

Well-Known Member
??????Do not point finger "solely" at the most powerful man in the world.:happy-very:

Again --an example of his great LEADERSHIP abilities.

Instead of crying about phony wars on women --How about Helping the INNOCENT people in the hood that are virtually held captive to the thugs that run cities like Chicago --and I am not referring to Raum --although he is a thug is own right --or should I say LEFT.

A war on crime and the thugs that hold guns ILLEGALLY would be a refreshing change from our Leader.- instead of playing the political game with the Republicans.

Another CHANGE I could BELIEVE in would be to have FEDERAL Laws and encourage States to crack down on ABSENTEE NO SUPPORT -fathers---I use the term FATHERS very loosely.

Until we take this on --Lack of discipline, dropping out or disrupting schools, drug dependence, crime, gun and domestic violence ,children born out of wedlock and poverty will go on and on. Very sad!!

The history of the poor neighborhoods in America does not change --only the Past happening over and over again. :sad-very:

Our President could Lead us to solving many of these problems --instead he continues to make campaign speeches !!!!

While Rome burns --Nero Fiddles.

While America burns --Obama Campaigns.


Staff member
I don't buy it. Suddenly those on the right are all about inner city blight. How 'bout it? Preschool for all kids? College too? We want to help, right? We want to invest in the future, right? I think Obama won you wover with the SOTU the other night. Or..are you just throwing up another strawman?


Well-Known Member
Strawman. how sad
Not a black or white or right or left issue.

All of us -Obama, you,me know what the problem is.

Just keep denying and deflecting---the family unit breakdown and the carnage it produces for all will continue----until all people of goodwill say Enough!


golden ticket member
This may seem "off topic", but family breakdown is in all cracks and crevices of life.

"Family Unit Breakdown" At least the parents used to try to teach the ABC's , colors and numbers to their 4 yr. the pres wants free preschool for all 4 yr. olds.
Nothing's free - how will he pay for this?
Helping the teacher's Union? Corruption much?

Steal more responsibility from parents, making them "bumps on the log" and their kids, children of the state!! Now without jobs, parents can watch more TV .


Pees in the brown Koolaid
I AM envious. You are a fortunate man. I've just got an SKS with a 4X tactical scope and another stock one with the toadsticker on it.Funny... it hasn't assaulted me yet. Did I get ripped off?

Drop the Bushmaster and your SKS into a puddle. Come back 2 years later, pick both weapons up, scrape the mud/snow/dirt/grime/rust off of them, and see which one will still function perfectly. The Russian stuff might be rougher around the edges but when conditions are harsh it still works.



Pees in the brown Koolaid
Incorrect. Nothing Feinstein is putting forth and nothing sober proposed would have gotten any support. You can't point that finger soley at the president. There is nothing wrong with the Republicans playing hardball obstructionist politics, but you can't say they aren't equally culpable for gridlock. Obama is simply showing he can and will do the same. The Republicans looking bad in the process is just the icing on the cake.

Incorrect. There is possibly a slight majority in the Senate and at least a substantial minority in the House that will vote "yes" on any bill that has the words "assault weapon ban" in it. The wont read it. They wont understand it. They wont have any real comprehension of any of the details of what they are actually voting for. Their eyes will gloss over and their jaws will go slack and they willl get a warm and fuzzy feeling just by voting "yes" on it. Who needs factual and reasoned debate when it comes to those icky poopy scary guns? If it will save one child.......


Well-Known Member
Drop the Bushmaster and your SKS into a puddle. Come back 2 years later, pick both weapons up, scrape the mud/snow/dirt/grime/rust off of them, and see which one will still function perfectly. The Russian stuff might be rougher around the edges but when conditions are harsh it still works.


I do not have even close the knowledge that you possess as far as guns.

I have had handguns such as the Smith and Wesson .38/357, the Kimber 45 , the Judge and a Beretta tomcat for many years.

While I also have a shot gun --this was my first venture into this type of weapon.

I am not a hunter --but really enjoy the Sportman club for socializing and Target shooting --I have actually become extremely accurate.

The Bushmaster I picked up yesterday did have a hefty pricetag as I put military rather than commercial options on it . Rail,Scope light etc.

At the moment the weapon is a little intimidating to me --I will bring it to the club next week.

I have alot to learn about Loading/unloading How to chamber a round--cleaning --it seems you have to dis-assemble the entire weapon ?? The safety is very clear and easy. I have read the entire manual twice.
My wife was amazed at the weight and the balance of the Bushmaster ---she is also coming to the range and I believe if ever in a very bad situation such as a home invasion ---I will have the Kimber --she will be the Master of the new addition.

