
The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
I too, live in this America.
Why I Don't Carry a Gun

I don't carry a gun as I don't feel the need to do so.

I don't carry a gun because where I live there is no need to do so.

I don't carry a gun because there are no real threats in my world.

I don't carry a gun because I have chosen to live in an area where guns are not needed.

I don't carry a gun because I don't want to spend the rest of my life living in fear.

I don't carry a gun because men know how to take care of themselves and the ones they love.

I don't carry a gun because I love life and the people who make it meaningful to me.

Some may call me naive, some may call me foolish, but I don't carry a gun, will never carry a gun, and I do not feel like I am less of a man or person for not doing so. I do feel sorry for those of you who live in areas where this is a concern in your lives. These beliefs are mine and, yes, they were formed as the result of a tragedy in my family. I do respect the rights of others in respect to firearms--I only ask that you respect mine. TOS


Got the T-Shirt

"Having given some thought to the mass shootings and the proclivity of these shooters to be Democrats has me trying to figure out a logical explanation of this.

A listing of these shootings and their affiliation even if loosely to the Liberal left.

Ft Hood Shooter: Registered Democrat and Muslim.

Columbine Shooters: Too young to vote … both families were Registered Democrats and progressive liberals.

Virginia Tech shooter: Wrote hate mail to President Bush and to his staff. Registered Democrat.

Colorado theater shooter: Registered Democrat, staff worker on the Obama campaign, occupy wall street participant .. progressive liberal.

Connecticut school shooter: Registered Democrat. Hated Christians."

Why the recent history of mass shootings has ties to the liberal left. (Sticky) | falcon firearms


Got the T-Shirt
I too, live in this America.
Why I Don't Carry a Gun

I don't carry a gun as I don't feel the need to do so.

I don't carry a gun because where I live there is no need to do so.

I don't carry a gun because there are no real threats in my world.

I don't carry a gun because I have chosen to live in an area where guns are not needed.

I don't carry a gun because I don't want to spend the rest of my life living in fear.

I don't carry a gun because men know how to take care of themselves and the ones they love.

I don't carry a gun because I love life and the people who make it meaningful to me.

Some may call me naive, some may call me foolish, but I don't carry a gun, will never carry a gun, and I do not feel like I am less of a man or person for not doing so. I do feel sorry for those of you who live in areas where this is a concern in your lives. These beliefs are mine and, yes, they were formed as the result of a tragedy in my family. I do respect the rights of others in respect to firearms--I only ask that you respect mine. TOS

I am a American. Love this country... or leave it.

I carry a gun... because, anyone that thinks the Government or Police has an obligation to protect you... is naive.

I carry a gun... because, it doesn't matter where you live. Criminal predators... don't discriminate. They are everywhere.

I carry a gun... because, I can't determine (at a moments notice) what is a real threat.

I carry a gun... because, I refuse to be confined... to to my secure home base.

I carry a gun... because, I fear nothing. Unless... I run out of ammo. Then I will retreat to my home base... Just to reload.

I carry a gun... because, Real Men... know how to take care of themselves, and the people they are responsible for.

I carry a gun... because, I love life and those important to me. That... is what "being a man" is all about.

And no other human... is going to impose "their" will on me.


Least Best Moderator
Staff member
I have a carrying permit, but I don't carry. Its a lot easier to buy, I can walk out of the store with a gun in ten minutes. I do keep three loaded ones and a dog where I sleep, nobody is coming into my house uninvited and walking out. I do stick my Glock 23 under the car seat when I go on vacation, there is no telling where I could have a car problem somewheres. I travel through Downtown Atlanta on the way home from work every night through some rough parts of town, I have been thinking about carrying one then.


Pineapple King


Fugitive From Reality
I have a carrying permit, but I don't carry. Its a lot easier to buy, I can walk out of the store with a gun in ten minutes. I do keep three loaded ones and a dog where I sleep, nobody is coming into my house uninvited and walking out. I do stick my Glock 23 under the car seat when I go on vacation, there is no telling where I could have a car problem somewheres. I travel through Downtown Atlanta on the way home from work every night through some rough parts of town, I have been thinking about carrying one then.

i too have a concealed permit, but rarely carry.
Mostly because my hand guns are full size, but honestly, people tend to freak out when you do open carry, and I just don't need the hassle.
I've been looking for a carry gun a lot lately , & will probably end up buying a s&w 9 or 40. Probably their 40.

My day job takes me to some nasty areas at all hours. I keep something real close by for those times.

For home, I have my 85 pound barking security system that let's me know what's up. And should I need it, I have something close by for self defense.


