

Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
1. You dont have a constitutional right to drive. Driving on a public road is a privelege not a right. It is not safe to drive 65 MPH through a residential area, whereas a law-abiding person with a concealed weapon permit poses no threat to anyone.

2. The constitution is supposed to apply everywhere in the United States. If we follow your logic to its ultimate conclusion, then rural areas of the South with a white majority should be able to vote on their own to negate the Constitution and re-enact slavery or Jim Crow laws against blacks since rural and city are, according to you, "different animals."

It is impossible to have a rational discussion with a crazy man. You are making crazy arguments, therefore you must be crazy.

If you are the voice of 2nd Amendment rights', I say make all guns illegal.


Staff member
1. You dont have a constitutional right to drive. Driving on a public road is a privelege not a right. It is not safe to drive 65 MPH through a residential area, whereas a law-abiding person with a concealed weapon permit poses no threat to anyone.

2. The constitution is supposed to apply everywhere in the United States. If we follow your logic to its ultimate conclusion, then rural areas of the South with a white majority should be able to vote on their own to negate the Constitution and re-enact slavery or Jim Crow laws against blacks since rural and city are, according to you, "different animals."

Odd you should go that direction. Both Jim Crow laws and gun control laws have ended up in front of the SCOTUS. You know as well as I that the court struck down the JC laws and has held time and time again that the 2nd Amendment was not prohibitive of all gun control. And just to review, the SCOTUS is absolutely the last word on constitutionality.


Well-Known Member
Odd you should go that direction. Both Jim Crow laws and gun control laws have ended up in front of the SCOTUS. You know as well as I that the court struck down the JC laws and has held time and time again that the 2nd Amendment was not prohibitive of all gun control. And just to review, the SCOTUS is absolutely the last word on constitutionality.

Until another SCOTUS (of a different ideology)overturns the former SCOTUS' ruling.


Well-Known Member
doesn't happen that often. Stre decisis and all.

I thought the gun issue was settled law as per US vs Miller which rejected the individual right interpretation since 1939. Wait til this court rules on settled law such as affrimative action this year.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
1. You dont have a constitutional right to drive. Driving on a public road is a privelege not a right. It is not safe to drive 65 MPH through a residential area, whereas a law-abiding person with a concealed weapon permit poses no threat to anyone.

2. The constitution is supposed to apply everywhere in the United States. If we follow your logic to its ultimate conclusion, then rural areas of the South with a white majority should be able to vote on their own to negate the Constitution and re-enact slavery or Jim Crow laws against blacks since rural and city are, according to you, "different animals."

It is impossible to have a rational discussion with a crazy man. You are making crazy arguments, therefore you must be crazy.

If you are the voice of 2nd Amendment rights', I say make all guns illegal.

Please define "crazy" in the context of this debate.

It sounds to me like your definition of "crazy" means "anyone who doesn't agree 100% with your preconceived notions."

In any case, you are certainly entitled to your opinion, but since (a) guns aren't likely to be banned any time soon and (b) criminals will still have guns even if they are banned, perhaps the better solution might be to discuss ways to ensure that law-abiding citizens have the means to defend themselves from the criminals who arent going to obey the laws in the first place.

Or maybe I'm just crazy.


Interesting article.

Apparently...criminals who have no intention of obeying laws in Canada are actually breaking the law and buying guns illegally.

Who would have thought?
Are you trying to be facetious?
Sober,I respect you.
If your laws demanded stiffer gun control laws,Canadian criminals would have to use box cutters to wreak havoc.For some reason a warm gun brings happiness to these people.99% of all guns in Canada come from the USA.Try to understand our concern.


Are you trying to be facetious?
Sober,I respect you.
If your laws demanded stiffer gun control laws,Canadian criminals would have to use box cutters to wreak havoc.For some reason a warm gun brings happiness to these people.99% of all guns in Canada come from the USA.Try to understand our concern.
And ,
lawn mowers are imported from Canada-(MTD, I own one)-)- to America and sold at WalMart.
More people are injured by lawn mowers in America
that came from Canada than Canadians that were injured by guns that came from America.
I am concerned, with the lack of Canadian concern for our safety.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Are you trying to be facetious?
Sober,I respect you.
If your laws demanded stiffer gun control laws,Canadian criminals would have to use box cutters to wreak havoc.For some reason a warm gun brings happiness to these people.99% of all guns in Canada come from the USA.Try to understand our concern.

99.9% of all gun owners---be they American or Canadian---are law-abiding citizens.

The other .1%---be they American or Canadian---are criminals. They arent going to obey gun control laws in the first place. They will steal guns. They will smuggle guns. They will use them in crimes. Thats what they do, because they are criminals.

It is naive to think that Canadian criminals would magically be unarmed if only American gun laws were stricter.


Strength through joy
[h=1]Gun bill championed by Democrats sharply limits rights of gay gun owners[/h]
Gwendolyn S. Patton, a spokesperson for the gay gun-rights group Pink Pistols, ripped the proposed legislation in an interview with The Daily Caller.
“It is little more than a scheme to convert law-abiding citizens into criminals for the purpose of confiscating their guns and destroying their rights,” Patton said.

According to the “Safe Communities, Safe Schools Act of 2013,” which was introduced in the Senate this week, only couples in a government-sanctioned relationships will be allowed to privately transfer ownership of their firearms without first having to pass the federal background check.
“It shall be unlawful for any person who is not licensed under this chapter to transfer a firearm to any other person who is not licensed under this chapter, unless a licensed importer, licensed manufacturer, or licensed dealer has first taken possession of the firearm,” the bill reads.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Today, the conservative supreme court REFUSED to take up the issue of gun ownership in light of the current controversy about gun control. The issue at hand is whether or not a person has a constitutional right to carry a gun outside the home.

Supreme Court passes on gun rights case - First Read

You know my opinion on guns already, as I believe people do NOT have a right to own guns, and the second amendment does not apply to private ownership or self protection.

The high court let STAND lower appellate court rulings upholding states laws PROHIBITING or LIMITING persons from carrying weapons outside the home.

What were they afraid of? Were they afraid they would have to rule against the NRA and the GUN owners of america?

The 4 progressive justices wanted to hear the case and it was the conservative justices who refused to hear the case.




Strength through joy
A former Marine Captain ( speaking on a local radio station ) who was at the Boston Marathon Explosions along with two other former Marines , drew his licensed weapon ( Mass. is an open carry state ) and ran towards the sounds of the explosions to assist .


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
A former Marine Captain ( speaking on a local radio station ) who was at the Boston Marathon Explosions along with two other former Marines , drew his licensed weapon ( Mass. is an open carry state ) and ran towards the sounds of the explosions to assist .



Staff member
A former Marine Captain ( speaking on a local radio station ) who was at the Boston Marathon Explosions along with two other former Marines , drew his licensed weapon ( Mass. is an open carry state ) and ran towards the sounds of the explosions to assist .


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
A former Marine Captain ( speaking on a local radio station ) who was at the Boston Marathon Explosions along with two other former Marines , drew his licensed weapon ( Mass. is an open carry state ) and ran towards the sounds of the explosions to assist .

To assist with what?

Who was he going to shoot? What made him think he needed his "gun" in the first place? What if it was just a gas line explosion?

Sounds more like another "john wayne" syndrome maroon running around with a gun.




Strength through joy
last Thursday’s ILEAD (Illinois Leftists and Elitists Advocating Disarmament) rally organized by Illinois Council Against Handgun Violence:

Look at this healthy turnout for the IGOLD (Illinois Gun Owners Lobby Day) rally in Springfield in March:
