

Pees in the brown Koolaid
Yeah, being crazy rich and the elected mayor of the countries largest city and wanting to take the weekend off must make him evil.

Do you hate all rich capitalists or just those who are philanthropic?

We are talking about a guy who would deny me the right to buy a 32 oz soda if I were one of his subjects.

I could care less if he is rich or wants to take weekends in Bermuda. All I want is for him to quit trying to infringe upon my Second Amendment rights, and to start acting like a servant of the people who elected him instead of their emperor.
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Well-Known Member
It's bad enough that in Ma. we have a congressman who owns & lives with his family in a mansion in Md. running for an open US Senate seat.
But NYC has a mayor who decided that the voters of NY don't need to know where he spends his weekends.
This is the same guy who just gave $12M to a Super Pac to restrict my rights to own a firearm , while he hides in his foreign mansion with his own armed guards.

I am a New York voter and couldn't care less where he spends his weekends.

With 2/3 of us overweight or obese I applaud his efforts to reverse this trend.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
I am a New York voter and couldn't care less where he spends his weekends.

With 2/3 of us overweight or obese I applaud his efforts to reverse this trend.

So you approve of imposing laws against the sale of soda over 32 oz?

How much of your tax money got pissed away fighting over that one in court?

Is it really the role of our elected government to act as a nanny?

Do you really want to live in a state or municipality where elected officials feel entitled to impose such a level of control over your personal choices?

I applaud efforts to reverse the epedemic of obesity also, but not by having a nanny-state government trying to control my personal life.


Well-Known Member
So you approve of imposing laws against the sale of soda over 32 oz?

How much of your tax money got pissed away fighting over that one in court?

Is it really the role of our elected government to act as a nanny?

Do you really want to live in a state or municipality where elected officials feel entitled to impose such a level of control over your personal choices?

I applaud efforts to reverse the epedemic of obesity also, but not by having a nanny-state government trying to control my personal life.

We may be in for a big surprise.
Obamacare as well as insurance companies may force guidelines for us, and our health, or health care may not be rendered and insurance premiums may increase.
Before you tell me about the "tin foil hat" crap, I apparently know more people in the healthcare field that are knowledgeable than some other members of BC.


I had to respond to the recent post of a 17 yr old shooting a baby in the face.
What kind of kid could do that? Hmmmm...One with a gun?
Klein has posted enough facts about deaths in America by handguns compared
to other countries.
A lot of you have owned guns since you could walk,so I understand how
you may tend to be one sided on this issue right up to your right by God to bear arms.
Lately the talk has turned to 32 ounce soft drinks and fat people.
A baby got shot in the face!
How is a thread called "guns"related to government control of fat people and health care?
I don't post in this thread often for obvious reasons.


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
Bloomberg does not want to restrict your right to own a firearm, nor does Obama.

Having reasonable laws in place to insure safe firearm ownership is only sensible. No law will stop someone hell bent on circumventing that law, but clearly, something needs to be done.


Bloomberg does not want to restrict your right to own a firearm, nor does Obama.

Having reasonable laws in place to insure safe firearm ownership is only sensible. No law will stop someone hell bent on circumventing that law, but clearly, something needs to be done.
Thank you.How about an amnesty... guns for food.That would get rid of a few.
There are several things that could be done.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
A baby got shot in the face!
How is a thread called "guns"related to government control of fat people and health care?
I don't post in this thread often for obvious reasons.

I think it is horrible that a criminal shot a baby in the face.

Unfortunately, there is a large segment of our society who continues to cling to the fantasy that the way to prevent criminals from committing crimes is to keep passing more and more gun laws that only law abiding people will follow.

This is the same segment of society that apparently believes that the way to cure obesity is by outlawing the sale of a 32 ounce cup of soda within New York city limits.

We are a nation built upon the premise of personal liberty. That means the liberty to worship at the church of our keep and bear be free to express ourselves in word and print...and to buy a 32 ounce soda if we feel like it.


Strength through joy
Just what was a 17yr old doing with a loaded gun ?
Did someone from the gov't do a background check on him ?
Again a cry for justice , but at who's expense ?
Why must all gun owners who already have followed the laws to date be punished ?

