

Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
When you criminalize multiple generations you end up with generations of criminals. Perhaps we should take a close look at root causes. When you take any means of gainful employment away from people, what do you expect to happen?


golden ticket member
When you criminalize multiple generations you end up with generations of criminals. Perhaps we should take a close look at root causes. When you take any means of gainful employment away from people, what do you expect to happen?
I know lots of young people who have lost jobs and they didn't turn to crime. You shouldn't make excuses .


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
I know lots of young people who have lost jobs and they didn't turn to crime. You shouldn't make excuses .
Notthe same thing, moreluck.

When a minority youth commits a petty crime with no violence, and no harm to any other individual, he is more likely to go to jail thatn his white counterpart. Once he has a record, he can no longer get a job, no matter how qualified, no longer qualify for educational grants, no matter how qualified, no longer get any public assistance for living, no matter his condition, and in some cases be disenfranchised from voting.

Is this how why welcome people into society?

Never mind what has been done to the African-American family unit since about the beginning of America. Never mind that, just focus on today's reality.


golden ticket member
Notthe same thing, moreluck.

When a minority youth commits a petty crime with no violence, and no harm to any other individual, he is more likely to go to jail thatn his white counterpart. Once he has a record, he can no longer get a job, no matter how qualified, no longer qualify for educational grants, no matter how qualified, no longer get any public assistance for living, no matter his condition, and in some cases be disenfranchised from voting.

Is this how why welcome people into society?

Never mind what has been done to the African-American family unit since about the beginning of America. Never mind that, just focus on today's reality.
You said.....what do you expect when a job is lost?
Apparently you expect people to turn to crime when that happens.....that's not what I expect and that's the difference!!!


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
You said.....what do you expect when a job is lost?
Apparently you expect people to turn to crime when that happens.....that's not what I expect and that's the difference!!!

That is not what i said. I said: "When you take any means of gainful employment away from people, what do you expect to happen?"



Strength through joy
[h=1]California’s great gun grab: State’s sweeping gun control bills target firearms, ammo — and hunting[/h][h=2]Lead bullet ban could end hunting, critics warn[/h]Among the dozen gun-control bills sitting on California Gov. Jerry Brown’s desk are measures that would outlaw lead ammunition for hunting as well as common types of hunting rifles under the umbrella of an assault-weapons ban.
To put the lead bill in context, about 95 percent of all ammunition sold in California contains lead.
The alternative is metal bullets, some of which can pierce police armor and are banned by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms. Critics say the bill would effectively end hunting as a sport in California.

Now if this becomes law and forces the gun shops out of business , where will the cops be getting their ammo ?
Will we be seeing cops racing to shooting crime locations to be who will be the first grab some dead gang bangers ammo ?

With no ammo being sold in Ca. , then there would be more for the rest of the country. Prices would start to drop and supplies could increase .

FBI: Chicago passes New York as murder capital of U.S.

The city of Chicago registered more homicides than any city in the nation in 2012, surpassing even New York — despite the fact that the Second City has only one third as many residents as the Big Apple.

Way to go Chicago

This was a reply I posted in a different thread but it will work just as well here.

" Originally Posted by island1fox
To all goofs,

I will try to explain this so that any six year old and TOS can understand.

The multiple death shootings that TOS references account for approx. 125 deaths over a twenty year period.

In places like Chicago and Detroit we have over 125 murders per month !! "

I'm not six or TOS but I'll take a crack at this. 125 x 12 =1500.

That sure seems to be a bit more than the actual number of 500 for 2012 in Chicago. Nothing to be proud of but certainly not as ballooned for dramatic effect as in your post. To say Chicago has that number of deaths is a misnomer as the majority of them within city limits occur on the south side in the predominately Black neighborhoods.
Also if the total is factored in by capita of per 100k population then Chicago isn't even in the top ten.




Well-Known Member
That is not what i said. I said: "When you take any means of gainful employment away from people, what do you expect to happen?"

How can this be true ?? Obama has saved or created MILLIONS of jobs --unemployment is down -- the economy is rocking --His "jobs council worked wonders--that is why the Democrats will agree to slightly --reduce food stamps by 4% !! Try to keep up.
13 people, including 3-year-old, shot at South Side park -

Thirteen people, including a 3-year-old boy who suffered a gunshot wound to the head, were shot at a Chicago park in the Back of the Yards neighborhood Thursday night, authorities said.