Strength through joy
[h=1]Credit card firm cuts off nation's No. 1 gun store --- for selling guns[/h]
A subsidiary of Visa, a key Obama campaign donor, that specializes in credit card transactions has abruptly stopped servicing the nation’s largest gun store after four years because the store sells guns, a fact the owners never hid.
Hyatt Gun Shop of Charlotte, N.C., told Secrets that the subsidiary,, simply sent an email to owner Larry Hyatt to announce that it was suddenly breaking off the business relationship. The reason: “The sale of firearms or any similar product.”
The company email said that gun sales violated a section of the service agreement the two signed over four years ago and after Hyatt went into detail about its sales and products -- and name.
“We’ve never seen anything like this,” said Justin Anderson, Hyatt’s marketing director. He said it took a week and thousands of dollars to line up a “gun friendly” credit card processor for online sales.

The brushoff of Hyatt's business has sparked a national boycott effort against and parent company CyberSource organized by the website Grass Roots North Carolina. “It looks like the small but noisy anti-gun crowd has gotten to what must be a jelly-spined PR department at CyberSource and Authorize.Net. Either that, or leadership at these companies have simply become anti-gun all on their own,” said the website in announcing the boycott.
Anderson suspects that the company, purchased by Visa in 2010, got cold feet dealing with a leading gun seller and he said that he's heard of other gun stores being dropped. The company had no immediate comment.

Below is the short email notice from
Dear Hyatt Gun Shop Inc,
Authorize.Net LLC ("Authorize.Net") has determined that the nature of your business constitutes a violation of Section 2.xiv of the Authorize.Net Acceptable Use Guidelines and Sections 3.3 and 11.3 of the Authorize.Net Service Agreement (the "Agreement"). These sections include, but are not limited to, the sale of firearms or any similar product. Accordingly, pursuant to Section 4 of the Acceptable Use Guidelines, your ability to access and use the Authorize.Net Services will be terminated on September 30, 2013.


Strength through joy
Grass Roots North Carolina - GRNC Alert 09-24-13: Authorize.Net “De-Authorizes” Gun Sellers
GRNC Alert 09-24-13: Authorize.Net “De-Authorizes” Gun Sellers

Authorize.Net’s unexpected abandonment has left Hyatt Guns, and presumably others, with very little time to find a new provider for online transactions. The scramble to set up a new system in a short period of time is disruptive and quite costly. If this is how upstanding business people are going to be treated by CyberSource and Authorize.Net, it’s time that we all “de-authorize” them from our online experience.
GRNC is recommending that you keep a close eye out for the Authorize.Net and CyberSource names and logos when shopping online, and avoid making purchases from companies that use their services. When you run across one of these logos, take a moment and let the online shop know why you’ve decided to take your business elsewhere.
GRNC also asks that you contact CyberSource and make it clear that you’re on to them, that you refuse to buy from companies that use their services, and that you intend to convey this message to online merchants. They need to know that singling out upstanding businessmen and women, and needlessly making it more difficult for them to conduct lawful and ethical commerce, will not be tolerated. Tell them that making such an unjust practice part of their business model will not only adversely affect their reputation, but it will hit them where it hurts most—the bottom line.
Please contact them, and let them know that treating gun sellers like second class merchants is an affront to gun owners, and to all freedom-loving people for that matter.

  • Watch for the CyberSource and Authorize.Net Logos: Take a good look at the logos below. When you see any of these at a merchant’s site, take a moment to tell them why you will not be spending your money with them.


Strength through joy
[h=1]Georgia school district considers assault rifles[/h]
GAINESVILLE, Ga. – Under a plan being discussed by a northeast Georgia school district, AR-15-type assault rifles would be stored in safes inside schools to defend against a shooting.
The Colt 6920 M4 carbine rifles -- one for each school -- would be locked in the vehicles of school resource officers when the schools aren't in session.
Details of the plan by Gainesville City Schools were discussed Monday, as parents and teachers met with police.
The Times of Gainesville
reports the safes would be accessible by fingerprint recognition, and only the school's resource officer would have access to the rifle.


Strength through joy
Lessons from a modern day gunfighter | The Daily Caller
Lessons from a modern day gunfighter
Hopefully, most of us will never be in a gunfight. But the fact is, there are thousands of home invasions and other crimes committed every day. This means there are many Americans who are, unfortunately, likely to experience a gunfight in their lifetime. But the chances of someone experiencing four gunfights (who isn’t in law enforcement or the military) are extremely slim.
One such person is California man Lance Thomas. Lance used to own a high-end watch store in Los Angeles. Back in the 1980s, many shopkeepers on his street were getting robbed and murdered so he decided to get a gun. He purchased a .38 snub-nosed revolver.



nowhere special
I had a jewelry store on my route. Owned by a little old man in his 80's. Some punk tried to rob him with a starter pistol. The old guy shot him in the face with a .38. Problem solved.