

Staff member
For an elderly woman? Against armed, or multiple assailants? There is nothing wrong with learning Tae Kwon Do, but it is no substitute for armed self defense.

no. To help self confidence and discipline. In fact, I'd recommend it for anyone purchasing a gun for self defense for exactly the same reasons.
see sober? That's the dangerous mentality of SOME gun owners. They have a sense of security but only at the end of a barrel of a gun.

I have a perfect sense of security. The idea of the gun is to stop the guy who can beat your ass with his bare hands from getting his hands on you in the first place. Or stab you.


The Nim
nah. It was fun, that's all. Nothing I'd spend thousands of dollars on, but fun to kill an afternoon.

So it's ok to use guns to kill a poor defenseless afternoon? They should make a law against killing times of the day.


Staff member
Well then I and several others around here would be guilty, Cheryl arrested as an accomplice , and BC closed down as some kind of terrorist organization or crime syndicate.
So it's ok to use guns to kill a poor defenseless afternoon? They should make a law against killing times of the day.


Strength through joy
Michael Harlin explains why the photo the White House released in hopes of getting people to stop laughing at Obama’s claim that he engages in skeet shooting “all the time” is as phony as the many hilarious photoshops it has inspired:
First the weapon is nearly level to the ground. Can’t be skeet shooting, nor likely trap either. Second, it is evident that the President has never shot a shotgun before as his stance is leaning slightly backward. Look at the position of his torso to his legs. Skeet or trap shooters never do this. They lean slightly forward like a boxer in the ring. Third, he doesn’t know or was never taught that the butt of the weapon must fit to his shoulder. He’s holding the weapon with a gap between his shoulder and the top of the butt. Sure you can fire it that way, but expect lots of pain if not bruising later. Fourth, either skeet or trap shooters wear either a shell bag or a vest or both. Apparently, the president is too tough for that. Fifth, most shooters wear baseball style caps. The bill helps block unwanted sun in your eyes. Most golfers do too for the same reason. Sixth, he appears to be aiming as one would with a rifle. Doesn’t mean you don’t do that with a shotgun but as you are trying to hit a moving target, as opposed to a stationary one, your body must swivel with the target right or left and up or down. The worst shotgun shooters are those that try to aim the weapon like a rifle. Seventh, I suppose it could happen, but in my fifty years of shooting a shotgun, skeet, trap, and hunting, including double barrel muzzle loading black powder shotguns, I have never once seen a smoke pattern like that. Smoke going straight out the barrel is normal, but what the heck is that second smoke stream shooting behind and away from the barrel? Perhaps some sort of release value to diminish the recoil from the shot but I’ve never seen that on a range.
Not to mention Obama is pressing his cheek against the butt as he fires. It wouldn’t take much experience to learn not to do that.


Well-Known Member
It's happening people! The messiah won't send American troops to seize your weapons. He'll send a third party, UN troops, to do it so he can stand at arms length and say, "....I didn't do that, the UN did that." I tried to tell you all this earlier and no one believed me.

Obama Backup Gun Grab: UN Treaty Confiscation Vote Soon!

Section III, Paragraphs 7 and 8 of the Programme of Action mandate that if a member state cannot get rid of privately owned small arms legislatively, then the control of “customs, police, intelligence, and arms control” will be placed under the power of a board of UN bureaucrats operating out of the UN Office for Disarmament Affairs.

On November 7, the First Committee of the United Nations General Assembly voted 157-0 (with 18 abstentions) in favor of Resolution L.11 that will finalize the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) in March 2013.

China, the United Kingdom, and Germany all voted to move the historic measure toward passage.

As we have reported, when the treaty was being deliberated in July, the United States was the only obstacle preventing the global arms control regulations from being imposed on the world.

Miraculously, however, all the points of the agreement Secretary Clinton found so distasteful in the summer were made so much more palatable after President Obama’s reelection, and every single attack on the right to bear arms remains in the version of the treaty approved on November 7.

Within hours of his securing his reelection, President Obama placed a late night call to the U.S. United Nations delegation ordering them to vote in favor of a passage of L.11.

As soon as news of the U.S. policy 180 was confirmed, a new round of negotiations on the treaty was scheduled for March 18-28 at the UN headquarters in New York City.


Read More: Obama Backup Gun Grab: UN Treaty Confiscation Vote Soon! | _

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
For an elderly woman? Against armed, or multiple assailants? There is nothing wrong with learning Tae Kwon Do, but it is no substitute for armed self defense.

I think you should invest in a german shepard, and divest in arms. Equal protection. smaller ego, addictive behavior cured.



The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Use the three points of contact when you crawl out from under that rock.

and you breathe lightly while under yours.

The gun freaks who build fortified bunkers have clearly lost their minds. Those yahoos in the video shooting machine guns at a van have clearly never spent a day in the military and the event is nothing more than "pretend day" for grownups with guns.





Well-Known Member
and you breathe lightly while under yours.

The gun freaks who build fortified bunkers have clearly lost their minds. Those yahoos in the video shooting machine guns at a van have clearly never spent a day in the military and the event is nothing more than "pretend day" for grownups with guns.




This coming from someone whose daddy was too young for Vietnam and whom his/her self has never been in the military?