

Staff member
Im sick of the whole gun thing. Dont break in my house, you will then force me to prove 1) I have one 2) I will use it3) how lucky do you feel. Screw all of the hypocrisy, had one way before all the hype happened. Will have it long after, Im grandfathered.
But I thought Obama was going to come and take them all away!!lol.


golden ticket member
If a master thief like BBassm wants to break in while we're gone then have at it. That's what insurance is for.

Now, try coming up the stairs after breaking in and you'll have a date with a coroner. That's what the gun is for.


Well-Known Member
I love all the newly attributed quotes to the Founding Fathers.

That Jefferson quote is certainly not Jefferson.

"The problem with quotes from the internet is that you never really know who made them up". - Abraham Lincoln


Staff member
If a master thief like BBassm wants to break in while we're gone then have at it. That's what insurance is for.

Now, try coming up the stairs after breaking in and you'll have a date with a coroner. That's what the gun is for.

I am simply suggesting you take other precautions. As always, the gun should be the absolute last line of defense.
I am simply suggesting you take other precautions. As always, the gun should be the absolute last line of defense.

Ok just to settle this chapter of the debate here's this gun nuts line up of precautions.

1) the outside of the house is always lit either by the lights that are always on or the motion sensor version.
2) the doors are always locked
3) if at night, the alarm will be on. Nothing fancy but you will set it off coming in.
4) you'll be greeted by two dogs. No killers mind you. Just friendly barkers who's job is to do just that.
5) by the time you get to 4 the odds that 911 has been called are not in your favor.
6) also while the first 4 have been going on a audit of where the three kids are will have gone on and by now they will be accounted for and in one location.
7) a " line in the sand" if you will has been drawn at their location. If you're there for a quick buck , and stay away from that location, then get all you can and leave. You won't be chased. Just watch out for the arriving police. P.s. please take the front room TV. I'm trying to talk the wife into a bigger one.
Now, if your not there for a quick buck and think you have a little fun with the wife or kids, and you decide to cross that line you'll get one and only on warning to GTFO punctuated by a cocking of a 9mm or the racking of a shotgun.
GTFO and you're free to leave and take your chances with previously mentioned cops.
Choose to proceed and you'll be shot dead within two steps. No wounding so you can tell your side of the story or file any lawsuits.
The whole time this has gone on the person with the gun will most likely have been on the line with the 911 dispatcher who's been listening in and they make excellent witnesses.

Is that enough? You won't be killed over a toaster. No Wild West show blaze of guns. You'll just have made a fatal mistake of crossing a line you shouldn't have and died for it.


Well-Known Member
Quotation: "Peace is that brief glorious moment in history when everybody stands around reloading."
Variations: none known
Sources consulted:

  1. Papers of Thomas Jefferson Digital Edition
  2. Thomas Jefferson retirement papers
  3. Thomas Jefferson: Papers and Biographies collections in Hathi Trust Digital Library
Other attributions: none known

Peace is that brief glorious moment in history...(Quotation) � Thomas Jefferson’s Monticello

You should have read further down:

"First known attribution to Jefferson in print
:We have found no attributions of this quotation to Thomas Jefferson in print. It has been attributed to him on various sites on the Internet (particularly discussion boards) since at least 2001.

Comments: This quotation has not been found in the writings of Thomas Jefferson. The language is somewhat uncharacteristic of Jefferson's style. "Stand around" in the sense used here is not an expression that can be found in Jefferson's letters. He almost always wrote "every body" instead of "everybody." And there are no instances of the word "reload" (or variations thereof) referring to firearms in Jefferson's writings.
- Anna Berkes, 9/17/12"

Thanks for looking that up for me.


golden ticket member
You should have read further down:

"First known attribution to Jefferson in print
:We have found no attributions of this quotation to Thomas Jefferson in print. It has been attributed to him on various sites on the Internet (particularly discussion boards) since at least 2001.

Comments: This quotation has not been found in the writings of Thomas Jefferson. The language is somewhat uncharacteristic of Jefferson's style. "Stand around" in the sense used here is not an expression that can be found in Jefferson's letters. He almost always wrote "every body" instead of "everybody." And there are no instances of the word "reload" (or variations thereof) referring to firearms in Jefferson's writings.
- Anna Berkes, 9/17/12"

Thanks for looking that up for me.

Thanks for keeping it secret who really did say this.....big help you are!!
Let's see, he just played a skinny lawyer with Aids.......he was a lawyer in A Time To Kill.........He's in Rom. Coms. like How To Lose a Guy in Ten Days. He's harmless!!

I loved him as the psycho cop in Killer Joe. Sex with underage girls, murder, and oral sex with a chicken leg. Wholesome Christian movie fun for the whole family.


golden ticket member
I loved him as the psycho cop in Killer Joe. Sex with underage girls, murder, and oral sex with a chicken leg. Wholesome Christian movie fun for the whole family.
Failure to Launch........great shot of what's his name's butt!!!

I never saw Killer Joe.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for keeping it secret who really did say this.....big help you are!!


My one and only point was that Jefferson didn't say it.

I have no idea who came up with this 'quote'. Don't know, don't care.

I know that you were just posting something that you found on the internetz...

Don't believe everything you read on the internetz...

(For what it's worth, the post with the false Jefferson quote was right on, it would have stood on its own merits without a made-up Jefferson quote...)