

Well-Known Member
Oh, I'd do the required surveilance. Find out when she's home, when she's not. Does she carry the weapon at all times around the house? What time does she wake up? What time does she go to bed? Is she a member of any clubs? What is her day to day routine? Does she lock her door?

You've said it before. Having a gun doesn't make her safe, but it might give her a fighting chance. That hardly moves things completely in her favor.


We agree ---it does give her a fighting chance---nothing is ever completely in anyones favor --but in the case of a home invasion rather than praying with my hands --I would prefer to have them gripping my fighting chance !!!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll

We agree ---it does give her a fighting chance---nothing is ever completely in anyones favor --but in the case of a home invasion rather than praying with my hands --I would prefer to have them gripping my fighting chance !!!

I just love the "CLICHE" warriors in this joint!

"but in the case of a home invasion rather than praying with my hands --I would prefer to have them gripping my fighting chance !!"




Staff member

We agree ---it does give her a fighting chance---nothing is ever completely in anyones favor --but in the case of a home invasion rather than praying with my hands --I would prefer to have them gripping my fighting chance !!!

it is your home. You may grip whatever you want. Don't think for a moment though that it makes you safe from a determined, methodical criminal. Unless of couse you bunker yourself in and remove yourself from society. Then in a Umabomber kind of way you may be safe from all the people who weren't paying any attention to you anyway.


Well-Known Member
it is your home. You may grip whatever you want. Don't think for a moment though that it makes you safe from a determined, methodical criminal. Unless of couse you bunker yourself in and remove yourself from society. Then in a Umabomber kind of way you may be safe from all the people who weren't paying any attention to you anyway.


Sounds like a stupid argument.
In my home I will be holding a gun as a criminal kicks my door in --you are free not to own a gun??? Thank God in this Country today --We BOTH can make a free choice.

I do not need any person or politician to make any decisions on how I will defend my life, my family or my home. If God forbid my home is chosen for a home invasion I do not believe, Obama , Biden nor N.Y Mario will be there to help me.


Staff member
It is a stupid argument to fit a false sense of security. I understand. What cash suggested though was that nobody better break into the old lady's house. All I am saying is that a professional thief would do his homework and most likely avoid the confrontation. So therefore, one may grip his gun or whatever else makes him feel good and stand just as much chance of being robbed. If it were me though, I'd probably go through garbage and find credit card statements bank records, that kind of thing. There are just so many ways to commit a crime these days that the existence of a gun on the premises just seems either quaint, inconsequential, or another easily liquidated score.


Staff member
You cant see whats going on inside her house.

The reality is that 99% of criminals arent going to risk a confrontation with a potentially armed victim when there are any number of easier targets available.

Look at what happened to the violent crime and home invasion rate in Australia in 94 when they had their big gun turn in and severely restricted the ability of homeowners to defend themselves with armed force. Same thing in England and Scotland, you have gangs of youths armed with baseball bats who force their way into the homes of the elderly, whom they know will be unarmed and unable to fight back. If they tried pulling that sh%t here they would get blown away.

that's what I said. If the target is worth it, the criminal does his homework. The confrontation can be avoided, one simply needs to be patient. People make themselves easy targets. How many times has my wife left at the same time every morning to take the kids to is easy to time the trip. Easy to predict and easy to exploit.


Inordinately Right
Don't think for a moment though that it makes you safe from a determined, methodical criminal.

You realize that the vast majority of criminals aren't any of those things, and most of them probably don't even know what methodical means.

Although many states have embraced the common sense "castle doctrine", in most places you cannot simply shoot someone to stop a theft. You have to believe that you or someone around you faces death or serious bodily injury.

In reality regardless of the NRA sticker on my front door or the 38' airweight in my pocket, most criminals wouldn't even walk up to the door; they would go next door to the house without a motion light.


Staff member
I think you would be surprised at the criminals you never hear about. You won't see them on the news or read about them in the papers because they are exactly what I am talking about. They aren't gang bangers or thugs


Inordinately Right
I think you would be surprised at the criminals you never hear about. You won't see them on the news or read about them in the papers because they are exactly what I am talking about. They aren't gang bangers or thugs

Those aren't the people who kill you for your money and stuff, and those aren't the people I'm worried about. I can replace my crap, I can't replace the life of someone I love.

