapons were collected and destroyed after the war, because they were no longer needed.

Orwell was not talking about arming citizens in peace time. Nice try, though.

I don't think anyone is talking about arming citizens during peacetime. The idea is that people have the option of purchasing guns for their own personal uses so long as that doesn't interfere with the liberties and lives of others, and if those guns include AK47s, AR15s, and the like so be it. Its a freedom issue, not a wartime/peacetime issue.

And if that quote doesn't mean anything to you have I dozens more from many other historical figures who pretty much agree a truly free society is a society whose people keep and bear arms. There is just no way around this simple historical fact.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
This post certainly speaks for itself that is why I didn't delete it, other mods may feel differently.

You delete posts merely because they dont "fit" your views. Just like my other post that was deleted where I made suggestions about school security, it doesnt fit the feel good flavor of guns in the hands of people.

Its ok, its clear the pro gun crowd dominates the sentiments on this board, and any talk to the contrary isnt welcomed.




Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
I don't think anyone is talking about arming citizens during peacetime. The idea is that people have the option of purchasing guns for their own personal uses so long as that doesn't interfere with the liberties and lives of others, and if those guns include AK47s, AR15s, and the like so be it. Its a freedom issue, not a wartime/peacetime issue.

And if that quote doesn't mean anything to you have I dozens more from many other historical figures who pretty much agree a truly free society is a society whose people keep and bear arms. There is just no way around this simple historical fact.
You mean Cuba, North Korea and Sharia law?

Your recreation with AK/AR weapons just isn't worth it anymore. It's far too easy for those weapons to fall into the wrong hands. You want a gun for home defense? No problem, a .38 revolver should be just fine. You want to hunt? A long gun that carries no more than 5 shells should be fine.

The chance that another high power, semi automatic weapon fall into the hands of a deranged individual just isn't worth it any more. No one 'needs' a Bushmaster.


Nine Lives
You delete posts merely because they dont "fit" your views. Just like my other post that was deleted where I made suggestions about school security, it doesnt fit the feel good flavor of guns in the hands of people.

Its ok, its clear the pro gun crowd dominates the sentiments on this board, and any talk to the contrary isnt welcomed.


My first impulse was to delete your post as it is against the Terms of Service to post racist remarks on Brown Cafe.
Your post would have normally been deleted as it is a post filled with racist remarks.
I decided to leave it on the board as example that can be seen by others and a post others can refer to in the future when you make your all too common claim of racism by others.

If you desire to have your post deleted, you can report it as being in violation of the Terms of Service due to it's blatant racist nature.
You can do so by the solid black triangle at the bottom left of your post.


Got the T-Shirt
We as minorities have seen it all, but what we havent seen, is those minorities going around settling our problems at the end of a gun barrel. Yes, gangs have guns, but they dont shoot up schools, malls , churches and our protectors in ambushes.



I guess you have never been to Chicago.



Got the T-Shirt
Your recreation with AK/AR weapons just isn't worth it anymore. It's far too easy for those weapons to fall into the wrong hands. You want a gun for home defense? No problem, a .38 revolver should be just fine. You want to hunt? A long gun that carries no more than 5 shells should be fine.

And maybe.... when you have a full-time job.... Your opinion might be more relevant. :happy-very:
You mean Cuba, North Korea and Sharia law?

Your recreation with AK/AR weapons just isn't worth it anymore. It's far too easy for those weapons to fall into the wrong hands.
If properly secured in the home, like ALL weapons should be, then how?

You want a gun for home defense? No problem, a .38 revolver should be just fine.
Against the "wrong hands" people with the illegally acquired AK/AR weapons?

You want to hunt? A long gun that carries no more than 5 shells should be fine.

The chance that another high power, semi automatic weapon fall into the hands of a deranged individual just isn't worth it any more. No one 'needs' a Bushmaster.
Any firearm in the hands of a deranged individual isn't worth it. Let's ban deranged individuals instead.


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
If properly secured in the home, like ALL weapons should be, then how?

It's obvious that is not the case

Against the "wrong hands" people with the illegally acquired AK/AR weapons?

A handgun would be more effective in close quarters, like a home invasion.

Any firearm in the hands of a deranged individual isn't worth it. Let's ban deranged individuals instead.

Simpler to just ban some guns. Are you willing to take a comprehensive mental evaluation administered by an 'Obamacare' doctor to legally own your guns?
I guess you have never been to Chicago.


Another website had it at 446 shot this year, however despite the incorrect picture of children on a schoolbus, the facts are skewed.

"446 school age children"
That's a broad paint brush. Now narrow that down to how many of that 446 were actually school aged gang members toting guns and getting involved in gang related violence.
"School aged "? Technically yes.
If properly secured in the home, like ALL weapons should be, then how?

It's obvious that is not the case

Obviously how? State some sort of factual information. Even a wild assed guess would be better.

Against the "wrong hands" people with the illegally acquired AK/AR weapons?

A handgun would be more effective in close quarters, like a home invasion.

Actually a short barrel riot shotgun would be best. In a hypothetical home invasion situation the dispersal pattern will be more effective and require a less than accurate shot to get the job done.

Any firearm in the hands of a deranged individual isn't worth it. Let's ban deranged individuals instead.

Simpler to just ban some guns.
You wish.

Are you willing to take a comprehensive mental evaluation administered by an 'Obamacare' doctor to legally own your guns?
As someone not smart enough to avoid long term employment at UPS my sanity probably is in question. But, compared to your "wrong hands" people , at least I have met all the requirements to legally own a firearm.


Well-Known Member
You mean Cuba, North Korea and Sharia law?

huh? wha?

Your recreation with AK/AR weapons just isn't worth it anymore. It's far too easy for those weapons to fall into the wrong hands. You want a gun for home defense? No problem, a .38 revolver should be just fine. You want to hunt? A long gun that carries no more than 5 shells should be fine.

The chance that another high power, semi automatic weapon fall into the hands of a deranged individual just isn't worth it any more. No one 'needs' a Bushmaster.

If that is your attitude then there are plenty of other things in this world we don't "need". I have a motorcycle capable of going over 180 mph, but I don't need it. Its for my recreation. The bottom line is can you really call this country a "free" country when you are going to use the police power of government to dictate to others what people "need" and "do not need"? I don't care what inanimate object you care to argue over, and if you think its the governments job to tell me what I need then you are obviously against the ideals of freedom and liberty.