I take care of my possions like a nut cars etc --I keep all my guns clean and properly lubricated.
I am not planning on getting this new beauty wet or dirty --strickly an "inside pet" --I always value your advice.:peaceful:

Thank you,

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
What i find amazing about the "excuses" that an "armed" teacher could foil a school shooting where an AR15 or similiar assault weapon is being used, is how many people will repeat this nonsense without thinking about it.

We are to believe that an "armed" teacher, will have time to unlock the weapon from a locked desk, remove it from a locked case, load a magazine into it, ready it to fire and then take down a shooter firing volleys of bullets from a high capacity assault weapon with large clip capacity magazines in it.

This is the argument the gun nuts want to make. The Wayne La :censored2:bag of the NRA seems to think this is the solution and the rest of the country that disagrees are just uninformed.

But, what about Christopher Dorner? He was a solo shooter, with a military style assault weapon, reports have it at .50 cal., He was able to shoot at TWO ARMED deputy sheriffs and kill one of them and put the other down. He was able to hold off HUNDREDS of police shooting at him in a cabin by himself while shooting hundreds of rounds, and despite the MASSIVE FIREPOWER employed by the police departments swat teams, they couldnt come within an INCH of Christopher Dorner.

But, you "gun nuts" will claim that an "armed" school teacher with a pistol will have a better effect?

Maybe the sheriff and police in big bear should have called a teacher to take down Christopher Dorner, eh?

Real Footage Of The Shootout Between Cops & Christopher Dorner In Big Bear - YouTube

Listen to the rounds being fired, listen to the firepower of the assault weapon Dorner was firing, then ask yourself if a teacher armed with a pistol could have done better than 100 policemen shooting M4's, AR15's and M16's assault rifles. These "trained" policemen didnt accomplish "jackchitt" against Dorners assault weapon, but yet, a school teacher would fair better in your minds.

Ridiculous theories.




Well-Known Member
How many school shooter were professionally trained? None. The piece of trash in Aurora couldn't even clear the jam in his rifle. Active shooters choose locations where they are confident they will not encounter armed resistance (eg schools, movie theaters). An armed teacher would hold the element of surprise and act as a deterrent since the people who shoot up schools are cowards by nature. They are not going to choose a location where they are going to encounter resistance they want the upper hand not a fair fight.

Why would a teacher have the pistol in a locked draw? People with Concealed Weapon Licenses do just that, carry them concealed. Before you reply saying what a scary thought that is and how the streets will run red with blood, just consider when you go out, how many of the people you walk past may have a concealed weapon and you'll never know about it. A good inside waistband holster can be nearly invisible even with a just a T-Shirt covering it.

If you think an Assault Weapons Ban will end school shootings you are in for a disappointment. No need for a what-if scenario here, just a history lesson. The first major school shooting, Columbine, happened while the first AWB was in effect. One of the shooters had AWB compliant firearms and 10 round magazines. Did that magazine limit affect his ammo use? No, he brought 13 magazines and fired nearly 100 rounds from them.


Amatuer Malthusian
Drop the Bushmaster and your SKS into a puddle. Come back 2 years later, pick both weapons up, scrape the mud/snow/dirt/grime/rust off of them, and see which one will still function perfectly. The Russian stuff might be rougher around the edges but when conditions are harsh it still works.

I know the trigger is definitely going to feel the same on the SKS. That's about the only thing I would change about how it functions. Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be a solution for this.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
How many school shooter were professionally trained? None. The piece of trash in Aurora couldn't even clear the jam in his rifle. Active shooters choose locations where they are confident they will not encounter armed resistance (eg schools, movie theaters). An armed teacher would hold the element of surprise and act as a deterrent since the people who shoot up schools are cowards by nature. They are not going to choose a location where they are going to encounter resistance they want the upper hand not a fair fight.

Why would a teacher have the pistol in a locked draw?
People with Concealed Weapon Licenses do just that, carry them concealed. Before you reply saying what a scary thought that is and how the streets will run red with blood, just consider when you go out, how many of the people you walk past may have a concealed weapon and you'll never know about it. A good inside waistband holster can be nearly invisible even with a just a T-Shirt covering it.

If you think an Assault Weapons Ban will end school shootings you are in for a disappointment. No need for a what-if scenario here, just a history lesson. The first major school shooting, Columbine, happened while the first AWB was in effect. One of the shooters had AWB compliant firearms and 10 round magazines. Did that magazine limit affect his ammo use? No, he brought 13 magazines and fired nearly 100 rounds from them.

The newtown shooter was trained , along with his "DOOMSDAY PREPPER" mother by trainers at their local gun range. For MONTHS, this irresponsible GUN OWNER mother took her mentally unstable son to a range to TEACH him how to shoot the BUSHMASTER.223 and her MANY semi automatic pistols she was "hoarding", while they waited for the "end of america as we know it" scenario that is pushed around by RIGHT WING KOOKS.

