
So why do they concentrate on s l o w l y taking guns away from law-abiding Americans? (Yes, I'll concede that some go crazy and kill people, but it's such a small percentage of killings it won't make a difference). Why don't they concentrate on going after the gangbangers, who kill far more people and are mostly black and hispanic? Why don't they go after doctors who murder hundreds of children every day? Is it because they kill mostly black children? Is it an evil plan by old white men to control the black population?.
The gangbangers don't get the attention because they are self policing. Instead of investing taxpayer dollars investigating gang activity especially for something that said banger will only spend little if any time in jail for the cops will sit back until banger 1 gets in a pissing match with banger 2 and one kills the other. Now you have 2 less bangers. One arrested for murder who'll do real time and one dead one. When banger 2s friends drive by banger 1s gang and kills some of them in return then you have even fewer bangers.


golden ticket member


Staff member
Don't be naive, of course it is. They can't get away with taking it all at once, so they take everything away g r a d u a l l y.
The simple facts are:

1. If they wanted to stop a majority of gun killings, they would concentrate on taking illegal guns away from blacks, who kill more people than anyone else. I know it's not PC to say that, but it's a fact. Source

2. They say they're doing this to save childrens lives. If they wanted to save childrens lives, they would outlaw abortion which kills thousands more children per year than guns ever will. Once again, it's a fact. What is the demographic of the average abortive "mother" per capita? Answer: Black woman at more than three times the rate of white women. Source

Does anyone see a pattern???

So why do they concentrate on s l o w l y taking guns away from law-abiding Americans? (Yes, I'll concede that some go crazy and kill people, but it's such a small percentage of killings it won't make a difference). Why don't they concentrate on going after the gangbangers, who kill far more people and are mostly black and hispanic?
Why don't they go after doctors who murder hundreds of children every day? Is it because they kill mostly black children? Is it an evil plan by old white men to control the black population?

I don't know the answer to those questions, but it's painfully obvious that more regulations on law-abiding gun owners will not touch the issues above. I know it's not PC to say such things, but this is not a gun issue as much as it's a race issue. And I'm not saying there aren't any white killers. It's just they should fix the bigger problem first, therefore saving more lives.

It may sound cliche but gun control isn't about guns. It's about control.
LOL. You are correct. It isn't PC. It is racist crap.


Well-Known Member
The gangbangers don't get the attention because they are self policing. Instead of investing taxpayer dollars investigating gang activity especially for something that said banger will only spend little if any time in jail for the cops will sit back until banger 1 gets in a pissing match with banger 2 and one kills the other. Now you have 2 less bangers. One arrested for murder who'll do real time and one dead one. When banger 2s friends drive by banger 1s gang and kills some of them in return then you have even fewer bangers.


It may be tongue in cheek but you make alot of valid points.

The number I would be interested in --How many INNOCENT bystanders ---Black, White, brown, RED --whatever are slaughtered in the crossfire ??


Staff member
LOL. You are correct. It isn't PC. It is racist crap.
Nope, it's the simple truth. You call it racist, but I'm talking FACTS.

And we can't fix it. It will take the blacks to fix their problem. The men join gangs, shoot and murder people, knock up a bunch of hos and take zero responsibility for any of their offspring. The women open their legs for anyone, have abortions at more than 3 times the rate of white women, or end up raising children alone. Those children grow up without any family values, go out, join gangs, and have sex all over the place. It's a never ending cycle.

We need strong, black men with real families and family values to come out and show some LEADERSHIP. All those gangbangers aren't going to listen to us crackers. Stand up family men like Bbsam and stand up men family men like Barack Obama need to show their people the way.

This would lower the murder rate in this country far more than more dumb-ass restrictions on 2nd Amendment rights.


Staff member
The gangbangers don't get the attention because they are self policing. Instead of investing taxpayer dollars investigating gang activity especially for something that said banger will only spend little if any time in jail for the cops will sit back until banger 1 gets in a pissing match with banger 2 and one kills the other. Now you have 2 less bangers. One arrested for murder who'll do real time and one dead one. When banger 2s friends drive by banger 1s gang and kills some of them in return then you have even fewer bangers.
That doesn't work because they are so quickly replaced. All these gangbangers ARE gangbangers because they are brought up with zero respect for their family, zero respect for human life, probably because they have no father figure.
It all needs to start with family, or it will continue to be a never ending cycle.


Staff member
Nope over, it's racist because a much larger factor just happens to be economic but you will never see that if you can't get past color. This isn't a problem for blacks to solve. It's a problem for Americans to solve. Its a shame that in 2013 that fact still has to be stressed.


Staff member
Nope over, it's racist because a much larger factor just happens to be economic but you will never see that if you can't get past color. This isn't a problem for blacks to solve. It's a problem for Americans to solve. Its a shame that in 2013 that fact still has to be stressed.
No. You can't use economic issues to justify murder, gangs, banging everyone you see, taking no responsibility for your offspring, etc. "It's OK I killed that cracker, cuz I'm poor". Are you serious?

It all starts with family, and it costs nothing to be a good father. It's the only way to break the cycle.


Staff member
No. You can't use economic issues to justify murder, gangs, banging everyone you see, taking no responsibility for your offspring, etc. "It's OK I killed that cracker, cuz I'm poor". Are you serious?

It all starts with family, and it costs nothing to be a good father. It's the only way to break the cycle.

you have singled out blacks who are disproportionately poor in this country and seem to want to say ...i don't know...maybe we hare genetically different? Or somehow lack the same values and disregard environment? Are you telling me that an inner city black youth has the same opportunity as you and I? That is a fairytale devoid of truth in the US today.


Staff member
you have singled out blacks who are disproportionately poor in this country and seem to want to say ...i don't know...maybe we hare genetically different? Or somehow lack the same values and disregard environment? Are you telling me that an inner city black youth has the same opportunity as you and I? That is a fairytale devoid of truth in the US today.
Being a GOOD MAN costs nothing. Those inner city youths need examples. They need strong, good black men to lead by example. A white man can not do this, it has to be black men. Bill Cosby used to talk a lot about this, but he's too old to be a role model now.
Barack Obama would be perfect. He's a young (comparatively), successful black family man. I wish he would get in the battle. People like him could break the cycle.

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
you have singled out blacks who are disproportionately poor in this country and seem to want to say ...i don't know...maybe we hare genetically different? Or somehow lack the same values and disregard environment? Are you telling me that an inner city black youth has the same opportunity as you and I? That is a fairytale devoid of truth in the US today.

This is way beneath you bringing up the race card. Post 4812 goes to the root of the problem. Forget about color, fix the problem. Start in Chicago, develop enriched after school programs from early grammar school into high school - all kids go to JC - they either learn a skill or they prepare for a 4 year college degree. Put cops on the street and implement the same program NYC uses - search & seizure.

If you want to go after a racist direct your comments to the uber liberal loon who hates OLD WHITE MEN.


Staff member
I didn't bring up race, over did. Fact is that across ALL RACES one is far more likely to be involved with gun violence if they live in poverty. That is not the "race card". It is fact.


Staff member

EVERYTHING that over said in 4812 is true across racial lines with poverty being the common denominator. So why is he talking about blacks and black role models?

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
There is not one reference to black in post 4812 ??? Now look at post 4813. We have to get past this race thing. It does nobody any good MOST IMPORTANTLY, those folks who need our help. The last thing we need to do is give people an excuse for bad behavior. But we need to get these kids off the streets, provide role models from within the community. I am one generation removed from growing up on the south side of Chicago. My parents grew up there. I worked there in a theatre during summers as a teenager. It was completely black area back then. Nowadays, I find it extremely sad that as a white person 99% of us (unless you are packing) are afraid to cross into a particular zone in fear of our life. We need to find a way NOW to fix this problem constructively.

I personally think that it can be done.

OPPS! I did go back just now to 4811. Discount my finger pointing (SORRY) but I did not see any racism in the post. It might be raw but I think it is on point discount the raw part.

It may be tongue in cheek but you make alot of valid points.

The number I would be interested in --How many INNOCENT bystanders ---Black, White, brown, RED --whatever are slaughtered in the crossfire ??

i don't know if innocent applies when one doesn't have he common sense to not be in the wrong place at the right time. The news is rife with stories of poor little (name) who was only (age) who was shot dead on their front porch. OMG, what terrible news. And all the sad family members gather to be on TV and in the paper looking so sad holding a picture of the list relative and telling stories about what a wonderful person they were.
But, then the news digs a little deeper a d hat wonderful person was sitting on the porch at 3am with known gangbangers (especially the relatives) when opposite gang drives by and shots away. Where were the relatives who love this person so much at that time? Who the friend in their right mind lets the kid be there? Who in their right mind lets the gang sit on the stoop without chasing them away because gang #2 might come by shooting away?

Being shot sitting in a pew at church by a banger is an innocent death. Being gunned down while hanging with people that reasonable folks will avoid at all costs kind of eliminates the INNOCENT tag.