

Well-Known Member
TOS is right about getting the guns off the streets .
Give them all to the US gov't , because we all know so well that THEY will know what's best to do with them .

If people want to get rid of guns completely, you would have to get rid of not only the guns, but also guns that are sold in the black market, manufacturers of guns, etc, etc, etc.

You see if you make guns illegal here in America, criminals, and crazies will still manage to get a hold of a gun.

It just doesn't matter whether America bands weapons or if we have right to keep and bare arms - criminals, and crazies will still be just that criminals and crazies!

I for one love the fact that I have the right to keep and bare arms - guns are awesome, not only for defending yourself and family, but for hunting, target shooting, gun collecting, zombie apocalypse - lol!

No freaking Liberal! - is going to keep me from owning a gun!


golden ticket member


Strength through joy
If the gun toting members of this small internet board are any indication, the legal guys are scarier than the illegal guys.
How So ?
You are the only one who keeps mentioning that all gun owners are ticking time bombs .
If it is so upsetting to you , why do you stay in this thread ?


Strength through joy
Why does the WH have more security guards than The Navy Yards ?
Yet you never hear bhos declaring that he will decrease the size of HIS protection details .


Well-Known Member
Anyone : What is the purpose of a Federal gun Registry ??

All the LEGAL gun owners will register their guns --all the gang bangers and criminals will not register their guns !!!

How does this stop gun violence ??

What happened in Australia and Canada after a "National gun registry ???


Well-Known Member
I can't figure out, for the life of me, why liberals call for an national gun registry, yet balk at the idea of showing an I.D. to vote.


Why I Don't Carry a Gun

I don't carry a gun as I don't feel the need to do so.

I don't carry a gun because where I live there is no need to do so.

I don't carry a gun because there are no real threats in my world.

I don't carry a gun because I have chosen to live in an area where guns are not needed.

I don't carry a gun because I don't want to spend the rest of my life living in fear.

I don't carry a gun because men know how to take care of themselves and the ones they love.

I don't carry a gun because I love life and the people who make it meaningful to me.

Some may call me naive, some may call me foolish, but I don't carry a gun, will never carry a gun, and I do not feel like I am less of a man or person for not doing so. I do feel sorry for those of you who live in areas where this is a concern in your lives. These beliefs are mine and, yes, they were formed as the result of a tragedy in my family. I do respect the rights of others in respect to firearms--I only ask that you respect mine. Dave.

Nice little bubble of a world you live in.