By the way, in the last 4 mass shootings, ALL the primary assault weapons JAMMED and the shooters went to secondary weapons until they either killed themselves or were captured.

Cowards with guns, a common trait amongst gun owners.

You asked why would a teacher have a weapon in a locked drawer? Seriously? Do you want to live in a country where our teachers have to have a weapon on their person in a classroom full of children? Is this afghanistan? Are we to teach our children that "We" americans are a violent society and should not be trusted? Do we teach children that we have to be prepared to kill each other with guns because we grow up to threaten each other?

Please. Guns would have to be kept secured, locked up so that children couldnt have access to them and kill someone by accident. Did you forget kids kill kids with guns every year in homes across america because parents are too stupid to lock them up?


What i find amazing about the "excuses" that an "armed" teacher could foil a school shooting where an AR15 or similiar assault weapon is being used, is how many people will repeat this nonsense without thinking about it.

We are to believe that an "armed" teacher, will have time to unlock the weapon from a locked desk, remove it from a locked case, load a magazine into it, ready it to fire and then take down a shooter firing volleys of bullets from a high capacity assault weapon with large clip capacity magazines in it.

This is the argument the gun nuts want to make. The Wayne La :censored2:bag of the NRA seems to think this is the solution and the rest of the country that disagrees are just uninformed.

But, what about Christopher Dorner? He was a solo shooter, with a military style assault weapon, reports have it at .50 cal., He was able to shoot at TWO ARMED deputy sheriffs and kill one of them and put the other down. He was able to hold off HUNDREDS of police shooting at him in a cabin by himself while shooting hundreds of rounds, and despite the MASSIVE FIREPOWER employed by the police departments swat teams, they couldnt come within an INCH of Christopher Dorner.

But, you "gun nuts" will claim that an "armed" school teacher with a pistol will have a better effect?

Maybe the sheriff and police in big bear should have called a teacher to take down Christopher Dorner, eh?

Real Footage Of The Shootout Between Cops & Christopher Dorner In Big Bear - YouTube

Listen to the rounds being fired, listen to the firepower of the assault weapon Dorner was firing, then ask yourself if a teacher armed with a pistol could have done better than 100 policemen shooting M4's, AR15's and M16's assault rifles. These "trained" policemen didnt accomplish "jackchitt" against Dorners assault weapon, but yet, a school teacher would fair better in your minds.

Ridiculous theories.



Not that it's worth trying to make a point but the odds that the weapon used in all of Dorners murders was the .50 cal are slim to none. It's a badass weapon but all but useless in an up close and personal firefight against another trained shooter with a good pistol.


Amatuer Malthusian
Not that it's worth trying to make a point but the odds that the weapon used in all of Dorners murders was the .50 cal are slim to none. It's a badass weapon but all but useless in an up close and personal firefight against another trained shooter with a good pistol.

A firearm doesn't have to be fired to be a deterrent to a coward expecting unarmed victims.


Staff member
Strawman. how sad
Not a black or white or right or left issue.

All of us -Obama, you,me know what the problem is.

Just keep denying and deflecting---the family unit breakdown and the carnage it produces for all will continue----until all people of goodwill say Enough!

so you berate the family unit if it does not produce the citizenship we want and do what to ensure a more positive outcome?


Well-Known Member
so you berate the family unit if it does not produce the citizenship we want and do what to ensure a more positive outcome?


This should not be too hard to understand.

Statistical Fact --the majority of children born to a single parent the higher the levels of Poverty, lack of discipline, lack of education, dropout percentage, crime etc etc etc. Then the cycle continues.

When and where have I berated the Family unit ???

Are there exceptions to the rule --sure --but AGAIN statistical facts point to failure for a very high percent of single parent chilren --all races.

President Obama made a very good speech on this subject today in Chicago.

When you have identified a problem --there is a choice --be part of the problem or part of the solution.

President Obama please be part of the solution not just an excellent speech maker !:dissapointed:

This should not be too hard to understand.

Statistical Fact --the majority of children born to a single parent the higher the levels of Poverty, lack of discipline, lack of education, dropout percentage, crime etc etc etc. Then the cycle continues.

When and where have I berated the Family unit ???

Are there exceptions to the rule --sure --but AGAIN statistical facts point to failure for a very high percent of single parent chilren --all races.

President Obama made a very good speech on this subject today in Chicago.

When you have identified a problem --there is a choice --be part of the problem or part of the solution.

President Obama please be part of the solution not just an excellent speech maker !:dissapointed:
Nobama says.."FREE CONDOMS 4 EVERYONE" free everything for everybody!!!!!!You get what you vote for!!!