In Mass. just to get a permit one has to take an NRA & State Police Safety course , then submit an application to your local police dept. , which can reject it or apply their own conditions upon it .
The Firearms Record Bureau (FRB) maintains a database of licenses issued and records of firearms sales by gun dealers, as well as private transfers of weapons.
The process can take weeks if not months to complete .
New LTC applicants must be 21 years of age or older to obtain a Class “A” or Class “B” permit.
New FID applicants must be at least 18 years old (or 15 – 17 years old with parental consent).
Non-residents may not purchase ammunition in Massachusetts.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Bloomberg does not want to restrict your right to own a firearm, nor does Obama.

Having reasonable laws in place to insure safe firearm ownership is only sensible. No law will stop someone hell bent on circumventing that law, but clearly, something needs to be done.


"We know that more gun laws wont stop crime...but we need to at least pretend that we are doing something, so we will just go ahead and pass a bunch of silly, feel-good gun laws anyway. Lets pick out some cosmetic features on rifles that look scary and icky to us, and by golly ban them."


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link

"We know that more gun laws wont stop crime...but we need to at least pretend that we are doing something, so we will just go ahead and pass a bunch of silly, feel-good gun laws anyway. Lets pick out some cosmetic features on rifles that look scary and icky to us, and by golly ban them."
No, not at all. How about universal background checks, for a start? Close the gun show loophole as well.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
No, not at all. How about universal background checks, for a start? Close the gun show loophole as well.

Thurston High School shooting--May 21, 1998--4 dead 24 wounded in a "gun free zone." All weapons used had been legally purchased, with background checks performed, and stolen from the shooters parents.

Columbine High School shooting--April 20, 1999--15 dead 21 wounded in a "gun free zone." All weapons used had been legally purchased, with background checks performed, and then illegally sold to the shooters, who as minors were legally prohibited from acquiring them in the first place.

Virginia Tech massacre---April 16, 2007---33 dead 23 wounded in a "gun free zone." Both weapons used had been legally purchased, with a background check performed, over one month prior to the shooting.

Tuscon AZ/Gabby Giffords shooting---January 8, 2011---6 dead 14 injured. The weapon used had been legally purchased 6 weeks prior by the shooter, who passed the required background check.

Aurora theater massacre---July 20, 2012---12 dead 58 wounded in a "gun free zone." All weapons used had been legally purchased, with background checks performed.

Sandy Hook massacre---December 14, 2012---28 dead 2 wounded in a "gun free zone." All weapons used had been legally purchased, with background checks performed.

Tell me again please how well all those "gun free zones" and waiting periods and background checks are doing at keeping our children safe.
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Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
Just picking one instance out at random, the Giffords shooting.

The shooter had a history of incidents that would have prevented him from purchasing a firearm if mental illness and drug arrests were a disqualifier. Suspended from school (college) for disruptive behavior and rejected from military service should also be reason not to own a firearm.

BTW, I never said anything about 'gun free zones', only about passing meaningful legislation. Obviously that does not exist today.

I'm sure the other shooters most likely had troubling events in their past as well.

Given the examples you posted, one can readily conclude that present laws are inadequate.


Well-Known Member
No, not at all. How about universal background checks, for a start? Close the gun show loophole as well.


Do you have any concept of the number of murders and crimes that are committed by people that have guns illegally.
For example Chicago gang members wii never go through universal background checks!

How about for a start long mandatory sentences for people caught violating present gun laws!!!


Strength through joy
Just picking one instance out at random, the Giffords shooting.

The shooter had a history of incidents that would have prevented him from purchasing a firearm if mental illness and drug arrests were a disqualifier. Suspended from school (college) for disruptive behavior and rejected from military service should also be reason not to own a firearm.

I'm sure the other shooters most likely had troubling events in their past as well.

All the "known" facts about the shooter only came to light after someone closely looked into his past.
So now you want a National Data Base to collect every little piece of a person's life history just to stop a gun purchase ?

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll

"We know that more gun laws wont stop crime...but we need to at least pretend that we are doing something, so we will just go ahead and pass a bunch of silly, feel-good gun laws anyway. Lets pick out some cosmetic features on rifles that look scary and icky to us, and by golly ban them."

If gun restrictions dont work ( according to you ), why then does Israel not have mass shootings by gun owners? Why dont they average 32000 people killed by handguns each year? Why dont they have school shootings? Why dont they have gun owners killing their employers? Why dont they have road rage incidents involving handguns? The list goes on and on, and yet, you say, gun restrictions dont work?

I dont get it?

Isnt the reality, that gun laws dont work in the USA because GUN owners are violent people?

No matter what the laws are today in this country, 32000 people are still killed every year with guns. With the majority of gun deaths being Domestic violence incidents, this demonstrates that "LEGAL" gun owners cause the most deaths in this country because they have the guns in the first place.