That's my point, in most places you can't just shoot someone trying to rob you, they have to be pointing a gun or holding a knife. Although the screwdriver they used to break in is a much more common weapon, and just as deadly.


Well-Known Member
It is a stupid argument to fit a false sense of security. I understand. What cash suggested though was that nobody better break into the old lady's house. All I am saying is that a professional thief would do his homework and most likely avoid the confrontation. So therefore, one may grip his gun or whatever else makes him feel good and stand just as much chance of being robbed. If it were me though, I'd probably go through garbage and find credit card statements bank records, that kind of thing. There are just so many ways to commit a crime these days that the existence of a gun on the premises just seems either quaint, inconsequential, or another easily liquidated score.


The garbage can divers are all ready neutralized by the great shredder invention.

The Rapists, Murderers , Home invasion people will be neutralized by Smith and Wesson ---my friends.


Well-Known Member
I just love the "CLICHE" warriors in this joint!

"but in the case of a home invasion rather than praying with my hands --I would prefer to have them gripping my fighting chance !!"




Let me give you a real "CLICHE"

You demand the right to choose to kill a baby in its mothers womb ---while would deny me the right to choose to own a weapon to kill a murderer or rapist. Makes sense on the other side --not the right side.


Inordinately Right

The garbage can divers are all ready neutralized by the great shredder invention.

Not to mention the foot.



Inordinately Right

Let me give you a real "CLICHE"

You demand the right to choose to kill a baby in its mothers womb ---while would deny me the right to choose to own a weapon to kill a murderer or rapist. Makes sense on the other side --not the right side.

The real cliche is that republicans want the death penalty and democrats want abortion. Some of us recognize that ALL life is precious. At the same time I wouldn't deny any community the right to make laws that suit them best, and I wouldn't impose my beliefs on others.

Am I the only libertarian in the house?


Strength through joy
Hasn't anyone here ever heard of having a "throw down gun " ?
It can come in very handle during any home invasion .

AURORA, Colo. — While he was in Boston pursuing his third Super Bowl ring, two home invaders were busy robbing Derrick Martin’s Aurora home.
According to Aurora Police, two men came to Martin’s home in the 24700 block of East Irish Drive at approximately 8 p.m. Sunday. They had handguns and forced their way inside the crowded home.
The people in the home, including adults and children, were likely watching the New England Patriots take on the Baltimore Ravens. They were held at gunpoint while the men snatched various items.
Aurora Police spokesperson Frank Fania said this type of burglary — one in which suspects force their way into a home and hold the burglarized parties at gunpoint — “is not common.”


Inordinately Right
Hasn't anyone here ever heard of having a "throw down gun " ?
It can come in very handle during any home invasion .

Are you seriously suggesting I buy a gun illegally, or unregistered from a gun show, so that I can put it in the hands of an unarmed intruder? What is wrong with you man? I hope I'm misunderstanding what you're saying right now.
You might just be giving all of us law abiding gun owners a bad name right now.... I hope I'm wrong.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
Im sick of the whole gun thing. Dont break in my house, you will then force me to prove 1) I have one 2) I will use it3) how lucky do you feel. Screw all of the hypocrisy, had one way before all the hype happened. Will have it long after, Im grandfathered.


Strength through joy
Are you seriously suggesting I buy a gun illegally, or unregistered from a gun show, so that I can put it in the hands of an unarmed intruder? What is wrong with you man? I hope I'm misunderstanding what you're saying right now.
You might just be giving all of us law abiding gun owners a bad name right now.... I hope I'm wrong.

See, you have no knowledge of just how the justice systems works .
An intruder must be considered as a threat be they armed or not .
To keep yourself out of jail , the burden of proof must be justify in the eyes of the law.
A throw down doesn't actually have to be a working weapon , nor a loaded one.
Where & how you would obtain one is your own business, heck you could make one from spare parts .


Well-Known Member
See, you have no knowledge of just how the justice systems works .
An intruder must be considered as a threat be they armed or not .
To keep yourself out of jail , the burden of proof must be justify in the eyes of the law.
A throw down doesn't actually have to be a working weapon , nor a loaded one.
Where & how you would obtain one is your own business, heck you could make one from spare parts .

Not necessary in states like mine with Castle doctrine laws. If someone is in your home illegally you have every right to shower them with hot lead till they turn and exit or fall over dead.