  • The 3-year-old boy, shot in the ear that exited through his mouth, in critical condition at Mount Sinai;
  • A 17-year-old girl, shot in the foot, condition stabilized at Holy Cross Hospital;
  • A 15-year-old boy shot in the arm, stabilized at Holy Cross;
  • A man, 27, shot in the leg and wrist, serious condition at Mount Sinai;
  • A man, 24, shot twice in the stomach, serious condition at Mount Sinia;
  • A man, 21, shot in the leg, serious condition at Mount Sinai;
  • A man, 41, shot in the buttocks, serious condition at John H. Stroger Jr. Hospital;
  • A woman, 33, shot in the shoulder, condition stabilized at Northwestern Memorial Hospital;
  • A man, 31, shot in the buttocks, condition stabilized at Northwestern;
  • A woman, 23, shot in the foot, condition stabilized at St. Anthony Hospital;
  • A man, 37, shot in the leg, in good condition at Stroger;
  • A man, 25, shot in the knee, in good condition at Northwestern;
  • And a man, 33, who drove himself to Little Company of Mary Hospital in Evergreen Park with a gunshot wound to the leg and who was treated and released.
Chicago police were making no information about what happened public, except to say that the shooting appeared to be gang-related. The shootings took place on a basketball court on the 51st Street side of Cornell Square Park near Wood Street.

Where is the outrage from Capital Hill ?

I pray that that 3 yr old recovers.

I have only one question.......10:15 PM.....why was a 3 yr. old at a basketball court and not in his crib asleep at home ???????????

The gunfire broke out around 10:15 p.m. and appeared to target a basketball court on the 51st Street side of Cornell Square Park in the Back of the Yards neighborhood,The Chicago Tribune reported

These people, including the ones stupid enough to take their kids out at 10:15 at night, were in an area that has repeated gang related shootings and they still go there during peak gang time. Then they have the gall to be "shocked" by the fact that they were involved in a shooting. The best part are the ones that blame the police. The same Po Po nobody wants to talk to after they show up after a violent act.


Well-Known Member
Notthe same thing, moreluck.

When a minority youth commits a petty crime with no violence, and no harm to any other individual, he is more likely to go to jail thatn his white counterpart. Once he has a record, he can no longer get a job, no matter how qualified, no longer qualify for educational grants, no matter how qualified, no longer get any public assistance for living, no matter his condition, and in some cases be disenfranchised from voting.

Is this how why welcome people into society?

Never mind what has been done to the African-American family unit since about the beginning of America. Never mind that, just focus on today's reality.


Todays reality. Really !!! In the court system of today --you have to do a lot to go to jail --Black or White.
People like the DC shooter have rap sheets miles long --no jail.

The vast majority of any one in prison today is a career criminal with a rap sheet that reads like a horror book !! Reality !!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll

Todays reality. Really !!! In the court system of today --you have to do a lot to go to jail --Black or White.
People like the DC shooter have rap sheets miles long --no jail.

The vast majority of any one in prison today is a career criminal with a rap sheet that reads like a horror book !! Reality !!

Again, you miss the problem and offer a ludicrous solution. This country has such a violent population, we have literally run out of space in our prisons.

From white collar crime, to gang members, our prisons are over crowded. A good percentage of those prisoners used a GUN in their crimes, yet you want to complain that they dont go to prison.

Maybe, if they didnt commit a crime in the first place with a gun, the sentences would be shorter thus making room for the new criminals with guns?

You can cry all you want about criminals, but you assist them by making that much easier to obtain guns in the first place.

The USA is filled with armed lunatics just waiting to commit a crime. Its just a matter of time before they go off and do it. You want to see less crime?

Get guns off the streets.




Well-Known Member
Again, you miss the problem and offer a ludicrous solution. This country has such a violent population, we have literally run out of space in our prisons.

From white collar crime, to gang members, our prisons are over crowded. A good percentage of those prisoners used a GUN in their crimes, yet you want to complain that they dont go to prison.

Maybe, if they didnt commit a crime in the first place with a gun, the sentences would be shorter thus making room for the new criminals with guns?

You can cry all you want about criminals, but you assist them by making that much easier to obtain guns in the first place.

The USA is filled with armed lunatics just waiting to commit a crime. Its just a matter of time before they go off and do it. You want to see less crime?

Get guns off the streets.



I knew at heart you really were a law and order republican. Voted for Reagan did ya!


Strength through joy
TOS is right about getting the guns off the streets .
Give them all to the US gov't , because we all know so well that THEY will know what's best to do with them .