If we adopted Israels gun laws and PRISON sentences, we could cut our deaths to miniscule numbers. In Israel, if you are found to possess an assault weapon, a long rifle, a machine gun or shotgun, the minimum sentence is 10 years in prison.

If you use a banned weapon in a crime, and the sentencing is much harsher. We dont have ANY laws that match this kind of deterent.

If we had laws on the books that said that in the event the LAW caught you with that AK47 you have, you would face a minimum 10 years in state prison, believe me, you wouldnt obsess over it.

The NRA and the gun freaks of this country continue to "escalate" the "fear" of the situations that might occur in the home. Armed "Intruders", as if an army were going to attack an occupied home. They exaggerate the potential events to justify having assault rifles that resemble military weapons even though a simple German Shepard would do the same job to deter "intruders".

Gun freaks dont want more laws, they need to fullfill their desire to be addicted to guns. Its more of a man card check than it is protection.

Something about persons who hoard guns demonstrates a lack of self confidence.




Pees in the brown Koolaid
BTW, I never said anything about 'gun free zones', only about passing meaningful legislation. Obviously that does not exist today....given the examples you posted, one can readily conclude that present laws are inadequate.

Every example I posted save for one had as its common denominator the fact that the victims were unarmed and helpless inside of a "gun free zone."

Would you support "meaningful legislation" that allowed teachers to be armed? How about "shall issue" concealed carry permits for all citizens, with full reciprocity between states?

Or is the "meaningful legislation" you support simply the same tired old wish list of anti-gun laws, bans and restrictions that would have done nothing to prevent any of these tragedies?

Its important to bear in mind that every one of these tragedies was premeditated. The shooters were deliberate, thorough, and spent weeks or even months planning them out. In most cases, the guns used were acquired weeks before the shootings. In two instances (Columbine and Aurora) the shooters took the time and effort to get on the Internet and learn to make improvised bombs and explosives. It is foolish and naive to think that, given their level of determination, such people would have been prevented from acquiring guns even if stricter laws had been in place at the time.


Well-Known Member
If gun restrictions dont work ( according to you ), why then does Israel not have mass shootings by gun owners? Why dont they average 32000 people killed by handguns each year? Why dont they have school shootings? Why dont they have gun owners killing their employers? Why dont they have road rage incidents involving handguns? The list goes on and on, and yet, you say, gun restrictions dont work?

I dont get it?

Isnt the reality, that gun laws dont work in the USA because GUN owners are violent people?

No matter what the laws are today in this country, 32000 people are still killed every year with guns. With the majority of gun deaths being Domestic violence incidents, this demonstrates that "LEGAL" gun owners cause the most deaths in this country because they have the guns in the first place.

If we adopted Israels gun laws and PRISON sentences, we could cut our deaths to miniscule numbers. In Israel, if you are found to possess an assault weapon, a long rifle, a machine gun or shotgun, the minimum sentence is 10 years in prison.

If you use a banned weapon in a crime, and the sentencing is much harsher. We dont have ANY laws that match this kind of deterent.

If we had laws on the books that said that in the event the LAW caught you with that AK47 you have, you would face a minimum 10 years in state prison, believe me, you wouldnt obsess over it.

The NRA and the gun freaks of this country continue to "escalate" the "fear" of the situations that might occur in the home. Armed "Intruders", as if an army were going to attack an occupied home. They exaggerate the potential events to justify having assault rifles that resemble military weapons even though a simple German Shepard would do the same job to deter "intruders".

Gun freaks dont want more laws, they need to fullfill their desire to be addicted to guns. Its more of a man card check than it is protection.

Something about persons who hoard guns demonstrates a lack of self confidence.




What is true is that you just do not get it.

You like to use big numbers --32,000 gun deaths
How many of them homicides ----11,000
You focus on school and theatre shootings of mainly White people ---100 deaths in over 15 years .
You ignore the illegal guns of gang members that are the main cause of the homicides of blacks -yet you call me a racist.

In Israel all citizens do mandatory military Service. Teaches responsability,self reliance and discipline.

In Israel the family unit is intact--not 7 out of ten children born to single parent and poverty.

Gangs do not run free in Israel with illegal guns --long prison sentences and no liberal excuses.

I am helping you to start to understand the what the real Homicide and violence problems are --then you and the rest of the Libs --might be able to come up with real solutions:wink2: